Tell me, Sekiro. If you can, you have executed so many, who is it that you have spared?
Can you name even one person?
I thought not.
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Why was this fag so obsessed with this land, anyway?
What was so great about it?
Probably cause he got saved by Isshin when he was young, so Ashina is l that he had since he was an orphan.
Oh nononono
Fuck this fucking piece of shit game. This game fucking sucks nigger dicks in hell. What the fuck were you thinking when they made this faggot of a game? "Ohh ching ching ching ching ret's trorr de american pig by making shitty ass game oh shing shing ping pong".
This game is a fucking button mashing rhythm game and I'm not hyped up on fucking cocaine enough to keep up with it's retarded bullshit. EVERYTHING KILLS YOU IN 1 -2 HITS and the revival mechanic is completely fucking worthless. They should have just given you a bigger health bar instead of reviving you with a fraction of your health back. Fuck this game, the dodge button doesn't fucking do a goddamn thing and the shinobi arts are fucking faggoty and get me killed when I'm just trying to block. What a piece of shit, the camera fucking randomly unlocks during crucial moments fuck this piece of fucking shit. Fuck you.
This game is a piece of shit, and yea its because it's TOO FUCKING HARD and I'm not sitting in front of a gigantoc mound of cocaine like fucking scarface to get fucked up enough to keep up with it. Fucking kill yourself if you like this game in any way, shape, or form. I'd rather play Dark Souls 2, and I'd rather scrape my nutsack along a cheesegrater than play fucking Dark Souls 2
Tell me, Dr. Freeman, if you can: you have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not.
i also like sekiro, one thing it really has going on for it is the pure samurai kino in boss battles.
Learn the movesets of the bosses.
DSP has killed the hardest boss in 3 tries. Just saying.
Where are you stuck?
They are supposed to be blue in color wtf
dude i beat the game exclusively really blazed, mostly after my girl went to sleep
git gud
It's a decent game but i don't see the hype at all
i was using reshade.
based gf having 420 hashmaster
>just beat bell+charmless Isshin
Damn bros, what a game
Honestly after this playthrough I can say he's really not one of my favorite bosses, both Owls and Genichiro are more fun
Purification is so much better than severance too
Dragon's homecoming is better than all of them
female hands typed this post
imagine being this bad at video games and getting this mad about it
kino shot
Is there a better big dick energy moment than this?
fighting jobichiro at the end of the game
I guess I just like the
>This will only... take a moment.
and the
he's a landlord
Why was there no cute family ending ;(
any good nude mods?
It's his adopted homeland.
While the Shogunates held power, it was common that after submitting to the Shogun, even if they spared your life, you would be appointed in charge of some other location in Japan and your land would be given to someone else, to humiliate you.
dragon's homecoming is that
This game fucking sucks my dick. I'm 9 hours in and stuck at the butterfly grandma.
optional boss
the whole area is optional.
Isn't it quite silly to get filtered by an optional boss?
The area was meant to be done later, go back and continue through the normal path
Yeah. I have a firecracker arm, does that function the same as the snap beans?
I literally explored the world and found 0 alternate paths. I killed some retard on a horse with a spear on my first try and stabbed a snake in the eye, but that path seemed to end.
first of, the snap beads aren't necessary at all.
However what's necessary is the shuriken tool, and why?
That's because you can use them to knock grandma from her wires, dealing quite the posture dmg.
For her illusions, just run around until she gets tired and removes them herself.
But what I would suggest is to leave hirata estate and come back when you've gotten stronger, the area is optional and it's quite hard compared to the normal path you normally take.
>but that path seemed to end.
but it doesn't, there is a whole lot behind horseguy
Open the door next to the idol where you beat MY NAME
open the gate he's guarding user...
>Blazing Bull
Fuck. This feels like a DS3 boss fight the way it just charges and flails around randomly with the whole enemy as a hitbox.
Kinda wish I didn't see the continuation of that pic...
now THIS is where you use the firecrackers, they are very effective against animals
I want to become a carp. A giant carp that will continue growing, and live a long, long life.
A carp that never grows old...
He's a loud boy
>fucks up and turns into a red-eyes abomination instead
Alright, well you gamers set me on the right path. I thought that opening the gate after the horse guy was just a shortcut or something because everything in chinkland looks the same. Blazing bull was e z.
You give him the scales so he can become a carp like the weirdo he is, but why did he have to kill the giant carp though, is this some kind of Highlander thing, there can be only one, I mean they aren't even sharing the same body of water
Ah, good luck exploring now
Won't advice anything, but I will say this:
giant carp's a cunt anyways
kill him and set the poor attendant free
gotta explore some more user, these games are all about exploring every nook and cranny, glad we could help you
well it's something like only the most worthy can become a carp.
And it looks like they've been backstabing each others for quite a while, there are 2 carp skeletons at the bottom of the lake
>mfw the attendant tells you not to make the carp fat if you feed him too much