Why don't gamers buy video games?

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>Why people don't pay for porn

There's a more honest question, you fucking baitfag OP.

The great and majestic PC master race strikes again

good. I hope those degenerates die in poverty


The #1 way to stop piracy: release a demo

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>1 patch download = user

>don't give companies money for coomershit
>wonder why companies don't make coomershit anymore

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I think it works like this, porn is generally free right?

>quality H game gets pirated/cracked/translated
>bigger audience globally
>studio suffers even in native language

>Quality H game stays "unpiratable"
>less audience and slightly more pay
>stays afloat for an extra 3 to 6 months

it's not like you can advertise H Games publicly anyway. porn industries that already have a foot in the ground resort to professional casting, and even that's falling due to the rando iphone and dropbox thefts people upload to amateur video and pics.

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Because most hentai games are japanese only and sold through a japanese website.
There's also this aversion to paying for porn in the west

The assumption is that if those 500,000 didn't pirate it then they would've bought it, but this isn't true. Those 500,000 people wouldn't have bought it no matter what, but there's a good chance that some of those 50,000 people pirated the game first.

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some shitty hentai game sold 50k and they complain?

Probably because h games charge AAA prices for a bundle of shit pictures or some animations a child with no arms could procure in a few hours.

Complete bullshit. If people want free shit, they will try to get free shit. If there is no option for free shit, some people will opt to buy that shit instead. The reason there's so much seething over Deunuvo is because it works.

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>1 user = 500,000 patch downloads

Riddle me this: Why should I pay for something if I can get it for free instead?

Post their game

>very niche gook porn game releases
>to buy legally you must navigate through its GOOKRUNES ONLY microsoft note pad tier website, trust them with your credit card, then finally download the game
>pirates you click a magent link and download it prepatched with translations and as little censorship as possible

there needs to be a steam for porn games

500,000 - 50,000 isn't 495,000

look I love me a good porn game but there's no way I'm paying for those when I can get free porn anywhere on the internet

Imagine feeling entitled to the fruits of someone else's work. The absolute state of porn and game addicts.

Greedy devs keep coming with those excuses. It's been proven plenty of times that piracy benefits smaller games/studios and barely dents bigger titles.
Devs who complain about this shit are uninformed or are trying to get pity points.

Legally buying h games isn't the most accessible thing, and people already tend to pirate porn more than regular games. If they made it more accesible, more people would pay up. Japanese indies aren't really any good at that.

Why don't breathers buy oxygen?

>muh porn game
rance is better than most games that exist

Imagine thinking that people who pirate games feel entitled to them.

Most hentai games are Japanese only and have an English fan translation. A lot were not even available in the west period so piracy was the only way to get them locally.

the people that pirate the game would do it anyway unless its free, theres no stop but companies should benefit if they sold more merch since that could cover some pirated copies but you need to make the game or setting interesting first for merch to sell

>expecting the people who play h-games to pay for games
You have to be a western goblin game on patreon to get the big bux for smut

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I refuse to support foreign companies anymore. Specially if they are asian or related to chinkland. What a fucking scam. Bet their game was hot garbage too.

Imagine being unable to subtract 50,000 correctly.

if there was absolutely no way to pirate that game those 500k people wouldnt have bought it anyways

Most people will not pay 60-80 bucks for hentai images that they are going to fap to for 10-15 minutes then forget about.

The only people who are willing to fork over the money are usually those who have a specific fetish that the game caters to.

Also I bet most of those pirated downloads were from people who saw the torrent, downloaded it, then forgot about it because they have hundreds of other porn games.

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Thats not a reason to shut down they shut down to go do other things, hentai game companies open and close every day in Japan

Nigga I wanna pay for h-games but I don't want my friend list know when I'm playing them or that I even have them, so I would rather pirate.

Piratefags are the worst.

I would never ever ever pay for porn in any form.

If it was a random RPG maker company those are a dime a dozen and nothing of value was lost
Japan will never stop making porn

this. piracy has been repeatedly shown to be a service issue.

The only worthwhile parts of h-games I can find for free on sad panda or pornhub.

If I couldn't get it for free, I just wouldn't get it.

I'm not paying for fucking porn.

Its actually because the 500k downloads were from filthy westerners, thats the real reason they are closing down.
They fucking hate all of us and I cant blame them

How many times do I have to pirate Fakku shit until they go bankrupt

>buying games

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That's not the reason. A numbers of Devs are making decent money by having a patron and releasing it piece by piece to keep the customers around.

There is clearly a growing market for erotica with story. SJW's stop it being accessible on normal platforms which would help against piracy, piracy prevents games getting made normally on the platform's they are restricted too.

It's much easier today to just find random people online who will voice your characters on the cheap and do it reasonably well.

Also a big well known visual novel like Yu-No originally only sold under 50k when it released for the PC-98 and that was thought as good sales.

Maybe these adult game companies need to scale back their expectations.
Their product is for a niche audience.

Either that or these companies need to change the way they advertise their games and where to allocate their budget.

Subverse was able to get about 2 million in funding for their game.

