Comfy AC thread. Post codes

Comfy AC thread. Post codes.

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Other urls found in this thread: Hemisphere!RRZUyaJb!fPgrO_8CbPrsFvYdD7FMTwänger/dp/B075XMP8PN/


I love Animal Crossing NH but I'm sick of quarantine. I miss my friends and my boyfriend

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He sold?

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my towns open and I've got all kinds of fruit and able sisters open, they're selling a maid outfit
code is JCS4L

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>tfw no bf

Is there anyway to buy the Giant Robot?

Fuck that dirty all gull

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Post your villager and I'll draw them taking it in the butt


What fish and bugs are leaving for northern hemisphere at the end of March?

what did he mean by this

>just realized I still haven't downloaded the update

let me know when you stop being choked by loading screens

>been restarting the game for 2 hours since my autism prevents me from not having a symmetrical island with a nice looking layout
Somebody please end my suffering.

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>never rains so no coeclanth
>no stringfish
>no golden trout


You unlock terraforming later bro

Where is the golden trout again? I still need to get that one.

that bathrobe villager that was posted in a thread today Hemisphere


its raining here if you want to try. 3ykst

i got three sturgeons, so yay. no rain yet for me and it sucks

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QR Code pack here.!RRZUyaJb!fPgrO_8CbPrsFvYdD7FMTw

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Repostan one more time
458 turnips/Sahara/6BFKN

1 hour before till I stop

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>people using album covers for music you cant listen to ingame
how about we show off the REAL albums?

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yes. so does customizing it

So I've been looking at these for 30mins and I think this one maybe...
Im going to be awful at this, if i cant pick an island how will i ever decide where houses and things go .-.

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>it's another shitty mystery island

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Please let me in I need it

>So I've been looking at these for 30mins

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those are all really weird layouts
i like bottom right though

Can someone redpill me about Feng Shui in this game? I don't fucking get furniture color stuff.

can i put my museum on part of my island that i can only access by using the stick can't remember how's called or i need a bridge?

you can change it up later. only thing you cant change are the outlets into the ocean and like the pier spot

Anyone know what these statues are that everyone is talking about?

I just did a random nook miles ticket and I found fucking money island

>sorry for shitty quality

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If I didnt have to zoom conference a class, I would

I would've reset if those 4 had been my selection tbf

Probably, I was going to get checked but my appointment was cancelled due to Coronavirus :/

need to post references

seconding but i'm not lazy like him
here's the picture

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So there's no way to get my daily login bonus from the ABD while Nook is building his center? Are you fucking joking?? My streak has to end and I have no say!?

>no rivers/ponds
>all my native fruit
>just sea bass and puny fish in the ocean

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no they took that into account

It doesn't count while the building is under repair. Nook told you this, retard

>Not recording an hour long video of yourself sitting at your desk and then using manycam to play that video through zoom while you sit there and play AC and then chime in when needed to

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but i'm a top

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Very nice


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Bottom left seems cool to me.

>3 waterfalls
>Town hall/meeting point smack dab in the middle of town
>Nice large middle ground to put lots of homes and stores and shit
>Beach only accessible when needed

>actually get another fruit
>it's the one i got yesterday
at least i can sell them

Answer is bottom right, bro

You can place things anywhere you can access

So for the people that breed flowers what do you do? Set up shit like pic related and then take away fully grown hybrids that grow? Put several hybrids next to each other afterwards if you only want a specific color? I was never really into the flower breeding aspect but with all the shit you can do now I want to build a park and I want certain hybrid flowers to populate it. Plus I apparently have to if I want to catch all the bugs.

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real chads turn their minimap OFF

do mine

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Oh is that what the little leaf is? I thought it was an airport or something :v

If you visit CJ in other peoples' towns, can you get more than one fish trophy a month? I have three of a bunch of fish, but if I can only turn one type of fish into an item a month I'm gonna be pretty annoyed.änger/dp/B075XMP8PN/
would these work? I'm a brainlet and never used NFC before

Brewster when?

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if you don't know your island by heart by the time you have the ladder then you're a smoothbrain

Not mine but here

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Bottom right has a single cliff top = less laddering
Only two ponds = more land

Do that pic to breed a bunch. Or modify it to get whatever colour you want

>yfw catch a string fish

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I'm looking at my map now because I'm fucking lost on what to do for customizing my island now that town hall is unlocked.

Just putting them in a 2 by 2 square actually seems better than any grid meme as far as I've seen.

This. I need comfy Brewster on my island

>mfw I caught a string fish on accident

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go bottom right, it's the best balance of practicality and nice aesthetic, also pretty unique layout compared to most I've seen.

so when is the next update coming out? easter?

Does anyone have a TV (the in game furniture of course) they'd be willing be sell me? pwetty pwease? pic unrelated

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>Open game
>Seagull guy is washed ashore
>Oh shit I should go help him
>Get sidetracked by Nook and his mortgage loan tomfoolery
>Realize after hours that he's still at the shore
>Check up on him
>He disappeared

W-where'd he go

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I found that island yesterday, the moat is filled with trash, I got the rest of the trash crafting recipes out of it

I always found it odd that the power ranger helmets had lips

>No idea why my villager so excited

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Wait what is this from?

