Who's your favorite Etrian Odyssey girl?

Who's your favorite Etrian Odyssey girl?

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Other urls found in this thread:

vgmdownloads.com/soundtracks/etrian-odyssey-iii-the-drowned-city-super-arrange-version/plylmimu/03 Labyrinth I - Waterfall Woodlands.mp3
vgmdownloads.com/soundtracks/etrian-odyssey-iii-the-drowned-city-super-arrange-version/wmmeomnq/01 That's the Beginning of the Adventure.mp3


le millenom girl

Been a year or two since I ran this but I assume it's still mostly the same.

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The indisputably best girl of Untold.

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wait is it the same artist?

No, she just happens to be a young girl with a similar hairstyle and blue eyes.

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Hexer is pretty close though

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>le millenom girl

le millenom girl

le millenom girl

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Ricky's daughter.

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le millenom shroom

For-chan and Bandana
Shame you can't filter out males

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explain the millennium girl

I like the brown protector girl. She cute.
Also this hexer.

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le millenom girl

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I just want you to know that I just took a massive dump that took 10 minutes to completely release and had to flush 4 times.

They're still alive? How?
for me I have to break it with a bamboo stick

>10 minutes
you must have a really tight shitter for it to take THAT long...

It's the perfect demographic for keeping niche, dead games general alive.

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I like the Dancer class.

What's the best EO game? I played EO IV only but my save file got corrupted and I never went back to it. I like that pirate class, don't remember the name.

Remember anons, don't hoard your coin...

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Gotta color it yourself

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Pirates were from EO3 dummy

Taiga Loli Zodiac
Green Gladiator

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Then it was EO3. One with the ship anyway.

1.) The Jew
2.) Ranmonk
3.) Teach (forma Elf)

They're purty

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All of them

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this is the correct answer. Also I'm jealous of your collection.
The real question should be what is your favorite EO music, that's a lot harder

Dammit stay alive I want an EO thread

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One last hail mary then I go I guess

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Is there a link for all the arranges? It seems like every thread people always talk about them but I can't find links or anything.

dunno but here's a bunch of them

Shouldn't have made a waifufag thread for a series with no characters

I can't believe that site is still alive. That's pretty cool Thanks.

I didn't make this thread, and I wouldn't have anyway. I only make threads when I'm desperate since the bump timer for OPs is a death sentence for slower threads.

le millenom girl

So it should had been a FOE thread huh

Good luck, Medic-chan!

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when do I get a recipe to use all these olives

I really like this one
vgmdownloads.com/soundtracks/etrian-odyssey-iii-the-drowned-city-super-arrange-version/plylmimu/03 Labyrinth I - Waterfall Woodlands.mp3

Oh and this one. Maximum calm.
vgmdownloads.com/soundtracks/etrian-odyssey-iii-the-drowned-city-super-arrange-version/wmmeomnq/01 That's the Beginning of the Adventure.mp3
Can't believe I forgot this the other day in my calm music.

hey boys want to hear a joke?
Condition: kill with Curse damage

This always ends up being "Condition: Use fucking formaldehyde" since curse is pathetic on monsters.

Is there a story behind these super arranges? Seems kinda weird for Atlus to release something like this.

I still don't understand why they insist on keeping that shitty ailment

It's arranges of EO songs they made for selling as CDs. Pretty much it.

Because it serves an actual purpose when used on a player character (forcing them to not attack if they don't want to suicide, or attacking to sacrifice one party member through the curse anyway).

All ailments are way more dangerous to players anyway. Poison just straight up destroys you while only tickling bosses and have fun being hit every turn by blind/paralyzed enemies when you're there missing every single attack.

Poison's great on bosses though what are you talking about? It's key to a lot of fights, including the Ur-Devil, Amalgolem, and more.

It's nice damage when the bosses are weak to it but you mostly want to get it on because it sets up for more damage from other skills


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Indeed, especially in the case of the aforementioned devil, but for stuff like EO2U's Flame Demon it was amazingly helpful. The point mostly is that Poison is almost universally useful in EO, for various purposes.

Was etrian odyssey mystery dungeon 2 never translated?
Was the first game any good I never got around to it

EMD was pretty fucking bad but the music was good.


le millenom girl


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>It's nice damage when the bosses are weak to it
That doesn't increase the damage they take though

He probably just meant that it's easier to land since so many enemies are weak to poison, thus making stuff easier for classes like War Magus.

>atlus USA

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le millenom girl

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They should've had a bonus ending where you marry her if you hit the currency cap.

Napier>Wynne=Shilleka>Abigail (except when she serves in for the GM)>>>>>>>BWELCOME


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curse manufacturer

Syrik was a bro that gives you discounts, why would you prefer the stingy jews

le millenom girl

I just really don't like his dub voice and I like female potatoes more. Hence the "BWELCOME" instead of naming him. It feels like he should be a little squeakier. Or deeper, which would be funny at least.
>inb4 some sort of undub
too lazy just for a shopkeep

>listening to dubs

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understandable have a nice day

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