Daily reminder that you don't actually own any of the games that you "bought" on any digital store

Daily reminder that you don't actually own any of the games that you "bought" on any digital store.

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You don't own anything, in general.
You don't even have control over yourself.

Wow, such nihilistic, 2deep4me.

i used to feel proud for being a PC gaymer at laught at console retards, but every new day its gettng worse

>play game
>say words
>money stolen

If you get banned for being "toxic" on steam, does this mean you lose all your games?

What's so great about "owning things" anyway? I just care that I get to play and I do.

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I don't know if steam itself bans for this, but you can get banned from individual games online play, which for most games nowadays is basically like getting your game stolen.

explain to a piratefag who has no stake in this why that even matters

>buy something
>get bored of it
>sell something
>what is great about "owning things" anyway
A literal brainlet.

Daily reminder that you don't actually own any games period
You have a limited license to use the software

>Own all physical games.
>Games gone

>Own all digital
>PC gets destoryed or stolen
>Get replacement PC and quickly change passwords
>Still have games

what about gog

>buy copy of vidyagame 4 from mc globohomo videogames inc
>say words
>servers go down
>platform just doesnt work anymore
>money stolen
>download copy of vidyagame 4 from your favourite downloading site reddit is actually pretty good
>can play forever as long as files do not become corrupt
>dedicated servers
>some games allow crossplay between pirates and buyers
>no money lost
Explain why you are still buying games anons

Attached: Piratechads.png (1673x2160, 2.24M)

>anyone falling for this bait
At least you tried.

you can't "own" 0s and 1s.they are not phsysical items.sure you can own a physical media that contains those 0s and 1s but someday it wil fial and you will lose them

>the literal basic assumption of Stoicism
Strat with the Greeks
t. /lit/

>pirate game
>the gamer word constantly
>it's okay because you can't even go online lmao

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thats why i dont buy digital

You can sell "your" games? Just because you can copy your game doesn't mean that you own it.

how the fuck is that stoicism you fucking retard?

god i hate you fags

In your imaginary world bitcoin doesn't exist, because people "can't own 0s and 1s".


I supported the devs, and if any of these digital marketplaces lock me out of my purchased games ,I'll just pirate without remorse. I'm mostly just paying for the convenience of auto updates and the ability to free up my SSD when that becomes necessary.

I wasn't raised by animals and I'm not some brat who feels he deserves free shit just because?

wait is this some kind of reverse double-bait? I genuinely believe my first comment.

>You don't own anything, in general.
I'd like coca cola to try pumping their product out of my body after I drink it.

>he hasnt read epictetus
>Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word, whatever are not our own actions. - Enchiridion, Paragraph 1

I agree, that's why I make simps buy video games for me if I want them on Steam.

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but it doesn't exist, its not a physical item, its a series of 0s and 1s stored on a media on thousands of PCs around the world

stfu retard

How is it not, YOU fucking retard?
Do you know anything about stoicism beyond some half-remembered dictionary definition you got from High School or something?

>selling used things
get some self respect.

This is why I pirate. I think I remember the exact moment when I turned to it 100%.

It was was that new Deus Ex game was announced, and it had really shitty pre-order bonuses. Like, you could only select one of them or something? Then it dawned on me that pirates would not only get the game for free, but could also easy give themselves all the pre-order bonuses, no DRM, etc.
That, and it feels weird to pay all these music/movie streaming services a monthy fee... and what do you get at the end of it, when you cancel? Nothing. You're just paying for the service.

I'd rather just buy TB's of hard drives and back up everything. It's not as convenient, but it's free and I'm in control. It's what I'd rather do. And it's become an odd hobby of mine, organizing it all.

>Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value
>You don't own anything, in general.
>You don't even have control over yourself.

Literally the definition of nihilism, please go to bed, brainlet.

Bitcoin not being a "physical item" is irrelevant, you still own it like you own the money in your bank account that is also just "1s and 0s".