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because the games not on steam or epic lul


People seethe over denuvo because its the second coming of Securom. Made by the same fucking people too.

Huniepop and Sengoku Rance are the only porn games worth paying for, and you better catch Huniepop on sale for 50% or more off

I will never ever pay for porn. The fuck you think this is?

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that post is obviously made by you

>why dont people buy porn
because every single platform other than nintendo will tell all your friends you are playing a porn game and keep that game forever on your list of played games

why would someone buy porn on steam only for their profile to show 2000 hours jerking off to anime tittys

The demo is not for the pirates. It's to give everyone else a chance to try the game the same way the pirates do. The difference is that a normal person might actually buy the game if they try it out and like a demo, as opposed to a pirate who literally already has the full game at that point.

Isn't 50k sales pretty good? Let's say it was $10 shovelware. That's $500,000 of income.

Now imagine if it was $20 or $40 or $60. The big porn visual novels can reach $90 or more. What the fuck are their budgets if 50k sales puts them out of business?

Because why would I pay when I know I can get it for free without a chance of getting caught or little repercussion if I do get caught

These aren't games this is porn for underage losers and pedos. That's why hardly anyone buys it.

>decide to see if neighbors are pirates
>nope. Pretty much the whole area is legit
>see that someone hacked into our router on the 10th and downloaded over 3gb of some faggot named Pierre Henry

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>download a game 500000 times
>devs go bankrupt
Capitalism BTFO

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there are plenty of free games that still get pirated
some people are just stupid and wont go through the proper channles even if its literally free

>Piratefags slowly destroying their fave industry

You hate to see it

This is fake right? Please tell me this is satire.

Valve figured this out 15 fucking years ago: Piracy is a service problem. Nobody buys porn games because there's no easy general storefront like Steam.

>Hurr people dont want to pay for porn!

And yet porn games that make it on Steam still manage to sell like 5 times better. Even though it's not even intended for it and shit gets censored and removed constantly.

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Big reason for piracy is that people grew up with piracy. They grow up knowing that it's possible to get things for free, it's always at the back of their heads. If you manage to create the ultimate piracy proof tech, the next generation will be very different because they will grow up in a world where if you want shit, you have to pay for it, no other workaround. That would be a world I want to see.

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Companies name?

Also porn games are too expensive most of the time.
Not pay 15+ for a 30min game

Statistically, a demo lowers sales

this. until there's a platform where global audiences can access these games these people have nothing to cry about when people outside of Japan pirate these games because they have no other recourse.

you can pirate porn anonymously, you buy it by giving all kinds of identifying information.

I buy Denuvo games on g2a so the devs dont get money from it
If I cannot be guarenteed to keep access to the game when denuvo stops doing buisness then I will not guarentee the devs my money

I'll still buy it because I like having a steam copy with multiplayer but I wont give the devs a penny

The nip says he heard from a friend of a friend
Big doubt honestly

>No one is buying a very specific, niche sub-genre of video game, clearly this means that ABSOLUTELY NO GAMES ARE BEING BOUGHT BY ANY GAMER ANYWHERE

If a dev makes games that you like then presumably you want them to make more games. If they don't make money because everyone pirates their shit then that won't happen.

Doddler still exists?

The reason why every game is becoming a games as a service is because you can't pirate them.

im a neet and id rather pour what money i do hve into other hobbies. but im too lazy to pirate games either generally lol

>beloved pizza place sells excellent pizza for years at a rate of 7.99 for a large.
>Years later, it sees people have a sense of loyalty for it. Starts selling medium 1 topping pizza for 7.99 now.
>Further down the line, people are still buying it. Full of itself, the pizzeria starts selling the medium for 8.99 PLUS a 2.99 fee for the 1 topping.
>Some people still buy it, but the price keeps increasing while the wait time for the pizza increases. The quality decreases but the price goes through the roof for the same product as before.

Pretty much because of this.

Xbox Game Pass has unironically made me play games I would have never thought about pirating. I still pirate other games if they aren't multiplayer or whatever, I'm not having a faggy little moral panic about it, but it really is about the quality of the service.


((they)) are intentionally making it harder for alternative games to sell. someone needs to make a good platform for them.

this is pretty much on point except there is one good storefront for porn games out there and it's patreon
patreon porn games swing so hard to other side that they get way more money than they deserve and it's only thanks to having a convenient and well-known platform

>imagine wasting your time on shovelware coom games
>imagine paying 60 bucks to play shovelware coom games

Doesn't change the fact. We are far beyond paying for porn as a species.

>bitching about selling 50k units

They should be glad there was that many people willing to buy such a product. It only takes one person to rip the assets, make gifs and/or a video for the game thus reducing the need to play it altogether.

you know snapchat does the same thing, not as strongly but it does automatically make you look better

Okay, but what eroge company shut down? Better not be my niggas at Smee, they make some FINE ass moege.

>Pirate a game to see if it's any good
>Play it for 30 minutes
>It's total garbage
>This will be 60$ plus tip

>Deunuvo is because it works.
Deunuvo works only against retards who can't wait 2 days to play cracked game.
There are other DRMs that work better.