Ok so let's talk abut that ending. Did you like it?

Ok so let's talk abut that ending. Did you like it?

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No. VR is shit.

I did, but im not getting excited because last time Valve implied a sequel or follow up I had:
>Went through 2 tours in Iraq
>gotten married
>had a kid
>gotten divorced
>became a firefighter for a major city
>got remarried

No, I will not get excited again only to wait another eighth of my life.

Poorfag cope

It was pretty great but it's depressing because now I just want more, and even if I get a half-life 3, it'll probably be a faggot ass pancake game. Just eugh.

I can't see them doing that again. They seem to be more open about the HL3 thing now.

I guess my question is what happened to her that this never came up again. Eli clearly knew who the G Man was, but Alyx never mentioned him. I get that it's a prequel but it still seems weird. She also doesn't really act like she knew who Gordon was.

Also Alyx is more competent in HL:A than she is in HL2. How is it that she was a better fighter in the past?

>VR only
get that trash outta here

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This whole buildup to meeting gman, can you guys think of a better way of revealing him?

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would have been nice if I didn't get spoiled by a youtube recommendation with the entire ending in the title, but I probably would have figured it out before hand anyway

That level was probably the best looking thing I've ever seen visually in a game. Just amazing.

The Valve shills are out in force tonight. These threads are so fucking obvious. I wish the sage feature was still available.

Yes. It has been so long since Episode 2 that we've all imagined in our heads what would have happened. Especially with the leak from Laidlaw. They needed to take the series in a different direction to keep it interesting, and it worked. I'm very interested in where it'll go from here.

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It was nice. But what I love even more is all the people who didn’t play it thinking that it’s a time travel plot or that there was a retcon anywhere. It’s funny to watch them complain about things that aren’t even in the game

I mean I like the game but you literally travel through time to retcon the ending of ep2


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I think I would have liked it more if they hadn't put the G Man in the trailer. It was obvious when they said it was a prison that it would be the G Man and not Gordon as he was in the trailer. Well, that and Gordon didn't appear until five years later.

Agreed. I actually think what they've done now is more interesting than what Laidlaw had written anyway. His ending wasn't appropriate really, it was too miserable and hopeless, which is something the Half Life series has never been.

I can't wait for the Barney follow up game where he is the one who traps the Gman

I last time a game struck me this hard was probably portal 2 or bioshock infinite. Love it so goddamn much. Retconning ep2's ending was such a fucking smart move.
Also the visuals are insane. As a game developer, most games have lost that magic 'how did they do that!' charm, but oh man my jaw dropped during the entirety of that final level.

honestly half life now feels even more half life than before
That's why the day HL was released I stopped visiting Yas Forums and viewed youtube in incognito mode. I don't want to rush through game such as half life just to be ahead of all the spoilers. I don't get it why anyone would. Isn't it better to savour it? instead of speedrunning and finishing it all in 1-2 sessions.

wait so the gman said that Gordon had proved to be a shitty hire, but the events of HL2 and the episodes hadnt even happened yet so how could he know that? did HL Alyx retcon all of the games?

The execution was brilliant, which pissed me off.

The whole final chapter in the Vault was what the Borealis was supposed to be like in Half-Life 2 Episode Three.

There's nothing in HL:A that it doesn't seem like HL2 Alyx couldn't handle, there's like barely more than 3 enemies at once.

This, Half Life with googles on your face. Sounds like a genius plan. I see Alyx sold as much as orange box.

Honestly I don't think it makes any sense at all if you think about it for half a second, but just assume some quantum time travel dimensional gman bullshit happened and who really cares.
They probably should have tried to make it make some sense though. It collapses if you think about it at all.

Was Gman actually stuck in that box? Or was he just playing

yes and no

Yes, because it set up more story
No, because they tried to make Gordon look worse than Alyx

also, why the fuck was G-man locked in a fucking box? and how the fuck was he even caught in the first place?

Are you serious brother? the guy sees that alyx's father is gonna die and you ask this shit? He can see future timelines

The game has to have actually happened after the events of episode 2. Gordon didn't actually disobey the G man until then. Before that point he had no reason to terminate his contract.

yeah as soon as time travel stuff gets involved everything starts to fall apart. if gman could see the future then he would have know that gordon wouldnt have done his bidding and would never have hired him. he would have gotten Alyx from the start.

Looks like the thing from the ending of Prey (2006) so, no.

So, the ending of HLA retcons things in a laziest way possible (time travel) AND leaves gaping plot holes - .
You guys seem to be excited about it, could anyone please tell me how is it not shitty writing?

>That's why the day HL was released I stopped visiting Yas Forums and viewed youtube in incognito mode. I don't want to rush through game such as half life just to be ahead of all the spoilers

Same here. I had a complete blackout of games media and Yas Forums since it released, and I managed to avoid any spoilers. Best way to do it.

