>Good: Dark Iron, Kul Tiran, Mag'har, Nightborne, Zandalari
>Bad: Lightforged, Void Elf, Highmountain, Vulpera
>Satanic: Mechagnome
Good: Dark Iron, Kul Tiran, Mag'har, Nightborne, Zandalari
Whatever happened to ORCS VS HUMANS? Now it's just Elves vs Elves. WoW was a cancer.
>Good: Dark Iron, Mag'har
>Bad: Everything else
>Make Nightborne look completely different compared to the NPC
>Almost no customization
What was the reason?
>Faggot: OP
>Good: Dark Iron, Kul Tiran, Zandalari, Highmountain, Vulpera
>Bad: Lightforged, Mag'har, Nightborne
>Satanic: Mechagnome, Void Elf
The real list.
Actually Different: Vulpera, Kul Tiran
Slightly different: HM Tauren
Lazy recolors: Everything else
This is a champion of the Horde. Say something nice about him
Does Classic have more players than Retail?
Classic died 7 months ago user
>Great but way too fucking late: Dark iron
>Good: Zandalari
>Okay: HMTauren, mag'har, Kultirans
>No effort shit: Gold draenei, purple BEs
>We want the ERP diaperfur audience: Vulpera
>Literally who asked for this: Mechagnomes
>Use shitty laptop not meant for gaming
>Enter Boralus with settings set a 1
>Frame rate drops everywhere
>Hop on Classic
>No lag or frame rate at all
>hamplanets and furfag shit
that's gonna be a "yikes" from me
I can't fucking stand how bad the Nightborne racials are, and how they haven't been fixed in going on three years; I know it statistically doesn't mean shit but it fucking pisses me off.
They both have unique models and racials
Kul'tirans literally have the best racials in the game.
There's one problem, it's a fucking bitch to grind to unlock their race and I don't wanna do the Horseshow on my laggy ass laptop.
>blizzard make new models
>their animations are complete dogshit and gear doesn't fit them properly
honestly the recolors are the best ones
this. shame the recolors are the best of the bunch
Hourly Reminder:
>No Vrkul.
>No Furbolgs.
>No Earthen.
>No High Elves.
>No Broken.
>No Ogres, neither two-headed nor single-headed.
>No Half-Ogres.
>No Undead High Elves.
>No Forest Trolls.
>ogres hozen and giblin canonically part of the horde
>jinyuu ankoan and high elves canonically part of the alliance
>mogu are friendly to all races now
>outside hozen 90% of the rid is already done and works with armor
>get none of them
Switch Vulpera and Nightborne around. Nightborne should have been good but the player models are absolutely fucked compared to the NPC models. Vulpera are great once we remove the furfag community from the equation.
There are 2 races on that list people would actually play and the rest would all be Pandaren-tier dead on arrival. I'll let you figure out which
Because the Nightborne weren't actually rigged as player characters, so they just made them Night Elves with Nightborne colors rather then put forth effort.
Mag'har is great.
Aren't vrykul way too big?
What's the difference between player and NPC models for Nightborne?
i hate classic uses the nu wow client. it fucking nearly every time i log out to switch char
fucking crashes*
Gross, thanks.
>Looks nothing like Kul Tirans in your path
>Lightforged Draenei
>Death Knight
somebody please stop blizzard this has gone too far
blizzard done did it again
Fucking hell, I want Rexxar to be happy!
Kul Tirans aren't all big units. Like 80% of the NPC in Boralus look like normal Stormwind humans.
The big Kul Tirans are the ones with more Vrykul blood in them. Most are just normal humans.
this lol
and I like void elf racials
>have to get exalted with a faction of Broken to unlock edgier blood elves
It's like they wanted to make me mad
If they were the size of Kul Tirans they would be alright. NPC models are bigger than player models all the time.
Where's the Nage blizz?
Vrykuls are supposed to be fuckhuge lorewise too though.
>Two headed Ogre monk
Orc, Z Trolls, and fire dwarfs are the only cool ones.
It's OK: dark iron
Whatever: orc, tauren I guess
Elves elves elves: elves, troll
Wtf lol: dranei
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH: gnome, fatty
anyone else interested in a Mok'Nathal race with Rexxar as the racial leader?
The Heritage set could be a cowl like him, it would be a nice compromise since Ogres are butt fucking ugly and 2 heads is a no no.
get over yourself, if brown orcs are "whatever" then nigger dwarves are "whatever" as well.
Are Kul Tirans supposed to be fat or muscly? Or both? I can't tell.
Have their skin colors look like regular ogres.
Blood elves unironically saved the Horde, they were outnumbered like 5 to 1 back in vanilla.
>Be Blizzard
>Make cool concept like Allied Race
>Ignore player demands for Ogres or Nagas for years
>Adds furries instead
Who's the employee at Blizzard adding the furry shit?
>be blizzard
>make cool anything
>NEVER fucking use it
they make my pp big
I can pretty much guarantee naga would be a top played race if they had Azshara tier looks, customizations and animations but Blizzard isn't that talented anymore.
If they added Arakkoa (TBC style not WOD style) I would resub
>no ethereals
Forgot pic
Only if they go Alliance. The Horde really doesn't need a third orc-like race, similar to Vrykul going Horde because Alliance doesn't need a third human race.
Let's not pretend like Blizzard can't make up some lore to make it happen. That's what they did to make Blood Elves playable for Alliance, they just pulled a new race of elves out of their ass.
I played from early BC to Mists of Pandaria and Naga have always been a request.
I remember being a kid, playing WoW and imagining what it would be like to play a Naga.
>Rework Worgen models
>Male worgen
>Look cool as hell
>Female worgens
>They look like shit from E621
nah i'd rather not get them at all if they're going to the filthy alliance.
oh my fucking god, when did this happen
>The current Horde.
I literally unsubbed and am at last not coming back when they did Kul'Tirans but don't let you play as the skinny crackhead model. I wanted to be a weird skinny druid dude. Nope. Fucking burn in hell Blizzars I hope your office in Anaheim BURNS TO THE FUCKING GROUND YOU SPINELESS FUCKING FAGGOTS
Paste like 40 more vulpera and remove the undead entirely and its accurate
aren't tauren scaled down from like 10 feet to 8 feet in game or something, could do similar for vrykul
>horde was saved by all the elf loving allaince babies switching
you fags still play WoW? lmao
Last year. This freaking expansion has terrible writing and it wants to finish the Warcraft lore.
I have played wow since vanilla and semi regularly since WOD. I have yet to unlock a single allied race because I can't force myself to do the rep grind
>remove the undead entirely
Ha, it hurts so much because it's true.
Send help.