Nobody talks about this game anymore

>nobody talks about this game anymore
WHAT WENT WRONG you dipshit

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It was alright, but I think the devs were too ambitious. The game really falls off towards the end.

It's not nearly as good as SotN. Like not even the same ballpark. Not even the same sport.

it was soulless

What happened with all the planned DLC?

They pissed off fans who funded the game by working on the shitty nintendo port, which nobody gives a fuck about at this point

did zangetsu mode ever happen?

Beat it, 100% it and put it away. Was fun, what is there to talk about.

It’s being worked on along with a randomizer mode. Delayed by the switch port fix, then corona

They fixed the switch port

They decided that nerfing a single player game was a high priority instead of carrying out the kickstarter promises.

2.5D games are ugly as fuck. There has never been a good one.

does it still look like shit graphically?

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I played it and 100%'d it in a week and had fun. I don't know what else you want me to say

Yeah, same. Had my fun, will probably play it again later.

505 games took the money and ran away. Now Iga is stuck.

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Money that was supposed to go towards their development was instead spent making the Switch version work.

Switch ass port ....even Wii U can run high ref smoothly.

I haven't played it yet because as far as I've been told the Switch version isn't fixed yet.

>>nobody talks about this game anymore
I mean, I beat the game. What more do you want from me? I loved SotN, but I definitely couldn't talk about it EVERY day. The only people who could do that are the autist-trannies infesting /vg/.

Mediocre in all aspects, especially the theme, art design, graphics and music. It was like eating plain bread, Not bad but tasteless and tiring.
For a game named bloodstained there wasn't much blood or strong themes either.

There was cancelled Wii U version.
Shut it cunt

Is it worth playing? I love Symphony of the Night.

Not 60 framerate? IGA!!!!
505 games can get viruses for I care.

It's bigger, better SotN plus the best elements of all the SotN-likes after. The only people who would argue this are people who are too in love with the sprite work of SotN to make objective statements.

I hope they still plan on making a sequel because holy shit, I'm so in love with Miriam.

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HoD GBA is superbly too.

>Not Juste Belmont

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It’s fine and fun, but I guess Nintendies still gotta seethe

The game's like a greatest hits compilation of all gameplay elements from IGA's Castlevania games, so if you like those you'll probably like this one.
Story is meh, but the characters have charm and the maps are really good, even if they connect somewhat loosely. There's an in-universe justification for that, but I'd still prefer a more cohesive world.

Nothing? So far it was a solid game, but still missing some of the features that were promised.

Its a single player game that came out relative ages ago. What is there to discuss?

PSP > PSX > Xbox 360

>I love gay shit

>Promise tons of extra
>Release none of them
>Spend more time porting the game to other platforms than making the game
I didn't buy it because I'm waiting for the complete version and it looks like half life 3 will release before that happen

It's pretty much a continuation of the portable games, which was all I wanted.

The outsourced Switch version was such a shitshow that all hands on deck went to fixing it instead.

>nobody talks about this game anymore
I never did; I don't talk about games I like on Yas Forums.

It's just ANOTHER igavania clone. Didn't even try anything different literally used the same old formula.

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The last bloodstained thread we had was literally a few days ago

It's not a clone it's literally the real thing retard.

Before this thread dies or 404s, throw me ideas to draw Miriam. Can be porn, idc.

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make her grow a big old dick.

Miriam putting on the bunny suit.

Draw Miriam drawing porn

>what went wrong
the shitch holding the devs back

Pretty gud.

I had nearly forgotten about the WiiU version, I probably would have bought that version had the gamepad usage been good.

please, elaborate.

That is exactly what was promised and what people funded it for in the first place you dumb shit.

>game that was literally pledged in Kickstarter as a castlevania made by the designer of SotN
>Why the fuck this shitty game is using the same old formula?
kys, retard.

IGA is a scam artist.

>t. Inafune

It was good, but once you finished it 100%, you are done with it

t. 505 Games employee

Im debating between getting this or odins sphere on psn. What would you pick, anons?

It's ugly as fuck, I hate those 2.5d games.

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> I love Symphony of the Night.
I hope Wonder Labyrinth in on your radar.

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Well NOW it is

Damn that looks pretty nice

That one borders on plagiarism. It's not even based on how the Lodoss games played anymore.

Good, now you are.

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If it was actually based on Loddoss, Deedlit would have blundered right into the door.

How long is it? I played Luna Nights, and it felt a bit too short.

Only thing I don't like is how cluttered the the UI is

Early access.

>2 hours long


We don't know yet, only the demo is out right now. The actual game comes in a couple months.

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why is my wife so perfect?

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