Why do people hate these games so much?
You hardly ever see anyone talking about them, and when you do it's almost always negative.
When you go into the games though, there's always 15+ full servers on conquest alone.
It doesn't add up.
Have I found a rabbit hole?
Why do people hate these games so much?
>caring about battlefield after BC1
after BC2*
This is what I mean. Why the negativity? I don't get it.
They're perfectly fine games as long as you're not Yas Forums. If you are Yas Forums then you should just kill yourself anyway.
What if you had family fucking DIE in WWII only to have their sacrifice mocked by DICE trying to entice new audiences, on top of telling their customers "Don't like it? Don't buy it."
Fuck DICE and fuck you
What if I had family that died in a car crash?
Should people not play racing games?
Goddamn I hate Yas Forums so much.
>They're perfectly fine games as long as you're not Yas Forums
You know we see you, right? Nobody is fooled by this.
>why do people hate BF so much?
great bait thread
I'll be honest, I dislike how these game became more focus on the Call of Duty style shooting instead of the sandbox way of "On foot, tank, car, plane" setup the original game had. Like, I would just cruise the aircraft carrier to ram into the opponents aircraft carrier.
shit liberal games
>car crashes are sociopolitical events with sociopolitical ramifications across the sociopolitical landscape
>car crashes are comparable in the ramifications, passions and frustrations of trespass of literally the worst deliberate human conflict in history
no, by no serious metrics does it work like this. and as much as I don't like you, I know for a fact that you can be much better than this.
this post best post
You take games far too serious. Chill the fuck out man
Because they're dumbed-down, unrealistic political propaganda versions of the original BF1942 series.
>caring about battlefield after b2
They have a higher learning curve than CoD.
ITT: Yas Forums gets triggered by being called Yas Forums
>EA tells people not to buy it if they dont like it in a SJW wow so progressive move
>people literally dont
>CEO resigns right after
I think that was the funniest thing that came out of this whole situation.
BF1 is a way better game than BF5
>They're perfectly fine games as long as you're not Yas Forums
Battlefield was totally casualized into wannabe COD literally at the start of Bad Company.
Fuck off, consoles ruined shooters and Battlefield is the prime example.
Bf1 is awesome as was bf4
I've been playing Battlefield since BF2. The games have gradually been moving closer and closer to becoming CoD with small maps. The original gimmick of BF was to have huge maps (at the time) and a huge multiplayer count. BF4 was really when it started to go downhill with maps like Metro. Ignoring the "woke" politics, the games have become more and more like CoD, based on close, fast paced action instead of strategically moving around a large battlefield.
They got shit after BF 3/4
Hopefully they go with a modern or futuristic setting with the next one, no one cares about WW shooters
I liked BF1 a lot. BF5 just has too much retardation surrounding it and didn't seem like as big an upgrade over BF1 to make it worth it. I remember playing the alpha and hated the new medic system and the building aspect was tacked on and shitty. Maybe that's all changed now but just lost interest.
>They got shit after BF 3/4
>next one
The new games aren't going to be any better than 3/4 because 3 was probably the game that sold the best despite how completely shit it was when you compare it to earlier game.
Let it go, it's dead.
Making a ww2 a game is a disgrace in the first place if you think about it,unless you're playin medal of honor(on pc)
>mfw bf4 teases 2143 but we end up with fucking ww
even if they actually make 2143 it's going to be garbage, i've lost all hope
As far as I'm concerned, Battlefield has been on hiatus since BF4 finished a few years ago.
Based,it's still cringe having blacks in ww2 tho
>If you are Yas Forums then you should just kill yourself anyway.
Yeah,the bigger maps feel 20x better than shit like operation locker
>4 games later
>Worse graphics
not fun
I've played almost every BF game there is for multiple hundreds of hours, Bad Company 2 is my favorite one for reference.
I always hated the big ass open maps. It's fucking boring as hell just running between points. Vehicles can only be so fun for a while, and if you don't have one, it fucking sucks ass. Plus the main vehicle is the tank which just shits on everything provided the player is good enough, again it's fucking boring. Planes and helis can be fun but ultimately are just hogged by people who are either great with them (which is good) or they get blown up immediately because their shit.
Medium sized maps that allowed everything to play together was best. Which is why BC2 was so good IMO. Maps were big enough to let everyone do everything. Tanks could be tanks, helis could be helis. Players could do any number of roles and be completely effective in so many ways. And the game had enough customization to let you do fun stuff like multi-roles. You could take C4, a sniper, and the motion balls and be just as effective at sniping, assaulting, and blowing up vehicles. Or tailor yourself to be a really fast assault player.
What's fun about running for 5 minutes straight between points in a big ass map just to be blown up by a tank or shot down by a heli just to wait and do it all again? What's fun about driving a tank endlessly between points just taking pot shots at other vehicles? It's just so fucking boring. BC2 was best because it just let you do everything equally as well while keeping all the pace of the action/game in general as high as it needed to be and not a fucking snooze fest the big maps give.
virtue signaling and bad creative direction fucked BFV. Battlefield 1 is good if not a bit too arcady. BF4 was the last true true battlefield game
BF1 IS BASED BFV is shit
Christ people like you are such disingenuous little fucks. If you actually cared you'd think that every game based on a real war is a disgrace, because it takes an event where people suffered and died and tries to turn it into cheap entertainment.
But no, Yas Forumstards like you are perfectly fine until a BLACK MAN shows up. I bet you also think Germany did nothing wrong. Kill yourself just like your idol Hitler.
