Yas Forums designs the worst boss fight in existence

One feature per post

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Regenerating health

Homing missiles

7 minute unskippable cutscene before the fight

it has endlessly respawning minions, and the minions can cast healing spells on the boss

multiple attacks have the exact same telegraph

QTE boss fight, there you go, nothing could be worse.

Shield impervious to damage for a good amount of time/turns

invincibility phases at certain health thresholds

getting hit obscures the screen for 5 seconds

Time limit in the form of gradually breaking floor and when the last part of ground falls off you autolose

large hitbox attack that's almost instant with no telegraph

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The music gets worse with each phase-change.

boss will jump out of the arena and have regular enemies fight you

Unavoidable full screen super that does half-damage on block and full if not

10 minute long walking sections between phases.

The boss deals permanent damage that remains for the rest of the game and can never be recuperated from

you have an NPC companion during the battle, and if the NPC dies you lose

Boss is immune to all debuffs and status ailments.

bad music

Uses same verbal taunt on every attack


Can cause a status effect which inverts your controls.

you have to drive to the fight through an open world city

Stealth phase where you have to avoid giant searchlight eyes.

The boss can be affected by attacks that inflict status, however that status will have the opposite effect(Poison>Regen etc). They are fully immune to positive statuses.

it changes its resistances and immunities every 5 turns and doesnt alert you
also theres no tell on what hes actually vulnerable to

he just keeps talking and its bad dialog with a terrible VA

Deletes your save if he beats you.

boss has a final phase that changes the game to a completely different genre with different controls from the rest of the game

Boss spams statuses that affect everyone including himself. The status attacks affect the entire area and cannot be avoided

fuck this guy he's right behind parace l'sia when it comes to cheap aggravating bosses

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You fight it more than once

also, if you attack with the wrong element it heals it or reflects the damage back

Have to pay $1 to retry the boss every time you die or else you get the bad ending

Fight restarts if you hit pause

Boss will occasionally use a debuff which inverts damaging and healing so the big nuke you were going to use now heals said boss

boss becomes a normal mob in later parts of the game

And he doesn’t even get the nice tits pass

one of his phases is an out of place shoot-em up section

it was all a dream

Dialogue written by Anthony Burch.

The boss will yell cheesy, annoying lines recorded on a $2 microphone whenever he does literally anything.

Gigantic uncensored penis on display throughout the fight

Laughs when you deal damage

The boss will randomly teleport you around the arena

>boss is le epic funny maymay character during serious scene

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This but he also uses it as a weapon

has a non-telegraphed, completely random 1-hit KO move that he may or may not use whenever you have an opening to attack

We're trying to make a bad boss fight, not an amazing one

Timed isn't automatically bad.

On the last hit you have to button mash attack really fast while the boss has dialogue. If you fail, he regains half health and does the same in damage to you.

That replays if you restart the boss fight.

if they have atleast one bar of their special meter filled when you kill them they revive with half health

The boss has a drop with a

You have to do a bunch of things seemingly not related to the boss prior to the fight or you'll automatically lose

(I wish like 150 of us could make a game together)

adding to this

they will actively be significantly less likely to use moves that use up the special meter when below half health,

Timers are almost always detrimental to a video game. The only times when they work to a games benefit is when they're absurdly long so that you can't just completely ignore a quest (like "deliver this letter within one month") or when they're extremely short to make you do something as fast as possible ("get air to breath within 15 seconds").

Otherwise they're just bullshit

Play Dante's Inferno.

Ignoring the fact you can't /thread your own post, you didn't even fucking do it right you nerd

you can only kill the boss if you crafted an obscure weapon the story had vaguely hinted at.

I do agree that they need to have purpose. Timers for the sake of timers is no good, but I was just saying they aren't automatically bad.

Like the Boss fight in MGS3 was great, and even though you can't see the timer, the fact that the boss music gets more dramatic as time is running out was really cool

The boss area has waist-high water which slows you while the boss is unaffected

Boss Patterns are completely random and can cancel combos into another

There have been multiple Yas Forums colaborative video game projects in mind. A recent one was the "Super Mario Yas Forumsorld" group romhack. Another that comes to mind is Pokemon Clover. And of course, Katawa Shoujo

10+ healthbars, no damage spillover when a healthbar reaches 0

Can charm you into full healing it

>You have to beat the boss to progress
>He still beats you in the cutscene anyway

You have to fight a nega version of yourself when he reaches 50% on first health bar

Cripple Fucker 64 was made by Yas Forums

Adding onto this, boss's behavior doesn't change from health bar to health bar, basically just the same fight, maybe with a few slight differences

The Flexible Sentry in Dark Souls 2 has something like that, but the water rises so slow it's almost unnoticeable.

>the weapon you need to beat the boss with is shit
>you need to use it on the minibosses and mobs before the boss too

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Boss gives you his abilites from this thread

all of his attacks also inflicts poison

The boss summons illusory copies of itself while seamlessly switching places with one of them, said illusions deal full damage and hitting them seemingly deals damage to the boss only for the lost health to be returned if the illusion is killed

Boss causes a status effect that requires an expensive/rare consumable item to cure

If you lose to the boss, the consumables you used are still gone from your inventory when you respawn

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boss is gated behind a 3 minute unskippable cutscene

there is another cutscene halfway through

there is another cutscene at the end

there is yet another cutscene and rematch after the boss gets back up during the self destruct sequence

Failing to escape before the countdown forces you to reload the last save point, before the first fight


Boss uses telepathy to spam your brain with pictures of your in-game mother getting blacked, which manifests as images obscuring your view of the boss on screen. Your movements are also slowed by 5% and this effect stacks with other slowdown statuses

mutts law