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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm looking to fish on northern hemisphere. Any kind souls wanna open their island to me and give me the dodo code?

I have a question, does ankha appear?

No, based Nintendo removed all coomer villagers


Rushed and cheated my way all the way to the island designer app, and so glad I did. Time for the perfect island

Over here jamming to 12PM. So glad hourly music is back finally

I just need to get my island to lvl 3

12 PM is amazing

how many days after town hall unlocking does it take timetraveller?

Anyone have Saharah in their village today? I just got the first room expansion and need a good rug for it

welcome frens. I have furniture too if you want it

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Fuck Tarantulas.

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thanks a lot. coming

Southern Hemisphere is quite rare and you can find it easily. Mind opening it up instead so we can catch sharks?

Almost got all the flowers I need from the help of anons, but I still need two. Does anyone have either yellow rose and cosmos seeds or already grown flowers I can have? I only need one of each.

want any fruits?


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Many thanks for the espresso machine btw. I have one just like that at home.

Just now getting the game. Should I time travel to catch up with everyone that bought the game day 1?

passed tarantulas on 24/7 thot patrol

It's likely not late enough in the day for sharks for most Southern people. It's 12pm atm for me for example


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Since I can't travel to another island


what are the codes for them?

I have em all.

Ah, I guess it would have to be South America for it work.

Level 3 is free. Just dump a bunch of random furniture around and plant like one islands worth of flowers and coconuts

I'm not sure exactly, maybe like 4 or 5 if you really do the max of everything?

You need a certain number of villagers and im not sure if more than one can move in each day.

Southern hemisphere has the most CHAD fish to catch right now. How can Northies even compete?

Let me guess, you think she's as important as Isabelle and the other main NPCs?

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does anyone have the large neon sign? i can trade a cloud flooring. heres the room for the two people who wanted to catalog my arcade machine. would like something that fits with the room but you can join anyway
will probably shut gate if too many people join

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based coomward

>throw one (1) (uno) fish bait
>golden trout
Heh. Not bad.

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Can you only build bridges over water? Can you build it to connect two cliffs?

didnt mean to quote the other guy, sorry

I'm inside this animal crossing thread

Another question. I've been hearing you're forced to recruit one of the campsite villagers to forward the campaign to unlock island designer. Is that true? I don't like that, I just want random villagers to move in without recruitment.

>want to play this game
>don’t own a Switch
>there’s only 2 other games in the Switch’s library I might enjoy
>corona would delay switch and game if I order it
>GameStop already closed
I’m too autistic to decide, what the fuck should I do Yas Forumsbros

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by catching them in june

I wish I knew, someone posted the picture here but no codes


you only have gamestop available?

your desire is probably based on sexual arousal, but the game isn't as sexually fulfilling as you might think
just fap and then realise it's not a game for you

I have Yellow cosmos eeds in my Nook Shop. It's raining so I'll be hunting Coelacanth.


This one?

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based and very true

It's only not arousing if get some of the hundreds of ugly mother fuckers

your code is fucking copee
im envious

Huh... OK!

Nah, just avoid Yas Forums threads for the first few days.

thanks to the person that gave me this hoodie :)

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YEA, trade ya my cloud flooring

try to pirate it if you wouldn't want a switch otherwise
but i still want to play this game in june

I build 3 houses yesterday for 3 new residents but only one moved in today
Is only one person gonna move in every day?
how far am i away from terraforming?

no user
you're not thinking clearly
PLEASE fap right now then come back here

A deal's a deal, user! Now you gotta scan my QR code!

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Yeah you do. You cant even build new properties until recruiting one from the campsite to move in

I need GOOD pavement QR code or desogms please.

MHA is garbage.

Can anyone give me peaches?

I don't have anything to offer though :(

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Anyone got any irons to spare? I need 6 more to open the store but I've had bad luck with Nook Miles islands and barely any rocks have been spawning on my island.

Quick question, does anyone know if theres a list anywhere of all the fish/bugs you can currently get (without time traveling)?

Also, has anyone else gotten to Big Fish Island? My roommate is playing, and every fish is the largest size you can find in that area, and he's getting Oarfish, Coelecanth, ect.

How do i get a villager to get the fuck off my island

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I'm a day behind and it makes no difference. There's still plenty to do on the first day or two and after that you're basically caught up discussion-wise.

Mine's open, come on by.
Saharah's in town. Bring beach furniture if you've got it, I'm trying to fill my catalog. Also bags of roses.

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Turn phone off plox

Can you get rid of/move rivers eventually in this? I have a second, dick-shaped river that doesn't connect to anything and it's taking up too much space, I have barely any room on my second and third levels because of it and I want to get rid of it.


your pic reminds me of Pokemon Gals

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I'm a different coomer that's been playing for a week already. Finally got the campsite so I can start on my harem

Get 10 villagers then completely ignore the bitch you need gone.


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>fish next to waterfall
>fish nibbles hook
>hook falls off waterfall
>ends 80 streak

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I see I have no choice but to suck you off just so you'll think straight

How do i catalog

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Make a slingshot

why are nincels so creative?

Oh to be innocent and clueless...


How fast can you raise the town level to level 3?
First day having the upgraded service area and I want the path maker as soon as possible

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The sniper rifle.

get the pro designer senpai

The only things that can't be moved are the Resident Services building, the Airport and the mouths of the rivers.

Protip: Instead of trying to get only good villagers, get a combination of shit-tier and god-tier villagers then give the really good ones nice yards and tons of space while forcing the shit ones to live all bunched together. If you have too many good ones, you just wont have enough space for all of them

my dreams are all dead and buried

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Pick up, put down

Unless you're a wolf girl(male) I won't allow it

pick something up/have an item in your inventory

>try to relocate the museum
>Nook wants the bells up front
Can I still preview the location and back out of the option altogether if I want or am I stuck having to move the museum once I pay him?

