Nioh 2 Thread

Haru is cute! Cute! edition

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my dudes, why is date masamune so cool? his armor set is cool as fuck

>People taking about getting spanked by revnants.
>Just spent the entirety of the first game learning to backwave practically every moveset.

Thanks Marobashi/ Fare for the Afterlife.

Someone post the interview

Yeah, backwave or just use god of wind III on them with 2kat.

Because he is the "one eyed dragon of oshu".
They aren't talking about the fact he has one eye, they're talkin' about his dick and the fact he had the balls to hide chirstians from Tokugawa.
Shame about that Amakusa guy being a fag and using religion to start a rebellion but whatever,

Sadly, Date's armour isn't as good as Azai's though. Azai has a huge samurai pimp coat.

Imagine for a second, ponder if you will, being Shuten Douji and have your legacy be carried on incarnations that depict you as being a drunken loli with horns, imagine that

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Yeah, I really like the sets with the coats/vests that appear when you have the chest/waist pieces. Like Imagawa's gaudy red/gold set with the black fur coat over it.

>no Yagyu
>no Hozoin
>no Marume
I want Marobashi back

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If you're using a female character do yourself a favor, pass your wife's code and we'll destroy her for you

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I'm still wondering why the fuck the kusa master is giving you katana and odachi lessons too in this game

It'll always be there user, ready to spank you onto the proper path.

Imagawa's set can fuck off because that is just some gawdy shit but I'm in total agreement with you otherwise.
The Demon Horde armour looks great too.

The First Samurai armour is pure aesthetic but ultimately the Night Raider armour feels correct.

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Jesus christ, she really is skinny.

Onis are pretty chill so I imagine he would be pretty chill with that.

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My autism wouldn't let me play the game without constantly refashioning my gear to full Night Raider set. Shame we don't have the half mask like the one showed in the game opening.

Same, seriously why isn't the half-mask an option?

>still need to beat Nioh 1

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Yeah, kinda bummed me out. Guess Team Ninja overlooked that.

Also miffed that Okuni's transformation skin has boyshorts instead of panties like in the dance performance cutscene. Like, come on man, really?

One of these days I'll go back to the first game. Really cool to see the connections between the first and second game

Okuni was a great addition but I feel like we should've met her first in a main mission, given that she is the one that gets us close to Toki at the end.

Because he's just a genuinely good leader. If only he had been born a little earlier, he probably could've conquered Tohoku and stood against Hideyoshi.

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Tell me about Manga William. Does he get with the loli? Please tell me she lives.

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Do you think he would've survived Nobunaga?

All waifus must die

>various tall human characters
>Max height still makes you a manlet/womanlet

Fix this shit TN

What is the "canon" outfit in Nioh 2? In Nioh 1 it was the Youngblood set.

This must be on purpose like fromsoft with the humanoid bosses in sekiro
It's not that your character is a manlet, it's just that big bosses impose more

Honestly this, that bit at the end of last thread has me interested.
Anywhere I can read it for free?

Night Raider set.
Yeah, that would've been cool. Toki and Hide meeting Okuni would make for a nice lighthearted cutscene, much like the first scene where you meet Oda, Nohime, and Oichi

I don't know, I'm just going with the initial set and that's it, but I guess it's the one from the trailer

No true translations exist unfortunately and its hard to find complete chapters online.

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Night Raider but given the finale the First Samurai set can also be yours.

Nah it's not so bad in Nioh, Sekiro was literally like 4' 10

Fuck. From the pastebin on /vg/'s nioh thread it says that William drops One Eyed Dragon's smithing text but this fucker still wint drop it after like 30 tries.

>Toki and Hide meeting Okuni would make for a nice lighthearted cutscene
It would've been great and given that we are at like two parties meeting her there wouldn't have been a stretch.

Night Raider it is, thanks anons.

This reminds me of how some NPCs in the first game always seemed to hover over the ground so as not to look manlet compared to william. Pretty funny stuff.

Makes me sad I went with a guy.
I'm considering rolling a waifu just for you to destroy her.

You haven't suffered enough.

i like how in game NPC conversations are just spoken lines with rare moments of them using canned gestures. gives the game a ps2 feel

>Canned gestures.
Every gesture in the game is one that you can get my dear user.

i need more cups, i cant be fucked farming more graves
i am getting annoyed with this

nice! gotta save some glory then

>ryonafag but also want to first try bosses

>Wasting your cups before DLC is released.

Nobodies fault but your own.

>Strugle with Horse demon
>Spend 3,5 hours to kill Enenra
>Spend about an hour to beat snake
>Start doubting if I'll even manage to beat this game
>Get to Elephant man
>Total pushover
>Get to Tree weasel
>Easier than most normal enemies
Usually bosses gets harder as you progress. Not the other way around.

That's probably why but even regular NPCs like Hanzo are like a foot taller than you. Seems silly when we're supposed to be imposing as well

Masamune was way up in the northern regions, so he could actually have avoided all the major players like Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Shingen. The only problem was that he didn't inherit the Date clan until 1584, which was after Nobunaga had died and Hideyoshi inherited all his conquered central provinces. So by the time Masamune was finally gaining traction up north, Hideyoshi had conquered 70% of the country and Masamune had no choice but to surrender.
If he had been able to start sooner, he could've been a major force like the Hojo and those two would've really given Hideyoshi a run for his money.

Congrats user, you have learned.
Now, get to Shibata and claim mastery over the bosses.

That would've been interesting.

>use DECLARING ONE'S NAME gesture before every yokai boss
>bow before every human/dojo submission boss

for some reason the gesture system in this game is great. i also like it when host shitters prostrate/bow at the end of missions in which i carried them

>he doesn't spam Play Dead and Ninja Pose

>Warrior's oath every time I'm summoned.
>Tea Time when boss dies.
I like gestures.

It has gameplay reasons too. During lock-on you want enemies to be visible and not partially or completely hidden behind your character's model.

That makes the most sense even if I'm still butthurt about it. I'd like the option at least

>get summoned
>clear a level
>enter a area
>summon someone else

Nah. I am still complete garbage. But Elephant man only had easy to dodge attacks and very low hp. And the weasel did no damage and had even less hp.
Meanwhile Enenra could 1 shot with some attacks and even those that didn't stunned you into combos that killed. He had long dark real phases that he teleported in, keeping you at 0 stamina all the time.
Snake boss could one shot, would respawn his arms and then immedietly re-enter dark real before you could kill him arms again so you were stuck in dark real with 3 enemies chasing you while your stamina barely moved.
I did not get better. Bosses got easier.

>He doesn't flex with 'How's That?' and play 'That's not good!' at his co-operators until they stop bowing and begging like shitters and flex back.

>get summoned
>host doesn't bow
>immediately quit

t. Mujina

i dunno about you guys, but i autistically refashioned my hiddy's armor set to more elaborate and gaudy sets, changing it with each new region to keep up with hide's newfound fame

Depends, Lone Wolf is fine for the first region but I feel that Night Raider the second, third, fith and sixth are fine.
Bascially change with the arc you're on.

Though after the first official visit to the interim I did change my Hiddy's hair and add some marks to his body.

Nanban set all the way.