Oh there, I see you're having fun. Let me fix that.
Oh there, I see you're having fun. Let me fix that
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Thanks, now instead of fun I can have morefun
Suck on my stagger frags and lockon burst you bitch.
>super shotgun counter
>BFG in his face
Granted, you now have to save every BFG just for him. Which isn't fun either.
Use the Unmayker on a stagger. Won't use up a whole BFG shot.
i can't believe THIS filtered the majority of Yas Forums
I don't get the hate. The only dick move is the one shoved in tight corridor in Nekravol. Otherwise he's fine
Why doesn't the crucible, BFG or Unmayker work on him. Why is the Crucible ass
Yas Forums is 60% kids now who weren't even born when the original doom and doom 2 were released.
Most of them grew up playing cod and halo on their Xbox 360.
Why would they know how to play this?
>Oh wow, another room filled with a different combination of the same demons and jumping platforms
>>Oh wow, another room filled with a different combination of the same demons
is this your first doom game?
Beat him the first time after three tries. I thought it was weird Yas Forums was having trouble with this fag, then I realized he becomes a regular mob later. fuck it's genuinely annoying.
>Game literally tells you to attack him when he flashes green
Yeah he's not hard at all.
>codex with boss information
>flashing monster parts to show weak spots
>pop ups to help you with encounters
>extra life farming
>rune of cheat death
This game is not filtering anyone, zoomie. But keep the trolling, it works with normies and that's good enough.
This is as retarded an arguement as
>Oh wow another enemy you have to shoot how gay
>DOOM was always repetitive and uninspiring
Ding ding ding
You were having nu-fun. He turns it into true fun.
But I wanna attack it's the whole point of Doom
aww shit another room full of things to shoot
keep coping
90% of the encounters play exactly the same.
Boss fights are a joke and gimmick as fuck.
Lack of Black Belts in this thread
>aww shit another room full of things to shoot in the same way from the previous 30 rooms.
Yep, keep coping.
Give me a break faggot. I guess the people who are bitching about it are just being ironic huh
he doesn't fit the style of the game tbqh
>Not using g_infiniteammo1
>people are complaining about him
>when the whole fight is just "green means go"
i get it, it's a challenging enemy, but come the fuck on, he's not that hard. it's a fair duel, especially if you limit yourself to ssg only, not some kinda impossible rapefest.
you mean I have to kill things in a shooter?
fucking dropped
imagine unironically using sentinel Armour
Is not a hard enemy, just annoying...oh and also kills any momentum in the battle you have. Great design choice...
Dumb dumb
Are you impliying that Eternal has anything to do with the original Doom? or even Doom 2? are you retarded? yes, you are.
git gud
I wish the caco's in eternal still had that devilish smile
>it's a fair duel
Approximately. You can't tackle him as soon as he appears without dealing with the other non-fodder demons first.
>playing Doom with a controller
This generation is fucked.
>He plays doom with a controller
>git gud
>uses ellipsis unironically TWICE
Wow an actual boomer
Playing with a controller makes the game 10x harder. You have to git gud more than you do on PC. You're basically playing the game on easy mode if you play with a kb+m.
>creating a headcanon from falseflags
tough first week?
>bait a melee hit
>SSG, quick swap to rail gun, quick swap to rocket launcher
>do this twice
GG no re
The fuck is sentinel armor?
Are you actually unironically using your hands? Because playing with your elbows makes the game 1000x harder. You have to git gud more than you do using your hands. You're basically playing the game on babby's rattle mode if you play with your hands.
>not dropping a grenade at his feet as well
basically the game offers you a crutch if you die like 2 times in a row lmao
I also played with a controller so that I could use my comfy TV/recliner setup. Just finished the game last night with maybe 2 total deaths. It would have been even easier with m&kb, is Yas Forums really this fucking trash these days? Truly pathetic.
>Game straight up tells you the only way to win is to keep moving
>Have to wait for the skeleton to wink seductively at me before I can shoot him in the face.
I can't believe I fell for the hype. They literally tell you what to do and I molested him in 15 seconds. Have you shitters never played Punch-Out?
>Why would they know how to play this?
Zoomers love eternal you retard
If you die to a fight too many times, the game will ask if you want to activate it. It's basically invincibility for the duration of that fight.
Think of those powerups that recent Mario games give you if you die a bunch to one section.
>green eyes
>SSG > ballista > SSG
>repeat two or three times
ebin reddit meme I'm gonna post this on my doom fanpage on facebook
I had no idea that was even in the game, pretty anti-doom if you ask me, and I love the game.
You can turn it off in the options.
Stupid argument. People don't play with their elbows. Many people will play with a controller. Try again.
it was the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way, if you want it to be easier then turn the difficulty down simple as
>people don't play with their elbows
microsoft literally had to release a gimp controller because people were playing with their elbows
>He hasn't even beat the game on Ultra-Nightmare with Famine Mode active
>Thinks he can comment on difficulty
I keep seeing this thread so I looked this fight up. How the fuck are people struggling with him? This guy is absolute dogshit at aiming and dodging and he still managed to kill Marauder. I guess they really have casualized Doom.
Are you actually unironically using your hands? Because playing with your feet makes the game 100x harder. You have to git gud more than you do using your hands. You're basically playing the game on piss and shit mode if you play with your hands.
He's easy. Bait him and spam SSG balista and rocket + grenade.
have you?
>Gameplay loop is all about constant movement and unloading an unrelenting stream of ammo upon your enemies with a few 'oshit' buttons to press if a particularly challenging situation arises
>Miniboss enemy that's invulnerable to ammo 99% of the time appears who will punish you for constantly moving and is immune to all your 'oshit' buttons
Great. Now let's have a Resident Evil boss that heals itself if you shoot it in the eyeball.
For what purpose was this made
I'm really upset that there was no Makyr or Astro skin for the shotgun or rifle. Everything could have been a nice uniform white.
looks kewl
Not really but ok