Fucking lame.

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it drifted off ;^(

So I can get rid of the source of the river? It has no mouth, it leads to a pond.

moving the shop now, lemme check

Its okay user, no one thinks you're any cooler for hopping on the generic shonen hate band wagon

is there more

How do people turn an image on their computer into a design pattern?

You can probably talk to him after to cancel

aight lads it's raining cats and dogs on my island and I'm farming coelacanths and getting cozy. mabel is here too (pic related is her stock today). nook's also has a rotary telephone on sale and it's pretty cool so I'm opening my gates and my anus for everyone

code is FXSXQ

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They're pretty common, once you make your slingshot just listen for the wind whistling and look up to shoot them down in the future


Yeah you can get rid of it all then.


yep, it lets you preview it

welp time to fap

sometimes I wish the sun would just explode

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Hell yeah, thanks anons.

Looking fruity today. Cute.

getting excited that easy sounds exhausting user

I need that statue so bad

>set up new housing plot for 10.000 bells
>you get until the very next day to invite villagers from deserted islands
>if you don't, the house will just be taken up by some random fuck nobody wants on their island instead and theres nothing you can do about it
just why

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i did
what now


It has no mouth, and it must stream

I see the villager limit is 10 in new horizons. Is that 10 villagers that can move in uninterrupted, or 9 villagers +1 campsite or/amiibo villager?

when god comes and calls me to his kingdom

You have to do some cleanup though since it doesn't always do the best job converting an image.

I'll check in about 15 minutes. I can't today because I cant build multiple things in the same day and I need to do my rounds before speeding up another day

Sure. Give dodo code?

You had plenty of time to visit islands and find villagers before even building the housing plot

QR codes anyone, looking for Top gun or big dick hats

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I'll take all you sonsa bitches when I go

>those blue sweatpants
freakin' awesome

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10+temporary camp

10 +1 campsite/amiibo villager

You get it after you upgrade resident services through nook miles

Are artificial tarantula islands still a thing after the patch?

wait so you can have 11?

I believe its 5 + 1 forced campsite villager then its amiibo/random campsite/island villagers

Thanks. That's what I was guessing but I wasn't sure. I was just surprised since he talked about me not having enough bells even though I was able to choose a location for a new bridge and preview it without fully committing or paying anything yet

nononono im no gay

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Coming over now

Why wouldn't they be? That would be a ridiculous thing to patch out.

no, i havent, because as long as the plots aren't up there's no villagers showing up on deserted islands..
you get exactly 1 day.

Thanks again user. Now I just need a yellow rose seed from someone.

Cause the bridge takes donations after it's placed while the shop moves when you relocate it

10 villagers + camper

It's temporary, so if you don't replace them for someone else they'll leave

that's gay bro

same here, about the exact same time too
we're twins

pretty fast, the only timed requirement is having at least 8 villagers. After that just talk to isabelle and see what things she says you still need. Things I know she mentions:
>DIY objects placed on island
>Store-bought items placed on island
>Trees planted
>Types of Fruit owned
>Weeds cleaned up

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8 am has been stuck on my head all day. was thinking of modding the ww soundtrack whenever it became possible, but I'll give the ost a chance

1) how to buy more housing plots? i have upgraded resident services and shit where I can build bridges and stairs
2) how many times do you have to beat someone with a net to make them leave

Hope you come across them user

Good hat idea


One a day after Nook's done sucking KKs dick
0. Hitting them makes them stay.

You need to:
>Build Nooks Cranny
>Build the 3 houses for Nook
>Upgrade Resident Services
>Build Campsite
>Raise island approval rating enough to get K.K. Slider to come
>watch his concert
>Pay 12,000 miles for both Cliff and Water terraforming
>Pay 1,000-2,000 miles on each path design

>shooting stars is user is the user with the battle network house

Is there an Isabelle in the new game?
If so show me the screencaps

yes, did it an hour ago

>made it in
>take 2 steps
>guy enters
>take 2 more steps
>another guy is landing
I feel so lucky

I'll make this and patient autism into qr codes sometime tomorrow.

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Cool, thanks bro

Dodo code is 82D4G

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It's the little things...

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5pm is the shit

Ooook I believe you cutie

>only play at night because I'm a nocturnal neet
am I the only one
it's kind of depressing
I never get to to talk to my villagers except for cherry

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She was replaced by her twin sister Isabelle

it's Nintendo they only want you to play the game the way they intended. It wouldn't surprise me if they did remove it out of spite.

I'm on your island user...

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>tfw second hand copies of NH are selling for $90 in my country because they sold out and covid19 means they can't restock for the foreseeable future

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Nice, thanks. Turns out I'm missing a few fish that I didn't even know I could get this time of year.

roll back the clock a few hours

Southern hemisphere 5HJBK
Don;t really have anything notable going on rn

They'd sooner remove time travelling if you retarded doomposters are to be taken seriously.

You could always adjust your Switch's clock to be several hours earlier

the game is better digital anyway

I'm loving the game but the amount of repeat dialog I'm seeing is worrying. I've had Wendy for two days, she's already repeating lines and I haven't even talked to her that much.

I used to switch my clock by 12 hours. So if I got on at 9 PM, I'd change the clock to 9 AM. But I didn't change it around, I just kept it 12 hours ahead.

>tfw $90 is how much it cost new digital in canadian monopoly money


which fish do i sell? i dont know fish rarities yet :/

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Villagers dialogue is severally limited in the first month

i like how lloid keeps calling me buddy, pal, friend

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Sahara is at my island, code is DNN8X ! I got pears and apples.