Granblue Fantasy Versus

How's the grind coming along, Yas Forums?

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is Naru OP? I absolutely refuse to play anything but a fem doraf

she's considered low to mid tier

B Tier.

I've been avoiding to play since the keyboard works like jackshit and everytime a match ends and I lose because of a malfunction it completely kills any interest I have to play left.

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Ladiva is considered strong so use her.

she's mid-tier, you have to put in more effort than other characters have to do as well but she's alright

why are all the normalfags on Twitter and twitch playing vaseraga now?

Because it's the only non cringe character in a sea of anime and fanservice game.

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But why now?

>that skindentation on her and ferry’s thighs

Grappler excuses
If they lose it because Vas is shit tier
If they win it because they are godlike.

Do you feel the love?

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So they have an excuse for losing, specially if they are fighting Gran, Lance, Kat or Ferry.

>calarts shit thinking it has the right to insult anyone else
Whoever made this probably thinks porn is yucky and gamers are dead.

>threads keep dying one after the other
Yep, I think it's over.

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We are playing the game in lobbies you doomer, now stop being pathetic and come play.

waiting for soriz

I hate fighting Lancelot so much bros

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>play an hour against S-rank Gran
>get blasted
>slowly applying all the shit learned from labbing
>start taking games off him
Too early to say, but there might be hope left in me yet.

They just updated today with another fix for keyboard. Worth a try.

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Omito gives hope to Naru players. Let's wait and see what the balance patch has in for us.

good netcode yes?


She will be S-tier when Omito will be Top-1 in a few months

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Good for delay, but still not almost as good as rollback would be.

His stream has been a godsend. This character struggles, but she's too fun. I hope April gives her some love.

She need 3 corner combo to kill.
Kat only need 1.5 corner combo.

starting to get confortable with boobswordwoman only downside is stances are so specific range/task

how do you escape poggo pressure from zeta

I've been looking at this game for awhile. How good is Beelzebub? I love dark wizard characters.

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I'm probably gonna pick up Soriz depending on how unga he is, but Ladiva is a pretty damn fun grappler.

bubs is a cringe edgelord

mash jab after she does it 3 times, otherwise block until she fucks off

>I absolutely refuse to play anything but a fem doraf
Good taste.

Yeah, it's awesome! Campy as all get-out.

if there's a gap sometimes you can mash dp (shortcut) otherwise it's a true string or if your 2C is good

No idea since they're so little Beelzebub play from good players compared to Narmaya.
I think people place him higher than Narmaya.

Man this game's pretty and seems up my ally but it's still 80 bucks where I live so I guess I'm waiting.
Who is the character I pick if my main game is Super Turbo?

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Got to S rank with Naru. My grind is done, I'm a lobby man now

This, but with A rank.
I should've stayed at the C rank so I can trick people in the lobbies.

where are my Lowain bros? WHEYYY!

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Don't let me down Season 2.

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Does she have a stupidly good butoon like Deejay cr. strong?

no charge headbutt

Eh, you got j.L. Good approach tool, high active frames, and combined with your faster fall speed, you'll clip people a lot with it.

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2 actually but she needs 4 to 5 (depending on the stance she starts on) of her CD for it and 3 to 4 for her second combo with SBA but her combo is long enough for her CDs to come back before she needs them again in the next combo.

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Bub's main problem is that he's kind of a joke threat-wise in the lore despite his looks so people who usually go for threatening bad guys aren't drawn to him since he got shat on so hard in-universe, he got instant-impaled by the guy he wanted to betray when said guy appeared and then got insta-gibbed to another dimension by the resident loli troll of the crew, Cagliostro.

He's pretty much the pic related of anime fighting games villains.

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somebody na pc fight me

Why are so many faggots in the NY room in steam.
There's no fucking reason to be in the room if you're west coast.

That was mostly because they didn't want to spoil Bubs in 000, when he was made for GBVS. Granted, they could have done it better than making him job as hard as that.
Hopefully the upcoming Bubs raid will redeem him, since it's supposed to be LuciHL tier.

cause ny fucking sucks

SFV refugee here, who is the closest to Chun Li in this game? I heard Charlotta has charge moves but is more on the aggressive side rather than poking

Ferry is literally Dhalsim with a DP

>Play game with shit netcode
>game makes it so that people will have the best chance to play without lag
>naw nigga let's go to the opposite side of my continent so I can cheese with a low profile akuma clone or mash L till I win twink.

you're all dodgers

right here bro. Found this neat setup with cr.U xx 214L > 236L, meaty low bro and you have enough time to block/dodge to bait a DP and punish.

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zeta's got a similar playstyle but no charge

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My only issue with this character is in shit delay I get 22 instead of 214 in combos.

Probably Katalina if you want great pokes, but like said, Zeta also has decent pokes,hop kicks and her U is sort of like rapid kick.

Charlotta's moveset is closer to E honda.


I genuinely do hope for them the most right now out of characters I want in the game, but not from me wanting to play them.

It's more like a Blanka Akuma with even less brain power online. Riddle me this user?

Why do the majority of the people that use her have shit connections.

I've never gotten that misinput even in bad delay, not sure how you're doing the motion unless you're mashing it or something.
Lowains 214 is too valuable to shortcut imo, its the only way he can convert into a knockdown in most situations.

turtles like charge characters

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