
You're playing Duolingo right user? You can finally learn Japanese

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Holy shit, I've been waiting for this shit for at the very least 4 years, bare minimum. Did not expect to find out on Yas Forums of all places. Thanks, OP.

Reddit... Just... Just go back. You don't fit in here.

Too easy.

studies have shown it's impossible to learn skills at an effective level past the age of 22

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>Reddit... Just... Just go back


Sure if you like loose translations, no explanation, and no context in a language as FUCKING context-heavy as moon runes. Enjoy browsing the comments for any understanding of what you're learning, what any of the Kanji is constructed of, and sometimes even the pronunciation clarity.

t. 250-some day streak

it's good to start with but you'll need more than that to properly learn a language

No that's ok, I'll just stick to french

I got to Amethyst League then burnt out on it. Haven't touched it in a while but I can still read some basic Japanese.

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Yeah, but I have decades to do so. Doesn't need to be effective.

Why would you learn a dead language? Thats like laerning latin at this point

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Who is the target audience for that abomination?


>learning a language from a country taken over by shitskins and a capital that literally smells like piss
lmao, ok frog
pew stinky frenchman


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If he was a frenchman he'd know french already

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Can you get a heart attack from eating copious amounts of sugar like that?

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once the icecream starts heating up and melting everything is going to look like shit and fall apart

wasn't Japanese already available?

A weapon to surpass /ck/'s Sundae Ramen.

dam i jsut turned 22 last month and i have never had any skills

>studies have shown it's impossible to learn skills at an effective level past the age of 22

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just missed two days with Korean
bro just close your eyes when the ads come up

I wanted to learn a second language but then I realized there isn't any language worth learning that isn't english.

based N4-kun

It really makes me wonder why third world fags think they are smarter for knowing their useless native language and English.
The main reason why English natives know only English is because of how crazy useful it is and no other language will ever have any real use.
t. non-native

But Japanese exists.

i renounce my american citizenship

>he isn't bilingual by birth

I'm playing Anki

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Don't fall for that, I've learned how to play piano pretty effectively after 25. That user probably uses that excuse to not try to learn anything new and just wallow in hedonism day in and day out.

I wanna learn German and Japanese. I'm on home office and wanna make the most of the time I'm literally waiting for stuff to be sent.

Which should I tackle first? Is 1 or 2 hours a day OK?

how the fuck are you supposed to learn languages

tzis truly iz zweet zhenioos

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Dún do bhéal agus póg mo thóin, le do thoil. Ní féidir leat léamh.

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Just memorize them lol

Been at it about a week, I'm still retarded

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German would definitely be easier in terms of how fast you could become conversational.
Japanese is vastly different from English so more study time is required.

>touching the food with the oven mitts

best game, can recommend

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That's bullshit. Adults are better at learning languages than children.

Is there a way to get a version of Doulingo that still allowed typing translation to Japanese? I hate that I can't do that anymore

you're getting baited

>brown with turban
lmao accurate

Is duolingo the best app to learn japanese for free? Or should just learn on my own?

>Or should just learn on my own?
do both at the same time
people who don't take notes while doing anything confound me

for japanese you can start with duolingo to learn the basics. you'll have to include textbooks and wanikani after about a month.
when i started with it i was hyped at the start and easily made 100-200xp per day, after a few months you will reduce it. I'd recommend to keep 20-30xp as a daily goal on top of the other learning tools unless you're a neet.

cant say much about german as i'm a native

duolingo is gamified which tickles your brain to keep at it and will bring you into a basic understanding of the language, enough to understand enough manga/anime to keep you motivated.

just try it out, you dont need the premium version, the free version is absolutely enough.

if you want to get serious tho, i'd recommend you get a wanikani subscription and wait for the yearly sale where you can buy a lifelong license. gambatte

Other than learning grammar and vocabulary, you need to inmerse yourself in a language and constantly be exposed to it in order to be truly fluent with it.

Dude this entire board is nothing but bait.

duolingo is pretty shit at learning any language. it teaches translation instead of understanding.

normies use duolingo so they can slowly stutter out their order in a restaurant overseas even though the waiter speaks english, because they think that makes them more cultured or something


Rosetta Shill pls

Retarded heart system discourages learning.

>Japanese is vastly different from English so more study time is required.
I'm a native Spanish speaker tho, I already have some experience learning languages.
Cool. I have busuu, beelinguapp, duolingo and some other things. Gonna give it a try, thanks, German-kun

sounds hard but ok ty

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>An effective level
So it's not impossible then?

>noooo you can't penalise me and force me to practice if I make mistakes, don't make me work for the feeling of accomplishment in not losing hearts!

>retard phone poster
lmao there's no heart system on PC

it forces you to do practice routines which is okay
also this

>Is duolingo the best app to learn japanese for free? Or should just learn on my own?
the best way to learn IMO is to learn it in a classroom setting with a NATIVE speaker
sure you can study kanji and grammar on your own but you really need need someone who knows their shit to teach you about how to PROPERLY write hiragana/katakana/kanji and help you understand certain nuances/little shit in the language that aren't explained in books.

t. been studying 日本語 for over a year

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just practice and watch ads lmao

it's not impossible at all, but you will need more rehearsal as you get older

if you have time and opportunity to take real courses that would be the best way to learn. even then, testing the waters with the duolingo app is a good way to find out if you can keep yourself motivated or if you get bored after a few weeks.

for wageslaves that cant into rl courses, textbooks, grammar books, wanikani, anndroid with vocabulary training cards is an okay substitution to at least get into a state where you can read and understand nihongo

brain damage, meant apps.ankiweb.net/

>learning a soon to be dead language by a people who won't fuck to save their race.
You should be learning Chinese since they're going to own everything

>not learning based slav languages to take your stalker larping to the next level when shtf
neck yourself gook lover

You don't learn a language with scams like duolingo.
It's a complete waste of time and you won't get anywhere. Learn on your own.

I can see that, I tried to self-study for a year but it's really a meme unless you have an iron will. There was so much stuff that I had to ask on forums and would have to wait hours if not days to get an answer to.
Having someone available to you that can answer those questions and explain things in detail makes it much easier and more fun.

That sounds like some shit people say to avoid doing anything productive.

>be motivated enough to study and do my reps every day
>can't be assed to read/play/watch anything exclusively in japanese
Trying to read something in a language you don't have much experience in is a fucking hell. I'm never going to make it.

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>learning the language of a people who are going to be wiped out by their own bioweapons
Ok zhang

Used it for spanish for like a couple of weeks before giving up on it, still kinda suck at understanding it when it's not written.
But it's not like I really need to know it now since I live in the bumfuck middle of nowhere in Ohio where everyone speaks english and it's not like i really consume any Spanish media

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Time to die, Chang.


Duolingo doesn't teach languages, it teaches vocabulary.

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fuck off back to or westcuck
your people are being replaced, and you westcucks can do nothing about it

>he thinks i'm white
heh try again amigo
