How are school shooter drills in your country? Here they're made to be as realistic as they can be for their age group

How are school shooter drills in your country? Here they're made to be as realistic as they can be for their age group.

Here's one from a pre-school:

Here's one from a high school:

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Other urls found in this thread:


You fucked up the board, but actually you didn't, because 99% of the regulars on Yas Forums are precisely the type of person that would do a school shooting.

were those 4 girls forced to suck those officers dicks at gun point? can you imagine?

>school shooting
there's barely A shooting in my country, nevermind a school one

Yeah sure the same way you meant to post /an/ and Yas Forums threads on /an/ and Yas Forums and not on /sp/.

>incel school shooter appears
>the group of thotties shout in unison
>"have sex incel"
>incel falls to his knees and cries, dropping his gun

>How are school shooter drills in your country?
I don't live in a cucked country

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Do americans really?

Nah bro but I'm the kinda guy that fucks your mother.

Thinking about it, if an entire class swarmed an incel shooter, they wouldn't stand a chance.
But that's not how it works obviously, kids in the front would still get hurt or die, and fear paralyzes people and doesn't make them think logically.
It's weird to think that people, in theory, have power in numbers in that situation but in pratice they end up being helpless victims.

You into nechrophilia?
That's pretty degenerate, brah.

drills would be more fun if they just gave random students guns too. imagine like 8 school shooters all showing up on the same day lmao.

so you gonna stand in the front row user?

>How are school shooter drills in your country?
Fucking great mate, unless your mate gets you real good and you end up looking like you pissed yourself for half the day.

It's the water bombings you gotta look out for though.

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Why are school shooters only white? It always stood out to me.

Like you never see a black dude shooting up schools. It's only whites.

>in school

Sure you did faggot

Doesn't this traumatize the kids (who, statistically will probably never be in a shooting)?

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Rushing would only work if the entire class essentially runs full speed ahead without thinking.
So if that ever happened you probably wouldn't even have time to realize if you're in the front or the back, it would be pure adrenaline.

> Public schools are government controlled
> Want to strike fear of guns to the mass
> What better way than to start them young
> Overblow this school shooting shit out of proportions with fear mongering drills
> Don't provide actual solutions like arming school faculty.

>Like you never see a black dude shooting up schools.
Blacks don't go to school.

Yes, very much so.
But to right wingers this "builds character", aka makes up for mentally fucked up adults that then the system isn't going to take care of in any way.
It's similiar to how right wingers care that life is sacret, and see abortion as murder, but then don't give a single fuck about supporting and raising propely kids living in squallid conditions.
In my old age i've come to the conclusion that people that are right wing have some sort of mental illness that makes them unable to have any sort of empathy to anyone but themselves.
I'd define them as fundamentally anti-human.

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That asian lad and his friend rushed that tranny alone in that sciency school in Colorado or some shit, user. You don't need the whole class.

"black dudes" get pussy while your pasty ass doesn't

Notice how there haven't been any mass shootings since the coronavirus started?

Last time I checked this isn't Yas Forums

shoo negroids shoo

Cousin Miller?


Last time i checked, it basically is.

There was one dude who tried to shoot up his school but didn't get a single kill because his classmates zerg rushed him. Forget his name though. I just remember reading about him on ED ages ago

You are sadly mistake. Shit is rare but gets blown way out of proportion.

Here we are trained so that black women form a tight cluster, then black men form a ring around them, then women of other minorities form another ring around them and then the males of other minorities form another ring. White females form the final defensive layer and the white men go out to charge single file at the shooter in an attempt to disarm him.
Jews are always exempt from school shooter training for some reason.

Is thinking as a group really any more logical than thinking and an individual? I would think it was the other way around. Your goal isn't to defeat a shooter in combat, it's to simply not die.

>Your goal isn't to defeat a shooter in combat, it's to simply not die.
What if you want to disarm him so he doesn't hurt more people?
Why is survival of yourself, inherently more logical than survival of everyone around you?

in former ussr this is policy
drown shooter in bodies until there is no shooter

do american really....

Every single thread. You folks are stupid.

>not available in this country
What the fuck US, I thought we were intelligence sharing bros!

bitch nigger

>in former ussr this is policy
Ok but slavs have no soul and act like lobotomized rabid drunk dogs in a daily basis so it's not like a school shooting situation is especially different than any other everyday situation there.
If i had an army of insane suicidal clowns i'd also just left click + A them to take down anything.
You can't apply this logic when talking about actual human beings with emotions and a functioning brain.

Actually, more mass shootings are committed by blacks than by any other racial demographic, you just don't see them publicized as much.

Dumb nigger.

this only happens in mutt land


Intelligence is to be shared with everyone except the general populace


Literally false, see

just keep buying more guns, vote trump, don't get any vaccines, and invest all your money into bullets and toilet paper, you'll be king of the world in no time, America.

Based and correct

Why are americans like this?

You'll end up like that gladium tortilla fag soon

Funnily enough school shooters would likely be less common if they were shit on instead of given attention. Granted before that we should explore avenues to turn them around in a positive way before that point is reached but if it comes out that a kid was just and edgy little fuck even with help we should mock them as viciously as possible. Make them a sideshow spectacle, not a martyr.

back when I was in school we didn’t have any shooter drills because there weren’t any besides columbine, so no need

but now that tv news sensationalizes every single one that happens and makes it into a super bowl level event on tv and makes the shooters into super stars and plasters their faces and names all over the tv, they happen all the time now, because the news gives these losers what they want, attention and infamy


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sorry I don't keep up with e-celebs but I'm sure the Qspiracy has your back 100%, brother

im a spic

not even me lol

also isn't it funny how when Americans (and anglos in general) get mad their only retaliation is to call someone an American? Isn't that inherently self-cuckoldry? *hits pipe*


I don't live in a country where just going to school is russian roullete in of itself so no we don't have school shootings.

He was an ugly looking tripfag like you, got shat on by so many anons he stopped posting