The problem with nihilism is, from a certain perspective, it's not wrong.

that money is real. FIAT is beacked up by physical things like gold and the paper thts its printed on

>ownership and meaning are synonymous
If you have money in the bank you own it about as much as you own your Steam games.

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Daily reminder you're a literal plastic junk hoarder if you buy physical

Where's drm free GOG?

you don't even own your own life, government and your parents do

>money in your bank account that is also just "1s and 0s".
go back to Yas Forums you fucking RETARD

>If you have money in the bank you own it about as much as you own your Steam games.

you can literally go to the bank and cash out physical money

Just because you think that the end your game is meaningless, that doesn't mean you don't do everything in your reach to make the game enjoyable while it lasts.
Nihilism or any other related "DUD NOTHING MEANS ANYTHING" related stupid ass pampered college pinko thought is for fucking fags.
Life has the meaning that you give it.

physical games are pretty much dead anyway considering 90% require day 0 patches.

>backed up by gold
not for a while bucko

>paper that its printed on
Yeah I would much rather have something digitally than a piece of worthless paper that can be burnt or ripped

>>ownership and meaning are synonymous
>using strawman because you lost an argument
>If you have money in the bank you own it about as much as you own your Steam games.
Oh yea? Send me a link to a game in your library so i can buy it, i'll wait.

GoG exists.

Attached: gog-chan.jpg (1708x1080, 662.98K)

Unless the bank doesn't like you or everyone decides to use the bank at once.

You are buying games because you like them and you want the developers to make more of that game. what does it even mean owning something? that no one can take it away from you or what. then just simly torrent the game, after buying it. That's of course if its not a "always needs to be internet connected" peace of garbage dogshit. Fuck you blizzard you ruined diablo you pieces of shit faggots. i hope your company dies.

They would if it wasn't so cost inefficient

>go back to Yas Forums you fucking RETARD
Not an argument.

Wow, so many shit drm storefronts. Thanks fat Gabe for taking 30%

name 1 (one) time that happened in the history of mankind where a bank refused to give you back your money

>FIAT is beacked up by physical things like gold and the paper thts its printed on
You are a literal retard that has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.
The complete state of Yas Forums.

>Buying videogames

It doesn't have to be physical to own it, see bitcoin.

>stfu retard
You see, this is an example of not being in control of your emotions, which is an extension of bodily loss of control. Exercise prudence and evenness user, and you will be more prepared for the shipwreck of fate. Good luck user.

>ownership is a synonym for meaning
user... I....

Stoicism also argues (depends from philosopher to philosopher) that life is without meaning and that happiness comes from embracing that and living with full knowledge and preparedness in the face of this fact. Just because they overlap does not mean they are the same. Dogs and elephants both have four limbs, they are not the same animal.

>see bitcoin

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>>using strawman because you lost an argument
That isnt even me user, this is me: Yikes yourself, it seems two different anons think you are retarded on the same issue. Word for word. I am noticing a pattern.

Send me a link where i can buy a game from your library please.
Write it on your diary, nothing of what you wrote has anything to do with ownership.
"Funny" pictures are not an argument.

You're right, it's much cheaper to recycle your piss into water and bottle it.

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I usually pirate day 1 releases and eventually buy on steam. ALso, I pirate everything on console because the forced online pay shit finally got to me. at least PS3 was free and playing demon souls with the messages was nice. Wind waker with the bottles that would randomly pop up was cute. These games are the perfect way to mix a strictly focused single player game while still throwing bigger world aspects.

I remember booting up bloodborne and being told any online features will not be available (like messages) unless I pay up. The nerve of that shit company. Also, I like to play SOME games online but to pay a yearly charge to use my own internet connection?? (which already costs $50 / month) No thanks

and the worst culprit is Nintendo. the fuckin nerve to charge 20/yr for their shitty online infrastructure legit zero improvement since the wii u.

Anyways, next gen of consoles I will not buy until a hack is available. Hell I may not even bother if there are zero exclusives anyways.

Supposedly EU law applies to GOG as well