Large maps sucks if you're playing alone. But if you're in a squad with at least two friends then they're great. I hate BFV small maps and I specifically join servers so I can play panzerstorm and hamada with my squad. Its much more fun to pick one or two flags to defend the entire match, you can't do that if you're alone since you'll always get zerged but with a squad then you can. On small maps being a well coordinated squad doesnt matter since you'll get zerged any second anyway since everyone is running around like headless chickens between flags in a millisecond.
>If you are Yas Forums then you should just kill yourself anyway.
Remember when Battlefield was more popular than CoD
this means you're from Yas Forums btw
Bad Company 1 is literally worse than 2 in every single way except the single player
What did he mean by this?
You mean 3, which is when Operation Metro was introduced
Also Bad Company 2 was what sealed the deal of them CoDifying it because it (and every single game after it) was made with consoles in mind
autistic flick shooter
bf3 was the last playable one
the series have only gone downhill since bf2
>Why do people hate these games so much?
because they're popular and made by EA
>BF4 was really when it started to go downhill
>not BC
BC was literally "Claustrophobia Simulator: Battlefield Edition for Consoles"
It introduced the worst aspects of today BFs excluding SJW pandering:
>small maps
>not enough transports for entire team on spawn
>spawn everywhere fuck-fest
>number of guns is more important than number of features
>unlock grind
>4 classes only
>tank is also the gunner
Fuck WW2
Give me modern/future warfare.
BF1 is a very fun game that absolutely tarnishes the setting and abandons some of the core mechanics of the series, if you can get over that it's a great time in spite of its flaws, if you can't you're not exactly in the wrong either.
BFV has always looked too shit to bother picking up and every time I look into it all of the people playing it seem to hate it, I'll admit the pacific theater stuff is somewhat compelling tho, I always love those BF island maps.
t. series fan since BF2
Being able to both drive and shoot the main gun has always been a thing in all games
>BC introduce unlock grind
What did he mean by this?
Yeah I don't know either considering BF2 was the one that introduced unlocks
This is usually the point where I'd tell you to play Squad, but that game's been going to shit too so play Post Scriptum instead.
Rent free
BF2 was my first bf and it felt tactical, the pace was somewhat realistic. These days it's just people randomly sprinting and twitch shooting, it doesn't fit the graphics, it doesn't fit the setting.
What's happened with some BF2 successor game made by unknown military fags? Something WW3
lmao what a fag
I'm pretty sure it wasn't in first 2 until a patch.
But then again my age is killing my brain.
This fella gets it. BF got turned into cowadooty and now the newest cowadooty wants to be BF. Battlefield 1 is kind of fun on hardcore though, wish they'd had the sense to leave out the reflex sights though
It indeed was a thing in Battlefield 1942 and 2 (never played Vietnam)
Bad Company 2 is still the best Bad Company game
I have played the console version since launch in 2010 and it honestly plays better there than on PC
t. got it on PC earlier this year
Well even if you can call new BF more CoD style it still very different from CoD. Between CoD and new BF I will pick BF
They did mostly right on BF1(they fucked so badly with V I don't think they'll ever recover). I remember even the beta the game was an amazing step up for the generation of console in general in terms of graphics and mostly everything. San quentin is still an amazing map.
I loved BF2-4, but eventually the Swedish Devs got insulting toward their audience and began sorta phoning in the new games.
I'm open to a revival, but I don't have much hope.
I didn't like the weapons, the maps or anything about them.
They were souless cash grabs by people who don't even understand why BF was good to begin with.
They even added more metro remakes despite the fact that its everything wrong about modern battlefield.
The series peaked with BF4/Bad Company 2
>Post Scrotum
Not with a ten foot pole, and I'm a massive Market Garden-fag. Disappointment of the year, all years.
The greater emphasis on infantry combat works for BF1 given the setting but it feels terrible in BFV.
When was the last time you played it? The launch was definitely fucked up but they've actually put in the work to fix it.
you people are fucking deranged
I'm playing both and BFV players are definitively worse than your average cod nerd. Maybe BFV has more potential mechanics to keep in mind, but goddamn the playerbase is absolutely stupid as fuck, they don't even try using their head.
most hardcore battlefield fans just play the game(and the objective). they stick in tight knit groups with their friends and a lot of them are pretty casual video game wise, just a step above the cod bro, and are probably irl military nuts/vets.
battlefield 5 is amazing imo and one of the most immersive multiplayer shooters ive ever played. the controversy and shit was whatever but good on my part because i got the game half off new literally a week after it dropped
>bomb armed in operations
>run in and shoot guy trying to disarm
>bomb explodes
>knocked off my feet but not dead
>shoot another guy who also got knocked off his feet
Around launch. I put in 28 hours of beta and another 2 of the release and then refunded because it remained a pile of fuck.
BF3 was Metro and garbage like Caspian Border.
BF4 at least tried to have more open maps again but people bitched about it and just wanted to grind in 24/7 Metro servers with all explosives banned so Dice appeased those retards.
The BF4 expansion maps are actually really good, including the BF2 remakes. Check them out.
Post-BF4 Battlefield games have had such an obvious identity crisis. The introduction of their own half-baked battle royale in BFV, the clusterfuck that was Hardline, the complete dumbing down of vehicle gameplay that they introduced in BF1. The list goes on and on.
>the clusterfuck that was Hardline
Now now, it's actually impressive to make a cops and robbers game that's less fun than APB
I did the same, but I picked it up again in the fall after they upgraded the engine. Performance is better, the game looks better, they put in rally points so that you can actually flank, vehicles don't suck now, and of course the new content (American Paratroopers, the France 1940 maps).
They'll probably have a free weekend a little bit after the next content drops, I'd recommend at least giving it another try.
You win this time, but only because I fucking love Market Garden
you mean post 2142 or bad company 1