I'm 1 hour in but the story is already very stupid and schlocky. You told me it would be kino Yas Forums wtf
I'm 1 hour in but the story is already very stupid and schlocky. You told me it would be kino Yas Forums wtf
Other urls found in this thread:
>zoom zoom zoom
I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?
>zoom zoom zoom
I want you in my room
it's comfy
don't kid yourself, this is a zoomer game
Correction: 2 & 3 are kino from gameplay and story standpoint. The first one has trash gameplay and a pretty good story.
>1 hour in
Literally nothing has happened yet lmao i guess the animations can look pretty goofy but other than that what's so stupid and schlocky about it, OP?
The main story in 2 is pretty damn bad. The charm comes from the characters and sidequests. 3 doesn't exist.
Zoom zoom
>2 & 3 are kino
>very stupid and schlocky
You're all types of retarded.
> The charm comes from the characters and sidequests
don't forget the kino ambient banter in the hub worlds
The game is 15+ hours long. Stick with it a little more. Maybe do Feros or Novaria before calling it quits
Ayy lmao attack out of nowhere, cyborg zombies, cliche mysterious spec ops dude, it's all pretty schlocky.
Wait till Saren goes all Jeremy Irons in D&D. After that, the story kinda picks up.
2 is literally kino. Cinematography is off the charts. Beautiful shots, especially for character interactions. 3 is eavesdropping into other people's conversations, stupid plot and a terrible resolution.
Everybody hates ME3 because it's cool to hate. There's literally nothing wrong with the game outside of its shit ending. Can't stand fags who write off an entire game because of an ending.
Yeah the intro is basically you walking in the Citadel for what feels like forever. Give it more time user.
me1 as a renegade is the funniest game ever made. nothing else comes close. The way shepard just starts talking shit about ashley as soon as she joins is pure gold.
3's downfall is that all the problems of EA and the writing from two fully come out. Gameplay is good otherwise it is shit
the entire game is a shitty railroad ride towards the ending that offers nothing, it completely banks on its ending and the ending is shit so its understandable that its considered bad
There is plenty to hate about ME3, its just that ME2 did most of its worst offensive first and people seem to like that game for some reason
For me it was the load times and disc switching. Gameplay was the best out the entire trilogy, also the multiplayer was a kino experience.
>Everybody hates ME3 because it's cool to hate
The game, had it not been the culmination of the trilogy, would have otherwise been okay, but it didn't do most things that it should have, to make at least the game itself bearable. The endings were just the needles that burst the growing bubble.
Realistically, the game needed another 2 years of development minimum.
Fuck no dude, i honestly liked the game when it came out because i loved ME so much and tried to rationalize it (and like you, thought people were just dismissing it because of the ending).
I replayed all three games last year and the drop in quality is staggering.
>ME writer: Drew Karpyshyn
>ME2 writers: Drew Karpyshyn & Mac Walters
>ME3 writer: Mac Walters
The writing is so much worse, the story revolves around a literal deus ex machina and most of the characters from ME2 were thrown into the trash.
People try to argue that the gameplay is better and i guess it is if you only count the literal moving around and shooting. Everything else has been dumbed down so much, the quest system is garbage, most of the dialogue has been reduced to eavesdropping without a chance to use the dialogue wheel, and there's barely any RPG elements dude.
Trust me man, i'm not blindly hating, i loved Mass Effect and i wish both this and Andromeda were good, but i'm done with making excuses for """Bioware""" and EA anymore.
mass effect 1 was the only reason i bought a 360
>the problems of EA and the writing from two fully come out
There is nothing that two could have done, that would have saved 3 from its fate. ME3 had two major problems, that it couldn't solve
>The existence of a gigantic army of kilometer long invulnerable space squids
>You waged a war against them
>You played with 3 guys on foot
There is nothing that ME2 could have done, that would fix either one of these problems. Either the problem lies in 1, with the genre of the game and the nature of the Reapers, or with 3 for having the ambition to be about a war with them. Neither of these two things could have been fixed in or by ME2.
2 should've been a standalone exp. pack to ME1 uncovering the dark underbelly of the ME universe and maybe the Unknown Regions (iirc?) Judge Dredd style. More action and team mate oriented, would've given a good chance for the devs to exercise their skills in that regard
You could make a million games, between ME1 and the Reaper war. There was nothing stopping you.
Ugh... aside from me not owning the IP at the very least? Why are you so aggressive and hostile? What is your problem
The "you" is figurative. Whether the game was called Mass Effect 2, 1.5 or 2000 had little bearing on what you were supposed to do with it. You can do anything you want.
