Should all FPSes remove the ammo mechanics?

Should all FPSes remove the ammo mechanics?

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no because its a pleb filter
see all the people complaining about no ammo in doom eternal

lol stop missing shitter

No, as it encourages exploring the world looking for resources and forces players to improve to avoid running out of it
AKA: git gud

FPS games are already basic AF point and click. Resource management should be integral and they did a good job balancing it. Complainers are just braindead who want to hold W and left click the whole game.

Haha get it its like that thing we watched when we were babies except its about this thing from now i explained it in words just in case you dont get it haha

funny reddit meme, upvote!

Chainsaw fucking recharges. Makes it easy as shit.

Doom 16 I would mainly use the pistol and heavy mg because i was always scared to waste ammo. Now it's easy as fuck.

you cant try and claim big skills at having ammo because all you have to do is press C and you have full ammo again.

>playing HL Alyx
>Ammo isn't too hard to come by, but if you're not actively looking you'll have a REALLY rough time
Nah it's rewarding and makes you have to actually think about the shit you're doing

and yet shitters complain about the lack of ammo

hl alyx is based
>little resin cubes shattered all over forcing you to interact with every little nook and cranny
>plenty of ammo if you can find it

doom eternal literally gives you regenning ammo in the form of gas and 1 shot flunkies. if you cant manage that then you dont deserve to kill things.


>btw there is only one very specific way to play and if you play this way you will never lose but devitate from the puzzle FPS gameplay and try to strategize and you will lose

What good is a game that forces you into one playstyle?

>get like 70 ammo right at the start of the game
>it's actually a fucking trick
>the game DARES you to shoot at everything instead of finding other solutions for the enemies
>you can make the CHAD play and take the propane tank from 5 rooms ago to clear out an entire row of enemies with one shot
GOD i fucking love that game.

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its a pretty wide "one playstyle" though.


*sweats profusely*


>try to strategize
>strategize poorly
>die repeatedly
lower the difficulty

Shoot good in a shooter game, what other playstyles do you require your majesty?

>try to strategize
>walled by having to play a specific railroaded way the devs chose to balance their game around
Wow. It's almost as if the game is badly designed if one way makes it braindead easy and other ways make you die from a lack of ammo rather than positioning, health management or other variables..

What a fucking moronic question. Hey what's the matter buddy? Hit your head when you were younger? Seriously you're such a fucking imbecile and I've never posted like this on this website before until I saw your dumbfuck shit on my screen. Seriously go hang yourself.

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No you fucking ass smelling dorito sniffer urine therapy believer retarded ass brainlet. It would nullify the fucking point of being a shooter in the first place without ammo cap you can literally pick the most busted gun and just breeze through the game, thus making it boring. Fag

It's not shoot good it's
>autistically change weapons while using your epic qte finished or the hoards of retard enemies will eventually kill you not because you lack skill but because you lack ammo and melee does nothing
This isn't good gameplay and means every playthrough will be the same more or less.

Doom Eternal isnt hard even on ultra nightmare.


just press C dude

t. Zenicuck shill

Unironically this
The game keeps telling you that you're such a badass but the game rules keep constricting you so much that you feel like a puzzle solver with his back to the wall, not a one man reign of destruction instilling fear in the zombies

lower the difficulty if you want to be unstoppable
on easy the hell knight's melee is like a gentle slap

There's literally nothing wrong with limiting playstyles. Fromsoftware did the same thing with shields in Dark Souls because it's just a unfun playstyle.

Pissing off some autistic retards to make the game 10x fun for everyone is always worth it.

no, what they should remove is ammo caps

Very few games have ammo management down, and most of them are boomer-shooters. In most games they just give you way more ammo than you would need for 99% of situations, so when you actually do run out it feels like bullshit. Doom eternal is extremely shit in this regard, you can never actually run out of ammo, you just have to watch a shitty animation every 20 seconds because your ammo pool is dogshit.

