This is the German Navy as depicted in Japanese historical-based games.
This is the German Navy as depicted in Japanese historical-based games
looks about right to me
Sexy unlike western games.
Seriously no reason to be deleted jannies
I really, really like RO-500
Incredibly accurate, the Japanese are truly based.
I like the tanned one. I want her and the tanned pasta lolis.
Why are white women so beautiful?
When I will get japanese game where I can commit war-crimes against chinese?
I really like U-511.
Only in 2D
This is the most famous US Navy aircraft carrier.
Graf is cute, CUTE!
Could you actually delete this from here? Keep this shit in Yas Forums.
>tfw you'll never have a submarine
Is a Buddhist symbol of good luck. Why can't you respect other religions, you bigot?
Go back.
cute buoy
i want her to dom me
Yas Forums did nothing wrong.
Explains why they got their shit wrecked.
prinz eugen a cute
I can't believe the German fleet lost to a bunch of fat burger-eating blondes...
Holy crackers, that random Lawson employee looks exactly like Chaplin!
That random Lawson employee also has some interesting opinions on various things.
thats charlie chaplin you retarded fucking nigger, hes vanilla as fuck
Wait a second, that wasn't Chaplin, it was that evil mustached guy from WW2! I can't fucking believe that Stalin was a lolicon!
>another /e/ coomerbait thread
he wouldn't have lost the war if he was into futanari on shota
Germans don't look like this unfortunately.
Imagine if that was what the real German navy looked like. Why are girls so hot but so useless?
Stalin lost the war? WTF I've been living a lie all these years!
For me, it's Musashi.
For me, it's Hibiki.
Damn, Kancolle has so much better girls that Azure Lane's generic mobage trash whores
>Japs ruin yet another niche interest by attracting coomer mobage niggers
thanks a lot, 2 nukes weren't enough
Well, KC is a project of passion made by a circle of military otaku and AL is a chink "product".
I fucking love La Intrepida m8.
i don't understand this image
good taste
Soccer/WW2 joke.
I suggest the concept of a japanese phenomenon : it should be called MOESATION from now on, now referring to this Yas Forums post made at 23:45/ 11:45PM GMT+1 in the website Yas Forums.
This concept shall describe the japanese idea of transforming any being or material as an anime girl with neon colored hair & highly exaggerated eyes.
Thank God we Americans respect our military and don't make mockeries like this. All those men who died for Japan in WWII would be rolling in their graves if they saw this anime shit.
You're more than half century late, dude.
>Well, KC is a project of passion made by a circle of military otaku and AL is a chink "product".
I don't know how you can believe this when KC is owned by Kadokawa Corporation while AL was developed by a handful of recent college graduates.
cute botes
>only 2 girls have appropriate hairstyles
fucking shit
tits too small
This reminds me of the doujins where the protagonist was literally hitler and did not much other than fucking RO-500 and Prinz.
Never played the game but it wasn't a bad fap.
C'mon Cheng, you know that KC is owned by C2. Kadokawa only publish it. Unlike AL, which is owned by Tencent.
This is the consequence of depriving an imperial nation of modern weaponry for 70 years lol
>Unlike AL, which is owned by Tencent.
I'm a huge fan of RO but I have no idea what games or anime she's from.
Shut up kike, nigger, faggot