Why is this game forgotten?

Why is this game forgotten?

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Paid reviews, lead to shit games getting more praise from journos & normies they deserve.

If it's not paid reviews it's the fact that every year from the 2010s outside 2017 is complete shit for games, which leads to people overhyping mediocre gamess for being less shit than what else is on the market at the time.

After years pass, people begin to realize how shit these games really are & they end up being completely forgotten under the sea of hype for newer games.

This happened to Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, Metal Gear Solid 4, Persona 5, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto IV, Super Mario Odyssey & now it's happening to Red Dead Redemption 2 & God of War

Because GoW is runs on casuals who hype up every release. Most people ignore it because it's a glorified button masher. GoW has been shit for the beginning.

lack of bosses

So while i typed my shitty 2 sentences, you typed this glorious article. Well done user.

because it's a single player game that came out 2 years ago

finished it 3 times, loved it. One of the best action games I've ever played and one of the only games I've really wanted DLC for. Can't wait for the sequel

Can you believe you can get second hand copies of this game for like $1.50? What happened to the sony brand?

It was fun but only worth one or two playthroughs

This, except you need to add Witcher 3 to the list of games that was forgotten. Nothing from 2015 is remembered fondly now & still constantly discussed.

t. Contrarians

Sold better then any weeb trash you tards praise, back to your dating sim now

Because of bundles. Shit collects dust

>Why is this game forgotten?

It did a bunch of things alright, but nothing about it was great.

People still talk about God Hand because despite having shit graphics and a complete throwaway story the combat is absolutely top tier and unlike anything else. God of War 2018 has nothing above its peers, it's just a jack of all trades type of game.

lol keep coping tard, you fags literally use that excuse for EVERY sony game that sells well

Oh No, nobody is remembering yet another 3rd person over the shoulder camera cinematic experience with an invincible companion who you are forced to "grow" attachment using the most basic human instinct for its demographic, parenting.

Oh really? People talk about god hand?

Weird normal people I know talk about GoW and never about Shit Hand, oh youre talking about a few contrarians on a image board OHHHHHHHHHHH

I haven't played it because I skipped this whole gen so I cannot say but it seems to be kino for millenials. Zoomers cannot relate to having children because they are too young and virgins.

Sales ≠ Quality

Maybe because it was a bad game......

Retarded contrarian mindset

Now say the predictable response of DURR LEL MILLION FLIES EATTING SHIT CANT BE WRONG XD

Because it was just a tease for the next two games and is mostly a father/son bonding thing with recycled enemies and bosses and over the shoulder nonsense.

Its true

>walk down hallway and kill the same enemy in slow motion 10 million times
wew sounds fun

Too many interruptions to the gameplay. Makes it hard to replay when you just want to fight and you have to go through long sections of nothing happening.

>Game makes a lot of money therefore it means it's good
Is The Last Jedi a good movie then?

Weird why didnt killzone shadowfall, infamous second son, order 1886 didn't sell 10 million when they all had bundles!

Muh bundle is the most pathetic coping mechanism I've seen on this board

True God Hand does suck

All those games are just as mediocre but GoW had way more push than any of them.

So its good and so good that millions of people bought a ps4 for it, ok

Cope. GoW is forgotten.

Looks like this needs to be posted again, since you retards don't understand what is actually popular & what isn't. God of War is irrelevant in 2020

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this game was touted around by youtube journalists and reddit for months on end and frankly we are sick of it

Millions of flies eat shit

Aw yes chrono trigger is a trending topic in 2020, i go out and just here the masses talking about chrono trigger! Boy this one time I ran into walmart and say a heated debate over chrono trigger that lead to a fight!

So relevant!

It's another "check all the boxes" oscar bait action game. This is all that sony cares about marketing.

Humans aren't flies so whats your point and you were so predictable i mentioned this before

It's a bunch of cinematics to hide loading, that hide that the gameplay is servicable.

Seriously, do the fast travel mechanic that's so desperately jerking itself off to avoid a loading screen that you end up just standing around doing fucking nothing, and tell yourself this is a game that respects player agency and not just the developers jerking themselves off over their ability to hide loading screens. It's the Fable 3 of the God of War games.

Everything in the game is preceded by huge stretches of travel to hide loading.

The PS5 boost version might actually be playable if they give you the ability to go faster.

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Do you think 10 million is a lot for an exclusive when your install base is 110 million?

Do you usually get into fights in walmarts over videogames?

Is that common enough for you that's a relevant comparison to make?