Quake 3 made ammo management into an art form.

meme makes no sense, the context implies Reaver is going to get shitcanned by another character immediately upon entering the room

I liked how New Vegas implemented ammo with weight. You had to actually strategize a bit on what you were toting around, but you had the freedom to choose which guns to carry around more bullets for.

lol thanks :D

zoomers haven't actually seen that scene and only know it by proxy from "rev up those X" memes

>i HATE memes now that they're popular!

Not for a game like Doom.
Maybe in something like a war game with respawning, infantry may as well have infinite ammo. In most cases, you never come close to running out in the typical military shooter before you die or find more ammo. Shit's lying around all over the place.

Attached: unused pistol in eternal.jpg (1022x563, 127.35K)

how could they hype up an enemy so much just to have him be a buggy mess?

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Name one difficult game with a lot of different ways to play and succeed.

>Quake 3 made ammo management into an art form.
>Camping the red armor and rocket spawns is an art form
They were right, video games aren't art.

I think what they're complaining about is moving ammo sources over to a 30 second cooldown instead of traditional scrounging, which I agree with. I also think the ammo pools don't make a lot sense when half the weapons are sharing against each other (also, sticky grenade is one shotgun shell, but a snipe is 6 bullets, wut). If they're talking about not having enough ammo, they didn't rush Ammo upgrades immediately.

its just arenafags who think managing item spawns is fun gameplay.

I don't want to have to kill scrub enemies for ammo. I especially don't want to have to do it every 30 fucking seconds because the ammo is capped ludicrously low.

Are you implying that difficulty is more important (especially in the Doom franchise) than supporting multiple playstyles?

Yea no. Watch any pro quake matches. Those dudes have memorized item spawn times and are running around the entire map picking up every item a split second after it spawns.

epic facebook meme dude!

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what kind of comedy is allowed on Yas Forums?

Your example is retarded because everybody agrees that Dark Souls 1 was the best Dark Souls game by far with the best mechanics.

im a loser who died over 100 times on my ultra violence playthrough and hes not that hard, you get used to fighting him after killing a few. just shoot his dog whenever he lets it loose, use the chaingun with the shield when you're scared and don't know what to do, and when it's clear and you're at a decent amount of health take your super shotgun out

not him, but;
more diverse (less efficient) playstyles are viable on lower difficulties
you do need to play more optimally to succeed on Nightmare, yes

No. I'm saying it's nearly impossible to have both.

I don't want to be "unstoppable". What I want is freedom to play the way I like to play and use the guns I like to use, instead of having to autistically juggle 12 different things at the same time because the game is overdesigned garbage.

>what is overwatch

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>people complaining about singular strategy when the game gives you the grenade launcher, ballista, and scoped heavy cannon to deal with breakable parts
>everything else is fair game
I don't understand.

>fight demons
>out of ammo
>chainsaw fodder
>back to fight demons

how is this so fucking hard to understand for 90% of Yas Forums, you all are retarded

you can get through all of darksouls 1 without a sheild
its harder in dark souls 2 until you get adp but its still possible

that's not even close to what your post said
but this advice still applies:
lower the difficulty if your style of play constantly gets you killed

>you do need to play more optimally to succeed on Nightmare, yes

The point we're making is that the optimal playstyle in Doom Eternal IS NOT FUCKING FUN.

I understand that just fine. What you don't seem to understand is that I don't want to do that shit. I should not have to conserve fodder enemies to use as ammo pickups. Intentionally sparing the lives of enemies in a fucking Doom game is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.

>I should not have to conserve fodder enemies to use as ammo pickups.

you don't have to, the game spawns in infinite zombies in ever arena.

nice trips
melee fodder respawns while heavy demons are still alive

The best way I've found is to focus on surrounding mooks, then bait him into a SSG/Balista/SSG rapid blast utilizing Q. I've seen others use blood punch for the third as well as using the mooks to charge up a full Plasma Rifle shockwave. So to each their own.

It's just stupid, I'm not a fan of watching an animation every 20 seconds just to continue shooting, on top of glory kill animations. It doesn't add anything to the challenge of the game or the variety of the gunplay.

In 2016 the chainsaw was a get-out-of-jail free card, I would usually save it to take out the pesky revenants or summoners, in Eternal you almost never have more than 1 ammo for it because you're constantly using it on zombies.