Gordon serves his part!

I don't even understand the very basics of where the story takes place. It takes place before HL2, but the episode 2 events must have already happened. It makes no sense. And don't say it was alex sent back to the past because she has no idea who gordon is.

Like it makes zero sense.

What if he can't see the future and all of the game actually happens in the present though? It could be a simulation by him to test Alyx.

>gordon freeman?
>ms Vance, you wouldn't need all that to imprison Gordon Freeman

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It isn't lazy, it makes sense in the context of the gman being this all powerful omnipotent being, but it still leaves a bunch of stuff unexplained.

I have to remember that some folks lack any sort of creativity or imagination..stick with your funko pops and nu wars pls.

>It could be a simulation by him to test Alyx
this would be the shittiest excuse ever

It was obvious since HL1 that gman doesn't perceive time the same way people do, same with vortigaunts. Gman told gordon in ep2 that alyx is valuable. HL:A shows us why that is. Retcon doesn't nessesary mean a bad thing if it doesn't fuck with already established facts. For me it all makes sense

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Here we go again

You know people were pissed about the VA for Alyx but I thought she was spot on, literally wouldn't have known the difference unless I saw people bitch about it

I have an extension installed called "Improve YouTube!" that lets me make YouTube look like pic related. I also have it set to block recommendations at the end of videos and if I navigate to the YouTube homepage it just takes me to a blank page with nothing but a search bar in it. I get all my YouTube videos delivered via RSS using Feedly so I just go straight to the video I want to watch and then leave without ever being bothered with recommendations or ads or any of that bullshit. It's the best way to use YouTube.

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Gman sits on a different level of time than most people. Very similar to how the Vortigaunts are mentally at every point in time simultaneously (this is explained in HL2 and its episodes)

>3 weapons

but why waste all that time with gordon? he even seemed surprised and annoyed when the vorts dabbed on him in episode 2

Is there a good reason why that's not the case?

He wasn't "caught". He allowed himself to be caught. The entirety of HL:A was a test to determine if Alyx had the potential to be Gordon's replacement as a contract.

So HL3 is going to be Gordon vs the G Man and we just forget about the combine?

Nope didn't play valves a fucking chode

>gman being this all powerful omnipotent being
Which he was clearly shown to not be in the start of Episode 1 where he got GTFO'd by vorts, and clearly was surprised by that. Can a time traveler like Gman be surprised? Obviously not.

gordan + vorts vs gman + gman mindbroken Alyx vs combine vs wild alien life

i think it's up to gman's employers. Assuming vortigaunts are from the same dimension as gman i guess it would make sense for gman to not forsee vortigaunts dabbing on him in ep2

the way combine has imprisoned gman is with the very same vortigaunts powers that kept gman at bay in ep2

why the fuck would gordon be involved with nuHL?

Oh I dunno, maybe the fact the ending had you literally be Gordon

Because of the sequence at the end of the credits of HL:Alyx.

Great, so now the continuous movement shit talkers have changed to acting like the ending is the worst thing ever?

You cunts never played Half Life anyway.

I don't mind the ending, but I do think it was dumb how they made everyone treat Freeman as Crowbar Jesus and that they even had a false idea of Freeman being in stasis. At the beginning of HL2 everyone who sees Gordon seemed to have just assumed he was dead, but the fact that they had a (albeit false-flag) rescue mission for him kind of flies in the face of that notion of everyone just writing Gordon off until they see him again.

What makes you think Gordon even has the means to go against the gman? The gman is still interested in Gordon primarily. He has no interest in antagonising him, only giving him an incentive.

Going after gman makes no sense.

Gordon wants Alyx back so they can help repopulate the earth.

He'll find a way.

no way of knowing for sure, but with all facts that we know so far it makes the most sense for gman to be imprisoned there. Combine used vortigaunt's powers to keep him in that box. We already know from ep2 that vortigaunts prevented gman from talking to gordon.

And it just occoured to me, perhaps the most important fact. Vortigaunt in HL:A has a "brain damage" meaning he is "alone in his head". From HL2 we know that all vortigaunts are one being - a hivemind they all experiance and see same things at any point in time "we now clearly see you in nihilanth's chamber, you leap, you fall"
If vortigaunt that helped us had a brain damage he wouldn't be able to forsee what exactly is in that vault, as far as he is concerned he is freeing his friends. Perhaps if he knew that this thing imprisons gman he wouldn't do this

>Yas Forums suddenly hates valve
nu-Yas Forums sure is shit

Yeah but that other vort you free helps break out his friends.

They make their identity hating things. They came to Yas Forums being told it was all about hating htings and rage here, but forgot that "Yas Forums hates games" means hating casual and bad games, not all games.

i dont remember if they all have brain damage or just that first vort we see

Just the first one I think