I can't enter the fucking building while it is building Tom Nook you piece of shite

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Bottom right looks great and actually has a nice above sea level river for goldentrout and string fish

Ill be back after im done

Is it true that you can't terraform rivers or beaches?

>Late night rare fishing, this one comes out of Nook's, net in hand for some reason
>Stealthy tarantula near the river's mouth comes out of the woodworks to bite me
>I react in time (for once) to catch it

No rare fishes, but I got 6 tarantulas outta nowhere and no stings. Get fucked, scum.

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about to go fishing for char
char is top cliff in the river right? is it both the pool and the river or just the pool?

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What was in the new patch?


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I do 3x2 because that's how many the watering can can cover
then if they breed good if not oh well maybe tomorrow

The mini direct earlier

>he doesn't know
dis nigga about to get gull'd

My boi.

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Can someone who has caught the stringfish please verify that I have the right information here? I'm fishing for it on the clifftop (3rd level), past 4 PM, but I've had no luck. I've thrown 85 baits now and not a single one has spawned. Am I doing something wrong or just unlucky?

God I love this little bastard.

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removed duping glitch but did not remove crafting glitch

just fixed a cloning item exploit.

He was an actor for the white helm photo shoot but you let them down so they fucked off.

He's dead


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the first, retard

Me too user

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It shows up on the second level as well


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got cherries and mabel, some stuff at nooks, if ya want bring an extra outfit ya dont want or just hang out and fish

is this game worth my 60 hard earned dollarydoos?

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bring all butterflies back home
bring all flowers back home
turn off switch and go to sleep

Anything that leads into a waterfall can yield a char.

Thanks anons. Tendy doesn't believe in patch notes.

don't wake back up

rude. I hope your mother dies from corono in her sleep tonight nigger

>Craft over 100 bait
>get Golden Trout on literally the last one
T-thanks Nook

what can i do with my villagers?

This was answered in the previous thread.
The answer is no, it's only your island. This also goes for Flick since it's the same deal. So this means 6 and a half years to get all the statues on your own if you give a new one each time, but if the Grasshopper-head statue is anything to go by they're able to be cataloged so it's not a big deal and they come from balloons.

What are the stars for, trees you've shaken already?

fuck time travelers and fuck jannies

They give you recipes if you talk to them in their house sometimes. Maybe they'll run up to you to give you something.
Otherwise, uhhhhhhhh

invite them to Harv's epstein island

>tfw bad artist
how do I improve bros

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>caught 4 golden trout so far but not a SINGLE stringfish

What hours does the Golden Trout appear?

How common are Flicks models? I thought you could only get them through him and cj but I found one in a tree today.

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>So this means 6 and a half years to get all the statues

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theres some spots open on my island if anyone still needs the maid outfit

Probably only the shit-tier ones drop from tees

4 pm to 9 am, in the clifftop river.

Is there any way to get the shop to stay open for longer hours?
>mfw wagecuck and can’t play during the day

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I was the exact opposite. Stringfish are the largest river shadow size, like the size of black bass. Good luck

I was doing a test to see if they can give items every day. Those were supposed to be money trees. As expected, they didn't, so I'm going to assume all the normal tree's generosity depends on the day's luck of the draw.
Don't blame me. It's my first time playing this series.

>villagers naruto running around together
>they're houses are close to one another
>Their names are Walt and Tybalt

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That also assumes Flick comes by once a month but unlike CJ he's random so it could potentially be more. Again though, you can catalog and reorder them so it's going to go by much smoother, you just have to find people who have certain models.

Thank you all, I'll go with the bottom right

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I got a butterfly fish, but I hope not I want a coelacanth model

What the fuck user
Just draw from a reference and keep going until it looks acceptable enough like everyone else

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Urge to time travel... rising. Must... RESIST!

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Do the Time Travel exploit.

Looks like he's got Rey hair from those oranges

>everyone shits on 2 south river exists
>im just thinking of how nice you can make it look with terraforming
imagine 2 rivers that are straight but have 1 connection to each other (basically an H) and a small pyramid on the upper middle part of it.
It could look so damn nice, yet everyone trashes it because movement is restricted in the beginning.


never build the cranny

same basically
i want both rivers south even if the strips of land are narrow until terraforming
because you can change that
you can't change where the deltas are

Do you open all your calendar chocolates on December 1st? Calm yourself Todd


You have a much better chance of catching three of them in a day than ever having that drop

I'm still on the reconsider bit, why should i not pick bottom right? :c

>raining in my town today
>fucking finally got my Coelacanth
I'm part of the club

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>tfw you saved up all those rocks and now you just learned to build rock walls
Its maze time.

At least not until nook offers island relocation service for 2 million bells

i want a "mile-high" title prefix

>Cool looking foghorn leghorn rooster villager stranded on a island
>Forgot to invite him back when I left

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