Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Because I actually have good taste.

I’m working on the final boss of Drakengard 3
I will git gud at this rhythm game eventually. Wish me luck bros

>he says, as he posts on Yas Forums

>he says while posting on Yas Forums

Imagine playing games that make you fantasize over unnatural women and shitty combat systems that are unrealistic and don't test your frontal lobe.

I am.

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playing chrono trigger for the first time on muh modded vita

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I am waiting for Bravely Default to come in the mail. But it should have been here already.

I am
Post brought to you by Nissin

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So, playing good games?

Does making one count?

Lucky user, what I’d give to play CT for the first time again

I will if you tell me a game that has looots of recruitable characters.

Recently started up the Torna DLC for XBC2, think I'll miss the customization of choosing my blades but apart from that it's playing great.



Name me some

Play Suikoden V

literally dozens of hot recruitable girls

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waiting for Trials of Mana.

Chrono Trigger is one of the few games where the music in it makes me tear up. Not sure why. Maybe a mix of nostalgia and the fact they actually poured heart and emotion into the game.

I'd talk about the game I'm playing if you just called it "JRPG thread" without the faggy OP.

It's the Bravely Default 2 demo they released this morning.

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>Fire Emblem

Hey, me too. Checking Yas Forums while I wait for my car to auto travel to another shitty sidequest

Nanami's face is so punchable.

Ok I will!

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dragon quest 11 on my gameboy

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i think you just inspired me to replay 1 and 2
have fun, theyre great games

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as someone who never played a jrpg, except pokemon if you can even call that jrpg, what game would you recommend to try first?

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recommand me a good jrppg I could play on pc
I liked berseria, bravely default
didn't like xenoblade II and octopath

My nigga. I love doing all the sidequests as soon as they’re available but in this case it super breaks the game. I’m level 68 at the beginning of chapter 4. The recommended level for the next main quest is like, 15.

ez. Tales of Symphonia

My favourites are older ones like Final Fantasy 3,4 and 5.
Easy to get them for emulators as well.
If you only want newer ones.
Then there is Persona 5 Royal that is coming in just a few days.

How long about is the demo? A few good hours to get your feet wet, or "Holy shit how is this still going?" like the DQ11 demo?

xenoblade chronicles 1
chrono trigger
persona 4/5
ignore anybody who tells you to play any final fantasy or tales games

Burned out from grinding in Nier.

>one of those girls doesn't actually join you
>another one betrays your party and leaves halfway through the game
>the third one is only plot relevant for like 10 seconds

Chrono Trigger or FF6
Ignore the asshole telling you to not play FF games. CT is basically one so he's clearly got brain problems

Theres never any good JRPGs on sale for the PS4. All they have is Dark Cloud 2 and Okage. I bought those games when the PS4 first came out and they didn't even bother adding anymore PS2 games after that. I still wanna play Ni No Kuni, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy 15, YS 8, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth

>CT is basically one
Final Fantasy is one of the most mediocre video game franchises I've ever had the displeasure of playing and CT is nothing like any of them aside from purely superficial comparisons you could draw between almost any JRPG of its era.

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Has anyone even tried Edge of Eternity?
I heard that the music was made for Yasunori Mitsuda.

definitely enjoying it so far

always one of these spergs

You can probably get a physical copy of Royal Edition for $20 at fucking Target. Still only really worth $10 with how fucking bullshit they fuck ANYONE who bought it before RE came out.

Sure bud, if we ignore the battle system being directly lifted out of Final Fantasy, the development team mostly consisting of Final Fantasy team members, the music being composed by Final Fantasy's composer, the creator of Final Fantasy being the main designer... hell if CT is not Final Fantasy then FF10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 sure as shit aren't because they have even less in common with FF

Because I have like 3-4 I want to play and am not sure which one I want to start first. Help.

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I am

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>CT is nothing like any of them
Dude what. CT is basically an FF game supercharged.

Can't help if you don't say which 3-4 they are friendo.

Devil survivor 2 record breaker
Etrian Odyssey V
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Demon gaze 2

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I am.

I wish there were more remasters of older games available desu. I wanna replay stuff like Skies of Arcadia, Breath of Fire 3/4, and stuff like that.

Not to mention the similar story beats.

I’m playing one right now

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Is that a motherfucking MGS reference

Play devil survivor

i want to fuck nanami so badly bros


Of course it's a Fire Emblem subhuman.

I am actually, playing Golden sun for the gba. This game's great so far surprised I don't hear it talked about more

I haven't played any of these so I'm gonna say play uhhhhh LaPucelle Tactics

Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest V
Final Fantasy 6 (though I prefer 3)

OK lads. Gimme some tips. Can I play STR or is it like desu 1 where magic is way too powerful?
Played it

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Yas Forums used to really like this game, then Dark Dawn came out and we've collectively decided to forget the series existed

I'm really enjoying the story and setting or wild arms 3 so far. The only thing I don't like is how there are random difficulty spikes in either the random encounters or bosses. Like there was one continent that had bugs destorying all my health in one attack and nothing ever gives that much money or exp. I got the sandship recently and got all kinds of fucked up learning that.

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Most SaGa games. Scarlet Grace is the most recent one.