what are her chances?
What are her chances?
Zero compared to flubber
Zero compared to the clown and funny pick
About 1/10.
Her chances are high due to her popularity
eww who would eat that when she's had her feet and sweaty leggings in it yuck
Well actually her feet and leggings aren't in it. Just her ass is.
She's too cute and autistic for Smash.
I'd eat her ass out
what if they introduced ARMS slot, with 8 different fighters that play similarly but with very slight variations?
>but with very slight variations?
They're called echoes, user.
Well there you go then, noodles not ruined.
oh, please, do define "echoes", because Sakurai has no idea what he want to do with "echoes"
Her right heel seems to be well within the boundary of the bowl's rim. Considering the hot stew she's in, I bet some sweat has dripped into it.
I want a male fighter just to make resetera seethe even more
Get your vag juice out of my miso.
You're gay if you prefer male fighters over females in video games btw
except byleth everyone, from the DLC, was male(not counting kazooie) and i really want some female fighters in.
Echoes are just characters with some moves/hitboxes being different than their "base", as opposed to characters that are actually identical, but with different models, like Hero.
How do you think it gets its flavor?
Given that 8 characters are needed, yes.
She's next in line after designated protagonist Springman. It'd be interesting to see them go for a secondary character specifically because they already added the main guy as an assist.
wouldn't that be ribbon girl?
Spring Man & Ribbon Girl 3:1
Min-Min & Twintelle 5:1
Ninjara 10:1
Any other character 50:1
Byleth is male.
never ever
I was hopeful when dlc was first announced. I don't really care anymore, though.
She won the whole Final Splatfest equivalent.
i think its going to be spring man, then a bunch of skins. min min. kid cobra, twintelle,
but spring man is already an assist
That doesn't work. You couldn't do Twintelle's hair arms as a skin. Kid Cobra's body is also way too different from spring man's. Most of the ARMS fighters are genuinely too different from each other for it to work.
Second after Spring Man, next to Ribbon Girl.
She won the character online tournament. Probably a dumb reason. But she is popular regardless.
Swap model with Springtron and you have the same thing basically
it could work. just make it so when spring man is in the match, spring man in the trophy cant spawn
Pretty good.
im pretty sure faggotera would prefer a man instead of a cute girl
Didn't she win the popularity contest or something?
except when they're literally the same character, like Daisy and Richter, or they're very different, like Chrom
Sakurai is a hack
no chance when her people caused the corona virus
>She's next in line after designated protagonist Springman
You mean Twintelle? She's literally the only reason the game even got attention.
She won the character tournament and is also the canonical champion as a result. She's not Twintelle tier popular but definitely has the fanbase and star power to stand out in Smash, on top of representing its mechanics better and having kicks for close range attacks.
She's probably the front-runner alongside Ribbon Girl.
I have a dream.
>what is frame data
Nigga you dumb
please, do tell the different frame data from moves of Simon/Richter, and of Peach/Daisy
My dream is bigger
>She's probably the front-runner alongside Ribbon Girl.
Agreed. Both seem to have mechanics that work best with Smash without being more gimmicky than necessary.
Their are none, thats the fucking point of echoes, are you perhaps retarded?
are you claiming that Chrom and Roy have the same frame data?
...do you not know what frame data is...?
I do. Their up B has different frame data.
My dream is the biggest!
The chances of me fapping to her tonight are pretty high
>these two completely different moves have different frame data
Wow, no shit Sherlock. Thought it would take you all night to figure that one out. Now, how about the rest of their kit?
Better than most of the cast but still less than Spring-Man, Ribbon Girl and maybe The Champ. Guaranteed color though
If they don't just do Springman with Ribbon Girl alt then Min Min or Max Brass are the most likely.
I miss when Peach and Daisy had different Turnips
I cant imagine them teasing "it could be ANYONE" then just doing the guy on the box already featured in Smash.
Isn't there going to be some kind of tournament soon? I remember getting an email, but I can't find it.
I love Min Min's stinky chinky cute feet!
haha yeah nobody would want that, let me just take the bowl away and dispose of it
Its going to be the girl on the box if they're actually trying to promote this game
One word: Byleth.
Nevermind, it was twitter. That starts on April 4. Would be cool if the winner was planned to get in.