Dat new track and remastered music

>dat new track and remastered music

Xenoblade thread

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Sounds like a new battle song.
It's probably for the Epilogue story, but I hope it replaces the Bionis battle theme desu.

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This game is gonna be absolute kino

I hope at the very least the remastered version sounds better

Those fucking japs always have to change the old soundtrack, holy shit
And it's 99% of the time garbage tier.
I bet that they wil never touch Xeno X OST if they port it just because it was made by Sawano.

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Its literally just the original in higher quality calm down spaz lord.

New Engage the Enemy

>Whole soundtrack is getting remastered.
>New Zanza arrangement imminent


My god damn dick. I hope Unfinished Battle gets used more than once.

Shulk's hair is too bright

>remastered music
Oh fuck no. I'm out. I've been down this road with remasters many times before, they're going to royally screw this up and not give us an option to listen to the originals.

Is Melia going to win this time?

can't go wrong with a little disco

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Sounds pretty good though
Music toggle at the top

Chill out, this isn't Square Enix

>cutting it at the best part

The marketers are cruel, but effective.

Not here too, it sounds too relaxed to be a battle theme.

It sounds good aside from the opera part shown in the direct which is a huge downgrade. I hope there's a toggle for the originals

Yeah no, they already fucked up Gaur Plain's percussion in the first 15 seconds.

First Torna.
Now this.

At this rate, Xenoblade 3 is going to be pure swank and funk and nothing else.

The whole new story is about her and Shulk with no Fiora in sight

But I still doubt it

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God I hope so

I dont like the vocals on new engage the enemy. Hope there's an option for originals

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What the fuck, it sounds like fucking Persona minus the vocals.

I love how they're switching things up with the music.

This will make or break whether I get this or not

Yes, I also enjoy listening to the same tracks I listened to 8 years ago for about 100+ hours.

The Xeno series under Nintendo outside of some story things has been entirely trying to mix itself up every chance they get, mainly due to Takahashi wanting to do something different with Blade 1 anyway.

You may want to save your money then.

The only Persona game this sounds even a little bit like is 5

Look I'd love it if Melia won the Shulkbowl but realistically it's very likely not happening

You made me compare it.
Original percussion is a bit louder but new one is way higher sound quality.

oh fuck that new guitar is amazing

I have no idea if they are reusing assets since we see things that look like old assets but with animations that weren't possible before.

It sounds fine, you sperg.

so Melia gets a mini monado too? How hard are they shipping MeliaXShulk in DE?

OLD GOOD NEW BAD: the post

This game was released 10 years ago, it just got new textures, user.

Jesus Christ, nincels...

I don't know if everything is going to be using new assets, but the character models are very much new and look closer Xeno 2 than the original Xenoblade's very close resemblance to FF12.


The goggles are an accessory you equip, so that's why Shulk's missing them in the new footage.

What's it like living in an ever-changing world when you have severe autism?

Takahashi is probably going to fuck hard with Meliafags.
Expect stuff on the level of Sakurai's K. Rool and Banjo fakeouts without the real ones showing up.

The game was already top tier kino and the new look is just gonna help elevate it


XC is a perfect game. Now it's going to be the same except look better, sound better and probably play better. It's weird but I approve.

Yeah, I'm sorry for disliking the idea of changing something that is absolutely not needed and was one of the strongest point of the game. If it was possible to change between the old and new one, it wouldn't be a problem, but you fucking know that they will never allow it.

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With enough bitching, Square allowed the choice for FFX and FFX-2, but only for every version following the PS4 release. PS3 bros are fucked with the shitty version.

I think it's a not 0% chance if they don't have the option and enough people vocalize it, they'll enable it.

have you considered that maybe it's changing the artsyle to match the other Xeno games?

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He's talking about music, not artstyle.

I'm guessing it will a lot of teasing before getting shut down

Maybe a %1 chance of a harem end

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>Yes, I also enjoy listening to the same tracks I listened to 8 years ago for about 100+ hours
Yeah, they should change the story and gameplay too since you already played it for 100+ hours.
It's a REMASTER, mother fucking retard.

