Hey user, what do you think of Monika? Don't tell her I said this, but I kinda think she's a bitch

Hey user, what do you think of Monika? Don't tell her I said this, but I kinda think she's a bitch.

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monika is best

Actually me and her are dating...

Why do women put up with each other when they all seem to secretly hate one another? If I am around a dude I don't like, I don't try and be friendly to him.


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Yeah she kinda sucks

god i love natsuki.
what is it about pink girls, man?
natsuki, mina ashido, pinkie pie. i love them all.

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>tfw no Natsuki gf

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how do I get a natsuki Yas Forums

DDLC was mediocre but I still want to breed every member of the literature club.

Don't compare Natsuki to trash.

>nisegos ongoing monika stuff
literal cum


does she make it in the end?

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I dunno. Why do men become friends after physically fighting each other? If someone beat my ass I wouldn't be friendly to them.

We have a healthy view of competition.

I went for Yuri because she was really pretty when she read that book.


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>The scene where Natsuki drops her box of manga and some of them get creased
>She starts crying
>It was one of the few nice things she had on account of her dad being an abusive scumbag

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Is that fucking Redman

Natsuki and her poems were the best thing of that vn

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She smol.
Smol girls are objectively the cutest ones

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i didnt play this meme shit but natsuki is best

Wasn't there supposed to be a sequel or spinoff or something in 2018?

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I love natsuki cunny

>anime spec ops: the line

>Hey user, what do you think of Monika?

She's a cunt. What Chandler sees in her, I honestly don't know.

I think Ross is far cooler.


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>not based Joey

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Not only is she the best girl, she also wrote the best poems

Shut up Chris.

Well it ain't Method Man.

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keep posting natsukis

My only problem with the designs for this game is that the eyes are too far apart.
Other than that they're all amazing

play clannad

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>I think Ross is far cooler.
Are you fucking kidding me Ross is a simp and got NTR'd by a woman. Twice.

The best part about DDLC has been all of the fat art

The dude knows Unagi.

Aw shit nigga

>No ending where you make Natsuki sentient and run off together

Clannad is fucking great. Only total plebs - mouth breathing tards who only care about graphics - get filtered by the art

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clannad is for pussies
all keytrash is

I think she is cool, and want to know more about her.
Nice boobs too.

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Was kind of miffed when the whole ""mindfuck"" started because I wanted to learn more about Natsuki and her fathers abuse and stay by her and love her and stuff.
Oh well, what a waste. The VN was ok for what it set out to do. Not enough natsuki porn

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Its some primal bullshit that makes you want to learn from people who have bested you. Cant beat em? Join em.

It really depends on how the fight happens. You dont normally feel that impulse, you remain pissed off. But if its a really minor dispute sometime this friendship can form

you best take that back right now

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Shut up Weird Al

Monika best girl

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Uhh... I don't know how to break this to you, but she's reading this thread with me right now, and I don't think she's very happy you said that about her.

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You're damn right she's the worst, and I don't care for children, Yuri is the physically sexiest.

She can't stop winning bros.

>whn u drop da salamni

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>pinkie pie

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