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>call of duty
Man, how low has mighty Yas Forums fallen

Keep crying, you do realize that these are literally nothing but Popularity contests right? The ones that appear the most are the most popular games, God of War is literal who trash that nobody actually likes. Sales don't mean shit, flies eat shit. Normies will praise whatever they consistently hear other people on the internet praise. Undertale only exists because of how much Yas Forums was shilling it when it came out, now it's the most popular indie game since MineCraft

You type like a zoomer.

Predictable a MUH ATTACH RATE response

So every PS2 was a failure for not selling 150 million copies

not on PC
also it's shitty and boring

LOL you really think you comparing flies consume to humans is relevant and a profound thought!

Nobody talks about video games in real life outside of Zelda, GTA, NBA 2K, Pokemon, COD & Final Fantasy. Everything else only gets discussed on the internet, which is the central hub for the world essentially.

Reddit zoomer

People still talk about Persona

> Nier: Automata
> Breath of the Wild
> Portal 2
> The Witcher 3
These are the only games from last decade to actually place top 3 in a list

PS2 being massively overrated and only selling as much as it did because it was a cheap DVD player is an entirely different topic

it's the best of the sequel trilogy to me, it's the only one that actually tried something

Please post more meme buzzwords into your next comment, try to fit simp coomer tumblr twitter neogaf resetera gaia online into it

Only coomers

So people who like attractive women? So like 99% of the population then

>well attach rate for other things dont count cause i moved the goalpost

Why is it so hard to admit a game was successful? Does your reality crumble down from the fact it sold well and is getting a sequel from the success?

it's a good game and some people still talk about it, even on this board a thread pops up occasionally.
This board should probably stop reading clickbait journos and rate game for themselves instead of seeing someone praise a game and then shitpost about it through sheer contrarianism.

I found it a decend hack n slash, story was pretty good save for one part and could've used much more enemy variety. I hate that it builds up to thor and odin showdown only to blueball you with the "lol wait for the sequel". I mean, gow2 did it to, but at least there you stll got to beat the shit out of Zeus and the story was complete. This game ends and leaves you asking "ok, where's the second half?"

Successful games sell for $5.00 in bargain bins?

i mean, argue whatever you want about its quality, but it sold over 10 million copies, that's a succesful game, especially for a fully single player game with no dlcs.
And bundles still counts as copies sold, even tho i doubt the majority of that 10 millions is just bundles, but this is Yas Forums, so some retards probably believes it unironically

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Sales literally don't fucking matter, they never mattered in any form of entertainment. Success is defined by long-term reception among fans of said demographic. Nintendo themselves called Super Metroid their best game in 1997, despite the fact that all of the Mario's sold 4x as much. You know what games Nintendo puts the most effort into? Zelda & Metroid, shit like Mario & Pokemon have been low effort rehashes for decades because they know fans will buy them no matter how shit they are and will recieve high reviews solely based on blind brand worship.

Titantic is the only movie in the last 50 years to win Top Box Office & Best Picture
Skyrim was the only game this century to win Game of the Year & have the highest sales numbers

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>GoW has been shit for the beginning

>he doesn't know that non nintendo games almost always drop down to those prices within 5 years

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You can literally count the list of games who had the top grossing award & won GOTY on one hand

> 1992 - Street Fighter II
> 1997 - Final Fantasy VII
> 1998 - Ocarina of Time
> 2011 - TES V: Skyrim

Very few times does Sales accurately measure quality

You just brought it up though.

>paid reviews
Source? The game was fantastic.

But its true. The PS4 is selling with THREE FREE fucking games and Dad of War is one of them. Sony was doing this shady SHIT so much that NPD started using REVENUE to judge sales not number of units.

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>single player action game comes out
>its AAA so it comes with those trappings
>it follows a familiar formula to previous games in the series
>people are still surprised that no one talks about them.

you know instead of making this shit thread you could be doing something else.

This but you need to add pretty much every Switch release, Astral Chain, Kirby, Mario Tennis, Mario Oddysey, Arms, Fire Emblem, Yoshi, luiguis mansion 3, pokemon; all trash games with paid reviews of the same merit.

it won GOTY. People still talk about it a lot for a single player console exclusive

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and who said that? I was arguing with retards thinking this game wasn't successful when it sold a lot, so it was succesful?
Was it good? That wasn't what i was arguing.

the game sold around 10 millions. Even if you assume half of that is bundles that still means it sold 5 million copies.
Why do you need the feel to argue about sales with the dozens things you could criticize about the game?

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>good value bundles are "shady"
What? Its a console at the end of its life.

Weebs are not people

Seething Sonyfag, Nintendo games get review bombed by journos for not being interactive movie shit. If paid reviews existed than BOTW would have a 99 because it's every bit as beloved as Ocarina of Time now