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I want to hear Unfinished Business.

>Even if Melia doesn't win in the game we'll get more Melia x Shulk doujins and lewds

I'll take it

And they're remastering the music!

Melia posters are pretty fucking obnoxious.

She's the Nia of the game so it was inevitable

Fiora was always endgame like Melia was cute but the minute Fiora showed up again I was not expecting him to ditch her for Melia

They should do that thing like in HGSS where you can get a key item that gives access to old music.


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At least they aren't as bad as Niafags. yet

The thing is even when Fiora shows back up she says her body is fucked and she's going to die again. She even gives Melia the "take care of Shulk" speech. So you could write a bittersweet ending with Fiora dying for good at the end and Melia winning by default, but Fiora suddenly gets better instead which makes me wonder what the whole point of all that was.

How the fuck are they going up to the shoulder when Bionis collapsed into the ocean after the ending?

There's a "secret chapter" in the artbook that explains how the machina doctor told them about and subsequently found a high entia restoration machine behind the door in the room with all the ether cylinders back at colony 9.
Melia can open it due to her royalty and such.
Dunban cries a single tear.
Fiora declines though as she wants to fight aside Shulk when they face Zanza and it would take a whole year.
Game goes on, Fiora gets into the machine, a year passes, ending custscene.

you go to bionis shoulder in the main game people are just retarded


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But they literally call it an epilogue in the trailer, it's obviously after the main game has already ended

It's a canon epilogue and Shulk is already with Fiora, you do the math

>what the whole point of all that was.
I'm pretty sure Takahashi wants to kill off his heroines, but keeps pussying out at the last minute for the sake of a happier ending.

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>XC is a perfect game.
Are you mentally retarded? It had a million flaws. It was good but by no means perfect. The biggest flaw in my opinion was the 100% lack of level design depth, puzzle solving or actual interactivity, even though Monolith Soft has already proven that they are very talented in that area with Baten Kaitos. When even Melia's challenge (that tower) turned out to be just a long corridor with enemies, it was quite a disappointment.

Ignoring all the copy-paste sidequests if you want to 100% the game, the repetitive combat, stupid skills like "hurr, more attack in the night" or the total lack of mountables when the world is begging for one, the shitty jewel crafting mechanics and the imbalanced skills, armors and weapons.

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>MFW listening to Torna and the Xenoblade Remaster songs

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They are lying or retarded. Nintendo products are from retards for retards.

In case you didn't know already.

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He keeps rewriting the games a million times before actually settling with a specific design. See the initial drafts for X, it looked nothing like what we actually got and we even had a proper MC, instead of cardboard cutout in the final game.

All that extra grass but they couldn't have done anything about that N64 geometry of the spiky rocks or the lighting. Shame.

I really, really hate these half-assed Nintendo "remakes". Just eliminates the chance of a PROPER remake ever happening. Best example being OoT 3D.

Xenoblade bros... we are coming home...

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That's some omega level cope, user.
Do you need help?

Are you stupid?

user asked if there will be an epilogue since Nintendo said there will be in the Direct. I told him they lied, which they did.

It's not a remake.

>N64 geometry
You definitely have not played an N64 game lately.

Beside the point.

Was Windwaker HD not a remake?

It's an HD remaster so no it is not.


new armor? i don't remember this in the original

i think that's implied by the word remake being in quotes

The epilogue has new armor, we don't know if the main game has new armor though.

forgot image sorry

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Putting Planet of the Apes on Blu-ray in higher definition and slapping a scene cut from the original back in.

Planet of the Apes (2001)

Learn the difference.

I'm glad they didn't abandon the completely over the top armor aesthetic

Your funny

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Drowning in so much pussy he needs to wear diving gear. Rex was clever enough to make it his default outfit.

No. Link's Awakening Switch was a remake.

It's called hyperbole. Maybe I should have said 3D SNES.

Since TLOU 2 and XC share the same release date.....will we also see some crossover fanarts?