Now's not the time to be dead!

Now's not the time to be dead!

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They ruined the game by adding the third “girl” and turning it into generic harem faggotry.

Fuck this shit. Give me SMTV or a new Etrian Odyssey.

i sort of get what you mean. the third wheel even has pink hair to further drive that point across.

I thought the True Catherine Ending of the original game couldn't be topped. I was wrong

Attached: New Catherine ending pic 4.png (1003x581, 1.03M)

So this means there's still a chance for persona 5, right?

Don't get your hopes up, Catherine was also on the 360 (and later PC) and you don't see SMT or Persona there do you.

Atlus needs to put every Joker spinoff appearance on the Switch first, so you might get it after Another Eden comes out.


Persona 5 IS on the PC.

Technically, but not officially.

Attached: catherine-full-body-nero-glasses-dlc-3.jpg (187x765, 22.42K)

P5 Royal Complete Plus?

Honestly has me considering returning my Royal shipment.

360 also had the Persona 4 Arena games, but the Switch also has Persona 5 Scramble I guess.

Seriously speaking, would Catherine really be that comfy in the Switch? On a console, it'll look awful. On portable, you'd run into the possibility of DAD WALKS IN scenario

It means SMT V on PS5.

Attached: persona 5 not on nintendo switch.png (837x830, 160.33K)

Persona 1 and SMT:if were on PC.

Fuck and inseminate Katherine.
Marry Catherine.
Fistbump Rin and tell him "what's up, bro."


I'd suck his dick

Yes, but you know what I mean. That was 90's Atlus, not 2020's Atlus.

If it doesn't happen at E3 this year then you better bury those dreams deep in the ground. You'd be better off hoping that P6 comes out on the Switch at that point.

Attached: Adachi.jpg (640x640, 44.91K)

>Switchfags get the superior SMT instead of Persona
Joker's inclusion into Smash was a mistake.

2010's Atlus released a Jack Frost metroidvania on PC for free though.

I guess so, but that's still spinoff territory.
Did everyone forget about SMT Imagine? I figured that would have been the first response.

What even is the new content? The new "girl" is actually a tranny, right?

New endings for all of the love interests, new branch and extra level and boss with the new love interest.
A shit-ton more rapunzel levels and nightmares with tetris-esque blocks.

They replaced the few SMT tracks with Persona music.

>new Etrian Odyssey
i hope

So most of the levels are the same as the regular version? Hard pass, the story was probably the worst thing about the game.

You can play on remix mode where the levels are entirely different with the aforementioned tetris-esque blocks, they've also fixed axis mundi so it's actually possible to win solo.


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It's the only way for english speaking Catherine on the go since Atlus decided the vita wasn't worth of an english release.

vitachads lose again.

i'm not gay, but the trap is the best looking girl

Doesn't this just invalidate the theme? K is the lawful route, the traditional loving wife and mother to your children; C is the chaotic route, the rejection of social responsibility to dick your fuckslut succubus? Or does none of that shit matter anymore because making C a broodmare too gets user's little pp hard?

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so why do people compare this to persona?

Persona team made it.

The central new theme of Catherine Full Body's Rin Branch as long as the new endings for C and K is change and new possibility. It's about being open to changes in one's life and the idea that can lead to happiness. I personally like that the new story elements make C and K more than just symbols of Chaos and Law, they can actually develop and grow.

Attached: Catherine Bride Art.jpg (2048x1448, 232.75K)

because theyre stupid

Fullbody is fucking AWFUL compared to the Classic.
Not gonna copypaste my wall-o-rant again, so tl;dr:

>Story/characters make no sense in FB.
>Everything is bright, pink and girly.
>Gameplay is way easier. No way to get GAME OVER thanks to auto-Undo.
>Rin's a Mary Sue that steals the spotlight and fucks up balance.

Hey again, I've seen you around these threads before, and while I agree Rin could have been handled way better, I would argue on most other points:
Catherine was notoriously hard, making it easier overall along with the option for hard mode for people who like a challenge is the right move.
I do not get where you're coming from with this bright pink aesthetic.
The Rin story could have been handled better but I enjoy the new storybeats with all the characters from the og game including the new endings for K and C.

I hope there's extra Nintendo only stuff like a secret ending or costumes.

>tfw no ending where he fucks both K and C while Vincent gets nothing

get fucked faggot

Attached: vinceslap.jpg (959x513, 72.75K)

I'm trying... I'm trying.

>Catherine was notoriously hard,
No, it was not. More like people have gotten extra stupid in 10 short years.

>I do not get where you're coming from with this bright pink aesthetic.
Play the game, watch the promo work. It's practically the polar opposite of the OG's dark and moody palette.

>The Rin story could have been handled better but I enjoy the new storybeats with all the characters from the og game
The new stuff does not mesh well with the story, and the constant shoe-horning of Rin in all the major segments really ruins the pacing and even character's personality / role / balance.

At very least Rin should've been an unlockable wild card for NG+.

Persona 5 coming soon baby, fuck sonniggers

What's the appeal of this game? It's just a shittier Pushmo.

