

Attached: ff8.jpg (856x800, 182.15K)

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Here, have a pity (You). It's the least I can do for someone on the spectrum.

You don't like my thread?

Best Final Fantasy.

Worst Final Fantasy.

It's the sixth-best Final Fantasy,

I really liked the dynamics between these 3. Quistis could have remained an authority figure, Rinoa can fuck off, Irvine literally who

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Look, this is how this game works:

Did you play FF8 while you were still in school?
If yes, bump it to 8.5/10, and even if you look at it objectively it'll always have a special place in your hearth.

Did you play it AFTER finishing school?
Then it's a 6/10 at best.
Possibly a stong 5/10.

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Shit OTT
Post favorite piece of music from FF8

The Mission

Squall getting impaled is a plot contrivance to have a big climax but still start the next disc somewhere completely different, and also it just never being mentioned again is poor handling.

That's because Discs 2-4 are Squall's dying vision.

His final fantasy, if you will. :)

Is it possible to beat this game without drawing magic? It seems to fucking tedious

you can refine magic from items. get mug, card command, and all the refines including asap

That sounds just as tedious lmao. Can't I just play it like a normal turn-based RPG?

some of the best systems in any ff, terrible story though past disc 1
>muh draw
learn to refine faggot

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That can be said about every FF.

It's a main game mechanic. Go play something else.

Reminder that R=U is braindead babby tier of fan fiction

I beat this game without really knowing what to do and leveling up a lot so it's probably possible.

It's shit. I haven't played it.

I played FF8 when I was in middle school. I just remember the magic system being weird as fuck with you having to repeatedly draw from enemies. Instead of using MP it acted like an item.

I got to Disc 2 before I lost interest.

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Good game


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It's a very good game especially if you know how to pay attention to details and NPC dialogue. This methodology of giving hints in the story is far less obstructive than say, FFXIII where a lot of the background info for the plot is stuffed in datalogs (some not even available until after you beat the game) and characters outright lie to hide their motivations which will very easily mislead a player who isn't watching out for it.

FFVIII did a lot of playing, than showing, and maybe a little bit more telling than other games, and while a fair bit of it was optional I feel it's acceptable in a game of this genre because it adds to interactivity and otherwise NPCs and sidequests would be filler.

This is probably the worst thing plot-wise about FFVIII, but GFs make you retardedly strong which is why Zell punching the floor of the train panicked the conductor.

It's far more likely and way less stupid that Ultimecia is a descendant of Rinoa.


Keep Squall at low health, spam Renzokuken. Flee from random battles since the game has level scaling.

>more likely
We're not talking about probability, it was flat out rejected by the director.
Head canon is all it can ever be, and it only appeals to "omg tweeeeeeeeest" brainlets who get off on any fringe theory that is easy to sum up in a simple equivalency. Good twists take more time to explain than "Rinoa is really Ultimecia" because they have more finesse than a wet noodle

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fuel for that particular fire is that their CG faces look alike, Ulty was able to extract Griever from Squall's subconscious, and they have similar equipment in Dissidia right?

Is there any more to it?


Never played and never will until theres a HD background mod for the remasterized version.

I think the only reason why I liked this game is because I played it at an early age and built an immutable concept of it in my mind where I thoroughly enjoyed it. I bet my current self would hate it if I played it for the first time now.

Apparently, square was making CGI FMVs before even completing the game structure and plot. Hence why you get contrived sequences like in FFX, and why they need to revive a character in FFXIII for the FMV and then immediately kill him again afterward

This FF has the best Shiva that can also be your GF

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If you refine magic from items you never have to draw at all other than getting new GFs and certain OP spells IIRC. Makes the game way more fun.


I do recall a member of the team they outsourced the CG to for FFXV complaining that they kept asking for changes because they kept fucking with the story

Most of the faces look alike. All the female faces have a similar roundness to them like Rinoa, Quistis, and Edea. Zell looks like Seifer. It's just hardware limitations.

>Is there any more to it?
A few other things that are just as loose, but yeah that's about right

>it was flat out rejected by the director
I don't give a wet dirty shit what one random dumbass who worked on the game thinks. "no uhhhh no i don't think that was in the game, nah, no" lmfao yeah just like when Akira Toriyama couldn't remember who fucking Piccolo was. gimme a goddamn break

>It's a very good game especially if you know how to pay attention to details and NPC dialogue. This methodology of giving hints in the story is far less obstructive

>Squall actually had the biggest character bonding moment with Rinoa when she was a vegetable

When I was a kid, I though it looked weird for static. I stared for a while before I started being able to make out the words and shit bricks. Why the fuck don't games do subtle foreshadowing anymore? Also, the fact that there's no voiced dialogue is a huge plus for the game.

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Easily one of the best final fantasy games. Why people dont like it is because they didn't bother experimenting with the junction system.

>But-but muh draw are boring
Play the card game, literally makes the game easy mode when you convert cards to magic or items

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bad game or not,it's still the best ps1 FF game at the least.

>blocks your path

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Holy fuck stop making this thread everyday

>the reason Irvine couldn't shoot Edea at the parade wasn't because "he always chokes", but because she was their Matron at the orphanage

I'm just going to say it. No other FF game has topped this OP or most of the music in this game. FF10 came close but 8 had THE best music in the FF franchise

Squall is by far the best looking protagonist in the series. Unfortunately, Rinoa is probably one of the worst girls.

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The middle guys chin is too pronounced. Squall's is more angular and feminine.

That's a funny joke. ff9 is easily the worst ps1 ff. At least 8 tried to be its own thing. 9 was just slapdash and unfinished. It might have actually good if sakaguchi didnt waste a billion dollars on that shitty movie.

Did he realize she was Matron at the time? I thought none of them made the connection until Trabia? I'm literally playing the game right now and it's like he also just realized "Oh shit, Edea is Matron!"

That’s most JRPGs

She's a spoiled daughter of a well respected general who is going through her teenage rebellious phase by literally joining a resistance movement (the fuck does she even care about Timber for? She's full on Galbadian!), abuses her teammates, and had a gooey vag for badboy Seifer. Literally worst girl.

Fuck, I love Selphie though. Always puts a smile on my face.

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Non-sorceress Edea was top tier, too. Cid was a lucky man.

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Well said but the director said this isn't true. The world of 8 is that wonky

>be NORG
>Trust a nice human who had an idea I agreed with
>He's Robin Williams
>Finance him completely, I bring the money, he brings the executive vision.
>Find out the human I trusted was only doing things because his penis was telling him
>Used to fuck the actual big bad we were formed to fight
>A super solder team fucks up a mission because Robin Williams did not tell me the big bad was the super soldiers adoptive mother
>Entire structure and purpose of the garden is compromised from within
>Get killed by the super soldiers I payed the training for, under the orders of the human who lied and betrayed me
>Fellow shumi don't mind it, they say I was a piece of shit anyway

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How do these models look in the remaster, anyways? Soulless as fuck I presume?

They fucked up the mission because they weren't strong enough. They didn't know who the fuck Edea was until well after the Garden crashes into Fisherman's Horizon. NORG had every right to remove Cid from power but he fucked up by attacking Squall's team during explaining his point of view like a sperg.

Models looks great actually. Backgrounds look fuzzy.

I think he made a mentioned that he never used GFs until he joined the group, so we can assume he remembered it all. As far as I can remember there was no mention about how long you can use GFs before their memories are affected. Just that they are with regular use.

It's strange that he didn't have some line to the effect of, "That's the real reason why I couldn't pull the trigger."

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Squall is literally me