Why are females so bad at video games?

Why are females so bad at video games?

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They have sex.

They have no sex.

>reverse search pic
>Pininterest: 237 Best Youtuber images

Fuck off, shitposting kid

Middling IQ and poorer reflexes

>"Why are men so bad at video games?"

because they lack penis, that's why trannies play better

Not everybody. My Sister is better than me at playing Sims 3. I always lose interest and quit the game while she plays it for several generations of characters

sssniperwolf has the perfect cumshot face

thats because women are interested in people

Hes basically a woman
I'll beat your sister, games pretty boring but I can complete pretty much everything in a handful of generations.

Fuck you dude I beat Gael solo WITH A KEYBOARD AND MOUSE. Im probably better than 80% of this board at video games

Attached: dark souls 3.jpg (574x115, 10.51K)

lower auditory and visual response times including other cognitive differences that don't translate well into classic competitive videogames

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Reminder that her boyfriend is a fat guy who goes by sausage who uses Yas Forums and got in her pants by being funny and knowing how to cook.

at least DSP beat the games.
i see a bunch of people here whinning about REmake 2 on normal and the fat fuck played on hardcore.

Attached: dsp.png (535x675, 206.14K)

why does this cunt have like 5 youtube channels

Can I assume that that is not a woman?

I don't know but test

DS1 PC port was so shit, I beat it with keyboard only

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why would they be? f*males have been coddled through out their lives, they have no ambition, no skills, nothing except the gaping hole in their crotch.

Attached: pepe chad.png (929x1175, 119.12K)

Mouse and keyboard is better for DS games but it's just more comfy to grab controller.

>t. bitter and jaded manchild

plenty of female top players
some of them are literally better than 99.9% of Yas Forums

Ok tranny

Are they female(male)?

not a big feat, slut
1v1 me quake

Attached: myvaginaisbiggerthanurs.webm (994x560, 2.9M)


>t. Vagina worshipping white knight

>Better at vidya than people who don't play vidya at all
Shit, that is an achievement indeed.

Is there any guy that likes eyebrows like those? I mean big and natural eyebrows can be sexy but this drawn ones ... idk

Attached: 1585174492393.jpg (540x504, 25.5K)

t. gaped out roastie

Serious answer is that, for one, women have MUCH slower visual reaction times: dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6067201/Scientists-reveal-men-better-visual-reactions-women.html

And second is thst they simply have less interest in games that are fast and confrontational, so they have less experience at those games.

Every female gamer I know IRL has been into farm sims, Animal Crossing, the sims, etc, and also Pokemon and JRPGs. Almost none of then care for action games, fighting games, etc.

Guy also beat RE0 on hard which is 8x even more overkill than REmake2.

They have inferior reaction speed to men for starters.

You think he actually got the image off pinterest and not google images? Bait?

I like girls with hairy eyebrows, drawn are shit though

sorry misstyped

He also beat Nioh without using anything other than one stance and mid attacks.

it's women logic, it works in their mind

And that gaping hole still makes her more worth than you and your ambition and skills. Seethe incel, seethe.

funnily enough, Quake probably has the highest amount of biocunts playing than any other "non-casul" game

I love big eyebrows, but the makeup eyebrows are an instant turn off, almost all makeup is for me

Gamer moms > Gamer girls

Attached: yuyu.webm (1280x540, 1.27M)

>arenashitter is an insufferable faggot

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Are you somehow implying that women are no shit at turn based games? Because you are wrong.

"Women are like diamonds. They have no actual value, only perceived value."

pussy good

Why is Yas Forums so bad at females?


Attached: Mommy.webm (406x720, 2.47M)

Each day my yellow fever grows

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Diamonds have way, way more than just perceived value.

>no actual value
You are functionally retarded.

Lack of testosterone when they are teenagers makes them retarded when compared to men. Women have billions of neurons less too. Finally, it shouldn't be easy to play while thinking about dicks all the time, it's just like the trannies who post here who think it's all about sex (with the difference that women get dick whenever they want and the trannies here do not because their pseudo-vagina smells like feces).

diamonds can be very useful in scientific fields.

>no weeb gamer mommy gf
just gonna kill myself lads

Attached: weeb milf.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

it's because they use drugs and party all the time.

cope, maybe if you jack off enough, you'll be good at games

heh boobies

Thanks, Dr. Fucktard.


IDK. Male chess players VASTLY outclass female ones...
So I am honestly not even into the whole "har har, women suck" incel thing taking over nu-Yas Forums, I just think that's what the data indicates.

imagine you never did or tried anything in your life
you have to put 5% effort in
then people rained money on you and carried you
and gave you shit endlessly

Then you have a woman.
Why would you put anything more than that 5% of effort if there is literally no reward possible for you to get short of being 1 of the 6 people on 1 pro team that wins a world championship.

You wouldnt.
Therefore women are bad at video games.

Attached: KoalaWasntMeantForThisWorld.jpg (2486x1468, 859.67K)

that looks like a dude

Also, most women don't like games that require you to grind to learn technique and eye to hand coordination like fighting games and specially First Person Shooters.

also, psychologically speaking, women tend to identify with what they are, not what they do, and there are no games that you can play just by being you or not putting in some kind of minimal effort.

In my experience, women play games that revolve around stuff they already know how to do (My mom is an accountant that can move numbers pretty fast and loves the brain training games), stuff with 0 learning gap (seen lots of girls, family and unrelated alike, play casual stuff like pet simulators and candy crush), or stuff they are really REALLY into, which are the exception, (my sister took a liking to mario kart and started playing smash bros. because of me, a class mate is obsessed with LoL ).

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oh fuck hahaha it IS a dude lmaooooo
>that body
>that voice
>that face
kekking at yellowfever niggers