Who here buying SeX instead of upgrading their meme pc?
Who here buying SeX instead of upgrading their meme pc?
Why would you ever buy an Xbox when you have a PC?
Only way I'll buy an XSX is if it runs any .exe I throw at it, otherwise I'll wait for the price of parts to fall and upgrade
$500 for the power of a RTX 2080ti
i am but only because i live at college most of the year and don't bring my pc with me. it's a good value equivalent by the looks of it and gamepass means i don't have to buy many games.
also speaking of gamepass it's cool that when i do finally upgrade my pc to rtx 3000 and ryzen 4000 series i can bring my gamepass library and saves with me to pc.
Me and my brother live together in an apartment but share one gaming PC. we just picked up a x1x to get us through quarantine and this thing is nice. will be upgrading it with a xsx and upgrading pc with a 3080ti
power doesn't matter if it doesn't have any of the other advantages of a PC
also new graphics cards are on the way that will push down the prices of the old ones
>meme arrows
>Have all that power
>It's all going to be wasted trying to hit native 4K on next gen games rather than prioritizing performance
series x will have mouse + kb support
>>It's all going to be wasted trying to hit native 4K on next gen games rather than prioritizing performance
they said they're going to do the opposite, for first party games anyway. gears 5 is getting a 1080p 120 fps mode.
For every shooter, or just a few F2Ps nobody cares about?
You have already decided without looking at the games? Truly a visionary and smart customer.
For me, it is backlog and emulators until PC beats consoles in quality/price. Xmas 2021 more likely.
Another generation of retards that buy the "more powerful than your average PC" hype. It's pathetic. Even Sony is starting to parrot that meme, because they witnessed MS Jew everybody out of their wallet. They followed them with paid online too.
Well, good on Phil Spencer for realizing what's important here, but I'll believe it when I see it persist for more than a handful of current gen ports.
so does the SNES, how many games use it? like 2
I plan to because I have a 970 and I like using Xbox one X over PC
The option is there for the developers to use. Basically any game that gets a release on xbox and pc should have it.
so like the current xbox which almost no game uses? okay.
Then I'll wait and see if it gets used. No way I'll be buying the console or upgrading the PC in the first year, after all.
it's already dead.
>0.002 Social Credit Points have been deposited into your Social Credit Score
seethe more, microsoft cuck
I hate Xbox, Cheng Wei.
Throw it out. This is the future of gaming.
I'm not because I want to actually play games and do other shit with my PC.
Also it has no games I give any fucks about, not that matters.
That's because they introduced the feature way late on xbox one. Now that the SeX plans to take advantage of being able to stream your game library thru xcloud to pc or mobile, the feature will be there for most games unless the dev decides to not have kb + m support even though its streamed to your pc monitor. I doubt that.
No reason to have a Sex when you can have a PC
Like I said, I'll wait and see. No point assuming about possibilities when I can just watch to see what happens.
what feature, a usb port? any console can use a kb and mouse and almost no developers care, so expect nothing more than current
because console games were only played on console. Xbox is going in a direction where your game library comes with you to all devices. That's the difference.
why would I do that? I have a good enough build, and dont care about the 4k meme, comfortable with 144 hz 1440p, and if anything ill upgrade when the new GPUs drop. If I had to buy a console, I would go with a ps5 for the games
damn it bros I never experienced 144 hz. does it blow your mind compared to 60 fps? for action games I mean.
Only virgins pay for SeX
no, its shit compared to sunlight which is in hundreds of billions of hertz
Have SeX
*trillions sorry
everything on 144hz is smooth
Stay coping coper
Not unless you can use keyboard and mouse, highly mod games, and do everything you can do on a PC on it. But I might buy it as well as upgrading, in addition to a VR headset to play Alyx
My current PC will allow me to comfortably play any game for a bout 2-3 years, then i would just use it for work and shit.
SeX would be fine for playing the gaems after that.
>Trademark on PS5 mention
I see you ESL sony shills
me unless nvidia and amd bring some sanity back to their pricing. im waiting and seeing what happens
Me, i was going to upgrade to 2080Ti and i9-9900 but i think i'm gonna wait until 2022 to upgrade since xbox sex will release with tons of optimized games
I'm getting it alongside my banger PC
stay poor and mad
Chad energy. Get'em King.
im currently using a PC with a 9900k+ 2080ti but gonna upgrade to 3080ti next year to keep up with these next-gen consoles.
Sure it cost more money but I don't really mind spending some extra cash for a couple of handful more features like mods.
just for proof that i do game on pc.
I probably do both. Because I am not a poor fag.
>power doesn't matter if it doesn't have any of the other advantages of a PC
This man gets it
that's a 2 year old gpu, the next gen cards in the $200-250 range will match it.
not even sure why people put it at 2080ti tier. Only performance metric we have so far is based off Gears 5 and it "only" runs as well as a rtx 2080. The 2080ti is like 20%-30% above it at 4k.
Also yeah I agree I think the 3060 tier cards will be about on par with a rtx 2080.
>"only" runs as well as a rtx 2080
PC = Cheaper games, no paid online, can be used for things other than games
I'd say I'm a pretty intelligent dude, so if I can't understand this image, I imagine the average brainlet gamer won't notice when playing games.
>it's like a steam machine
>a good thing
In the video they used a 2080 with dynamic resolution scaling to get >60fps. They did not test a 2080ti in comparison. Those charts showing the 2080ti at 61fps is pure native 4K. With resolution scaling, it would likely get more depending on a variety of other factors. But this is kinda moot since we can't make a direct comparison between both as we have to take Microsoft's word on what they were showing, however impressive for the hardware.
2080ti does run 60 fps average but it shoots up to 80-100 fps in some areas.
Digital Foundry's video showed a clip of a rtx 2080 running at 45ish fps in one scenario (it can hit 60 fps in some other area) and claimed it ran as well as a 2080.
Just going off DF's statement.
Me Xbox is based and I'm active in the Xbox one club community
$0.50 has been deposited to your account
Buying sex? Oh yes!