Post an image. Others will recommend a game based on that image

Post an image. Others will recommend a game based on that image.

Attached: RUSSIA.jpg (858x536, 67.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: tumblr_owupmqNDgL1uoh1t8o1_1280.jpg (537x726, 95.24K)

Attached: Repo Man.jpg (1920x1080, 235.44K)

Attached: 274170_screenshots_20180327132631_1.jpg (1080x1080, 135.11K)

don't panic

Attached: catwhipit.gif (240x240, 1003.1K)

Comdemned 2

The Long Dark
L.A Noire
Mad Max

Attached: MV5BYzkzYjI2YzMtZjllMS00MzRmLTk2MDMtZWY4Zjg4N2M2NmIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg (1000x1426, 1018.8K)

Deux Ex

Attached: 1562454085173.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)


Attached: 1584077992725.jpg (736x920, 44.23K)

Attached: 1577578030778.jpg (518x427, 86.44K)

gitaroo man

Not a video game but this reminds me a lot of mistborn. Not that it should be made a game. The levels of autism required to make something of Sanderson would render any video game adaption complete nonsense.

Attached: 1575347574477.jpg (3200x2150, 1.41M)

Attached: Carli Bei aka Kate Maxx.jpg (819x1024, 124.44K)

Dont disappoint me

Attached: 1556260267699.jpg (960x960, 72.15K)

Genital Jousting

Attached: 60FBFA65-DCC7-45DA-B214-735A132098C2.jpg (1024x559, 144.95K)

Fallout 4

Cities: Skylines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines but it's a mediocre game

Something similar happened to a friend, he shat himself on the spot

id hate a sanderson game or movie.

Now make stormlight into an anime and that would be cool

This is a mediocre opinion.

Attached: 15851001805351.jpg (757x960, 202.47K)

They aren't nearly as hot irl as they were made out to be

What's a game that sound stupid on paper but "just works"?

Attached: eating noodles.webm (460x568, 2.44M)

They were at 14.

Attached: strogificatino crab.webm (640x640, 2.75M)

This is the truth for like 99% of content you consoome.

Quake 4

Attached: 1584668884125.jpg (720x1280, 100.53K)


Pedo pls leave

Attached: arrivalmain.png (2611x3000, 3.67M)

based boomer chad

Attached: rollercoaster tycoon crab edition.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Attached: vwe2j8.png (433x613, 502.08K)

Attached: ttGEbRb.jpg (1600x1000, 160.42K)

This kills the crab

Juice World

who are those two?

i don't know why i have so many webms of crabs being processed. maybe for the same reason I like Factorio

Attached: this kills the crab.webm (720x404, 2.54M)

Cliver Barker's Jerico

The crabs are unconscious by this point r-right?


Attached: lover.png (791x592, 485.5K)

this actually looks very humane.

Attached: 1580303282128.jpg (720x469, 70.76K)

Didn't they fake being lesbians for the publicity?

>tfw they don't even get a carrot
>tfw not even one last "aaaaauuuuuuuuugh"

So at what point are they actually dead? Before they're even put on the conveyor belt?

Attached: 1556970474621.webm (500x374, 2.77M)

Attached: 30221829_1817484651607661_3517341244898410496_n.jpg (678x960, 69.94K)

This. VTMB is the most based game.

Attached: 2cf6d588ad0b237b3e91ef6eae27c15e.jpg (500x670, 105.3K)

So just like regular lesbians?

Dark Messiah


Attached: 71.jpg (1000x625, 299.47K)

Attached: 1584478144083.webm (720x1280, 915.29K)

I want to marry that woman

i dont think you can marry seals

Attached: 1293757620100.jpg (500x411, 42.04K)

she'd probably smell like fish (since she's chinese)

kill seals

Attached: seal clubbing.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

would bang


Attached: 78610577_p0.jpg (1500x1500, 287.74K)

this webm gave me more anxiety and feeling of suspense than any movie i've seen in the last 2 years

Attached: a31e513782c5df321527a4f8bc23d686.png (1000x1546, 3.5M)

Arma 2

Attached: 1559074418576.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)