>tfw no poly ending
Both girls don't seem like they would want to share unless there's a route where you convince both that Vincent is worth it and he can handle both. I would call it the God of Fertility route.

>What's the appeal of this game?

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Rin is a boy, right? That's hot.

They ruined the game by adding rin.
All her scenes feel out of place like vincent is just sad and in anxiety in one scene and then is completely normal when rin is in then. Even if you say rin makes Vincent calm dow theres no gradually shift, it'scompletely isolated from the rest of the game. It was made as if the person who did had no clue as to what was before and after those scenes.

Also Catherine was meant to be the one that made Vincent rethink his relationship because shes his ideal girl. Not rin. It's like they split that role.

Who the fuck cares?
It ended nicely, SE will fuck it up if they make a sequel

>No, it was not. More like people have gotten extra stupid in 10 short years.
They had to patch in a super easy mode in the original JP release because people were having trouble finishing it on easy.
>Play the game, watch the promo work. It's practically the polar opposite of the OG's dark and moody palette
At least three quarters of the game story in FB and cutscenes is identical. If you're talking about promotional trailers and stuff then I guess? But even then that's not entirely the case.
Case in point:
>The new stuff does not mesh well with the story
I feel the new endings not featuring Rin work well.
>the constant shoe-horning of Rin in all the major segments really ruins the pacing and even character's personality / role / balance
Ruin pacing? For me, no. I can understand if you played the og catherine constantly things can come off but I feel like extra cutscenes would almost always feel unnatural if that's the case.
character's personality? I'm assuming you're referring to Vincent? Yes, I'll agree, his relationship with Rin and his personality could have been much better.
Balance? Actually, no I feel Rin is in a way positioned decent enough with the other two love interests. Should Rin be more flawed? Yes, absolutely.
I would have emphasized Rin's weirdness like tenfold a kuudere who doesn't really understand emotions or social cues it makes sense since Rin is an alien Such as
By doing this it would make Vincent's reasoning not to choose Rin have more foundation but adding more depth and equality to their relationship so it isn't just Rin being a flawless love interest who worships
Vincent like some sort of hero.

THIS is how you sell a port.

Attached: 『キャサリン・フルボディ for Nintendo Switch』プロモ―ション映像-IyFO4yoxzEg.webm_snapshot_02.47_[2020.03.26_19.20.42].png (1920x1080, 2.64M)

I just wish for Full Body they have an option to play the story like the original...and give me back whiskey facts. It is my go to drink while gaming!

Did they seriously get rid of the alcohol facts segment? Thats so lame.

Only whiskey trivia, they replaced it with wine trivia.

It's honestly depressing. Nincels need to die in a fire.

I can't coom to pushmo

>people were having trouble finishing it on easy.
You gotta be shitting me.
Even my wife, who really didn't get into vidya before PS3 days, beat it just fine by herself on Normal. 4 times!
The complete "lack" of Game Over status and other nerfs just destroy any challenge there might've ever been.

>If you're talking about promotional trailers and stuff then I guess?
I am talking about the visual design of the game's UIX and overall public imago content in whole. The classic starts like some sort of animated Silent Hill / Twin Peaks game, establishing psychological thriller mood right off the bat, where as the FB goes for something more cheery, even outright harem-animeish.

>Ruin pacing? For me, no
For me, yes. Mind you that it'd been nearly a decade since I'd last played a Catherine game, so I didn't have accurate data or recollection of things anymore, meaning most things felt "kinda same". However, having played the Classic soon after marathoning a handful of endings in FB, I was outright shocked of the sheer paradigm shift the new version pulled off.

The main issue is with Vincent, and how his misery and demise is diluted by Rin's appearance. Not only does his early introduction nail it down that you're dealing with supernatural shenanigans, thus eliminating the slight chance of it really being just all in his anxiety-ruined head, but somehow this disturbed individual finds enough time and energy to take care of an orphan, attracting other folks' attention towards her as well.

What comes to the implied symbolisms and choices Rin is supposed to represent, I find it all to step on the toes of both the Freedom and Chaos endings of the OG. In former, Vin chases his true dreams and keeps doors open for later opportunities, where as latter lets him fulfill his deepest desires and then some, offering sort of a cheaty win-win alternative.
What's Rin's finale exactly supposed to tell? It's OK to ditch all for a pink twink, and ayylmaos are real?

Now I'm 100% convinced that Catherine Classic was a false flag ran by Atlus to convince Sega that PC gamers don't want their games and nothing you said will convince me otherwise

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>balls and penis in your face

Persona "fans" are retarded, it's like comparing Maken X to SMT just because Kaneko, Hackshino and Meguro worked on it.

what the fuck does any of that mean

Yeah it is a pun of sorts because “full bodied wine”. But still...wish it was unlock able somehow to revert it and just have the classic game as well.

>spending time and resources porting fucking catherine instead of making a trailer for SMT V or at least porting a game people actually care about
>not making an enhanced port SMT IV
>not making an enhanced port SMT III

Attached: rage galen.gif (500x282, 2.53M)

You aren't trying hard enough.

because it's a dating sim