>that webm
All I'm saying is that making 2 a standalone exp. pack would've solved all the complaints about its story being a big side quest in itself. If anything they could've dropped any pretense of it following a strict storyline and just focused on things like quest or level design, writing of team mates etc. and later on integrate this knowledge or skill into the further actual sequels
the way the reapers got dealt with was of no importance. the collectors were some random villain with no personality and people still loved ME2. What needed to be there was
>risk, so a chance of losing the characters you knew
>your choices in the previous games mattering, past events being acknowledged and impacting the missions you were doing now.
>a satisfying conclusion, and by this i mean something like new vegas' endings. even if it was a fucking slideshow, i wanted something that told me what happened later, how i changed the lives of characters around me after the war.
With those three things, the reapers could die to a fucking flu like in the war of the worlds, and people wouldn't have cared nearly as much.
>the oldest zoomers were like 7
>zoomer game
big controversy at the time. They had a fully prepared character (Javik) that was very much related to the story. Then they decided to take him out and market it as pre-order DLC. This being EA/Bioware, they took the laziest approach to removing him and just changed a variable to "false". Then they denied everything.
>All I'm saying is that making 2 a standalone exp. pack would've solved all the complaints about its story
But none of the complaints about its story are valid. The only thing ME2 needed to do was to be a well liked game. And it was. The numerical value given to it has no bearing on that, because, ultimately, what shortcomings the franchise had, were entirely out of its control.
>With those three things, the reapers could die to a fucking flu like in the war of the worlds, and people wouldn't have cared nearly as much
Agreed. Which, as I stated earlier, >The game, had it not been the culmination of the trilogy, would have otherwise been okay, but it didn't do most things that it should have, to make at least the game itself bearable. The endings were just the needle that burst the growing bubble.
>Realistically, the game needed another 2 years of development minimum.
>the oldest zoomers were like 7
zoomer in denial detected
t. 1995 zoomer
Goddamn it. Time to replay.
>The way shepard just starts talking shit about ashley as soon as she joins is pure gold.
>the bit where he calls her incompetent
Better than trundling around on an empty planet looking for a copy+paste moonbase to park up at
It only gets worse.
Mass Effect is a universe where you have aliens so stupid they lost to robot cuttlefish for like, a billion years and all the space gods from the greater universe just laugh at the milky way critters and their fear of robots being so great they made robots to kill everyone so they'd not make robots that kill everyone.
As it is all but required for every ME thread
>Gameplay opportunities; new loot, combat, locations.
>Click on the planet for 10 minutes
>Gameplay opportunities; new loot, combat, locations.
But there's many planets you go down to, though, in ME2. You just have selective memory.
It's just sweat...
>new loot
Like what? You end up using the same shit on every playthrough anyway
Broken AI running into my line of fire screaming ENEMIES EVERYWHERE and GO GO GO on a loop?
Wow, I can't bait to explore BROWN PLANET, it's sure to be completely different than RED PLANET and GREY PLANET
>many planets
Many corridors*
>new loot, combat, locations
and none of these things are Mass Effect's strenghts. So putting you through additional hours of it is not a good idea.
not to that man it wasn't
I fucking hate this piece of shit meme. le boomer le zoomer, literally made up terms in this context and everyone seems so sure of themselves what is considered a boomer and what is considered a zoomer. Fuck this piece of shit website
Can we agree a Human Shaped Reaper was a terrible idea?
As opposed to the 2 copy pasted prefabs, the one copy pasted ship and one copy pasted cave? Yeah. The "corridors" where an upgrade.
>Other people hate something I like
>It must be that they are all sheeple who are going with the crowd
>perfecting the suicide mission
100,000 percent kino
All it takes is one determined faggot for the shitmunchers here to start parroting this crap
Time to head back, lil' zoom.
>the suicide mission
You mean the part where they say things like
>You've got a soldier, a tech and a biotic. We need a HACKER with strong TECHNICAL ABILITIES in order to open this door. Who do you want to send?
>derrrrrrrr... i send soldar!
>omg... this is suicide mission just like bioware said such good dev make challenging game you need brain to do good at
There is not a single character from ME2 that made it to ME3 with 100% survivability, just so you know.
Reapers in general were a terrible idea.
I wonder if Star Trek: Picard is going to execute them any better.
Anyone who says they like one over two is an automatic retard in my eyes.
No shitty try hard jokes or insults or smug posting or whatever gay addicted to the internet shit they think makes them look more right wont work. My mind is made up
I kind of like the idea in theory because it makes the reapers look less retarded. They wipe out all advanced life forms and build a new reaper out of their "essence" to preserve it. Makes kind of sense and if you give them a good motive for doing this instead of the crap they came up with, it could work.
But yeah the final thing did look goofy and retarded.
I fucking forgot about this. I loved one and two, and the gameplay in 3 is good, but the ending is so bad and EA is so fucking shitty that it retroactively made all the games shit for me. I can’t go back and play them and I’m still seething about it.