Why does neo-Yas Forums hate dungeon crawlers?

Why does neo-Yas Forums hate dungeon crawlers?

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Who is that girl and old guy on the right side of the screen? I never played any of the might and magic games because I was born in 1990.

Attached: twtch stream gun ND.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

I have probably looked through and played all of the recent dungeon crawlers. Recommend me porn dungeon crawlers.

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>No english patch
Damn. It looks pretty nice

There wasn't a single second of gameplay in that video. How can you say it "looks pretty nice"?

By googling it?

im a zoomer and i dont know what exactly qualifies an rpg as a dungeon crawler or not, nor am i sure what games are dungeon crawlers aside from persona Q-Q2 and etrian odyssey

zoom zoom

neo-Yas Forums hates everything. They don't like anything because they think thats what the point of the board is.

why do you make this same thread every day?

Was a poorfag in the 90s when most of this shit came out.
I'm just getting into dungeon crawlers now.
In the middle of Ultima Underworld right now.
What are some absolutely must play classics?
No weebshit.

hard pass
Dungeon Master II: Legend of Skullkeep is pretty rad, but will likely seem pretty limited compared to Ultima. It's a pretty easy game to bend over your knee once you learn it but it's got a lot of nasty little things going for it and some pretty neat stuff overall.
You also tend to learn most of your spells via copying the runes of potions and various equipment with spells on them, since it lists the spell ONLY by its rune combination, meaning you have to experiment with everything to learn what they do.
Once you do however, you can have your spellcasters cast those spells whenever you like.

That design and art are absolutely atrocious.

Wizardy 7/8, Might and Magic 6/7, Grimrock 2

All of the arts for the girls when they transform look bad. The rest looks very similar to Stranger of Sword City.

>hard pass
IDGAF what you think
that guy specifically asked for porn dungeon crawlers
fuck off

>no fast travel
>no quicksaves
>no quest markers
>no or very few save points
>no 10,000 year old girls who look 12
>story doesn't sound like an anime meant for 10 year old boys
>gameplay requires thought, attention to detail, expert timing and quick reflexes
Yas Forums just wants easy games that they can cheat and say they beat it so they can brag on Yas Forums.

>gave him a (You) and told him to fuck off because you don't care at all
looks like you care a lot and got mad butthurt dear user

I played MM6 & 7 back when they were released (gen-Xer here) and they were great games, but honestly too long and too many enemies and got boring ater a while.
Older dungeon crawlers are jus tnot worth the hassle, too archaic

they're "assistants", they give little perks to your party

lol ok bitch

The old classics are always a great way to relive how far dungeon crawlers have come

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Give me a new dungeon crawler which is actually good

Too difficult and old for the normalniggers that infest this site.

What are some classic 'must play' dungeon crawlers?


I tried to like them but they're too RNG for me

>neo-Yas Forums

Haven't seen this meme in a few years

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Shut the fuck up bitch

I tried getting into wizardry but its so hard to learn how to do anything. and I've played some niche games
christ what an idiot. tfw finger fuck my guns drunk for years and never ND, then see some retards doing it on camera

Because they get filtered even by an easy Etrian Odyssey such as EO IV

Is SMT considered a dungeon crawler?


Attached: Grimoire Beta 1998.png (639x480, 225.29K)

But I fucking love M&M6

Was just about to say he needs some grimoire in his life to unlock his thal genes.

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Actually Yes it is

Attached: Wizardry 9.png (640x480, 382.6K)

>playing porn games much less DUNGEON CRPGs

for what purpose m8

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Because I feel like I have exhausted all recent dungeon crawlers. Now I just want to try something new I guess.

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sapepill me on the thalgame

Do you yell "MOOOOOOOODS" like a faggot when you see bare tits on a statue or painting you fucking retard?

>Dont worry its unloaded!
>It's unloaded now!

>not knowing about Clive

Here listen to this gem


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>Etrian Odyssey

still no switch release

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>Grimrock 2
is the first worth it ?

It generally refers to first person party based RPGs. Hybrid games like are often included as they involve a lot of time spent in the first person exploration parts, though as you can see in those screenshots that particular series has top down tactical battles. Still close enough to be considered a dungeon crawler.

Traditionally the dungeon crawl itself refers to slowly making progress due to having to frequently retreat back to a safe area to manage recources (HP, magic). Slow progressing through the dungeon, a crawl.

not enough action and requires some imagintion
jap rpgs as a rule are generally shit

That's not your typical dungeon crawler, that's a blobber. Be specific, because something like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games and even DOOM could be considered dungeon crawlers.

Just got StarCrawlers on steam during a sale. Heard it's pretty good and was like 2 bucks so.

play 1 first because it's hard to go back to after 2 which is an improvement in every way
the only thing 1 has over 2 is that it's all one big opressive dungeon while 2 breaks it up with non linear progression and lots of different enviroments

It's hell

I fucking love dungeon crawlers

it's pretty good

unironically the only dungeon crawler I ever played. wish I had the iq to play it but seems well made. dungeons are actually fun in these games.

shining in the darkness?

while it's a pretty basic dungeon romp,its just ok as an shining game

why do your characters only start out with about 5 HP in the Wizardry games
it feels impossible to grind any levels when everything can nearly one shot you

Dude took decades to finish the game, the end result was mediocre same a pain in the ass to play without the manual which took him a few more years after releasing the game itself for him to finish by which point nobody even played the game anymore. Also he's probably schizo in addition to being autistic because he blamed the game being buggy as fuck on pirates and blames the poor sales on Reddit, some literal who forums, and SJWs rather than accepting that it was his own fault that it flopped.

fuck that retarded tablet, just put it on PC

The only dungeon crawler I have ever played was Might and Magic II for the Sega Genesis and I love it.

Thanks for reminding me that I left my current Wizardry saves on a powered off PC 9 hours away.
Well, for one thing you're supposed to transfer characters.

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>not him but...
is king's field a dungeon crawler?

im no even 2 mins in and my sides have left the galaxy at his neanderthal bit.
is that why its the thalgame?

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