Fighter's Pass Vol. 2

Quick, post:
>Your ARMS character of choice
>Your remaining Pass predictions
Rate, hate, masturbate

Attached: pass 2 prediction.png (1919x1076, 2.83M)

Other urls found in this thread: you're a 30 year old grown man and your championing/

Fuck off pedo

Threadly Reminder
If you're a 30 year old grown man and your championing for loli characters from games that should be outside of your age range and experience growing up. You are seriously deranged and warped. Yes. In fact it's probably so bad, that you don't even see anything wrong with it and see it as totally normal. You have pedofag tendoncies and have become a Coomer from fapping to too much smash rule 34 porn. Now you just want as much crossover smash porn as possible and don't even play smash. You sick disgusting freaks need to have sex. And shave your neckbeards before you end up like papajewnose recording videos in a kids playroom at ur parents place. Eventually overtime from talking to that tranny Sabi that oven dodging merchant papajewnose became a Coomer and single handedly created a cancer within the smash community.T Thousands of coomers spamming reimu, arle, shantae, lip, and adeleine.

> Waaah how dare little girls exist
> How dare people acknowledge their existence
Only pedophiles white knight fictional characters, not even kidding. Every single one of them has been arrested for child pornography or actually raping kids, i bet you are one of them tranny

Lola Pop
Crash Bandicoot
Devil Jin

I know it'll be SpringMan, but it should be LOLA POP


>this much projection
go away pedo

>>Your ARMS character of choice
It’s gotta be Lola Pop

Spring Man, I guess
Pic related is just my personal picks, so I guess I could just edit the template a bit

Attached: the brothers who smash themselves.png (1278x712, 1014.25K)

> beat
I'd take anything new JSR really

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>Your most wanted

>Spring-man (lol, arms mascot)
>Rex (Xenoblade DE advert)
>Lloyd (Bamco)
>Isaac (Golden Sun 20th anniversary)
>3rd party wildcard (IDK, maybe Crash or Monokuma?)
>Euden (This pisses off the smashfags)
Hehehe, 4 anime swordsmen.

Now that arms is confirmed travis is almost guaranteed to happen. How the fuck would nintendo miss this opportunity to shill NMH 3

I hope Mario is in

>mustache ken

Never ever, bingcuck
Make way for the Chad of Time

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raidou is a never ever but SMT got fucked hard because of Joker

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>red wario

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Waluigi is already in the game, we don't need another cap-wearing sex offender.

Fuck the Bandicoot, a real rep has arrived.

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>Wanting yellow luigi


Attached: 39d.jpg (480x456, 27.02K)

Aside from Rayman, this is an extremely based list.

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>Threadly Reminder
>If you're a 30 year old grown man and your championing for loli characters from games that should be outside of your age range and experience growing up. You are seriously deranged and warped. Yes. In fact it's probably so bad, that you don't even see anything wrong with it and see it as totally normal. You have pedofag tendoncies and have become a Coomer from fapping to too much smash rule 34 porn. Now you just want as much crossover smash porn as possible and don't even play smash. You sick disgusting freaks need to have sex. And shave your neckbeards before you end up like papajewnose recording videos in a kids playroom at ur parents place. Eventually overtime from talking to that tranny Sabi that oven dodging merchant papajewnose became a Coomer and single handedly created a cancer within the smash community.T Thousands of coomers spamming reimu, arle, shantae, lip, and adeleine.

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As long as Travis gets in, I'm good.


Attached: 12976312.png (1920x1080, 2.35M) you're a 30 year old grown man and your championing/
New pasta?

Grey Man from LSD: Dream Emulator

>Neutral Special: Linen
>Side Special: Gunman
>Down Special: Link
>Up Special: Elephant

Attached: 5103182637_f985fd5f84_z.jpg (639x477, 79.44K)


Max Brass
SMT protagonist (Any of them are fine)
Bimmy and Jimmy Lee
Jason Frudnick
King Boo

>Twintelle just because of that ass
>fucking Q*Bert
>Space invader

I want the clown and literally any of these characters

Attached: 100 characters.png (3948x1545, 2.22M)

springman with a ribbon girl alt
Some sega/namco/microsoft character.
some of these are just predictions, not characters i want

If I’m being honest, every single character in that pic (except for eggman) would be a shit addition to the roster

Shit taste hating Tails

heres your (You)

Attached: dissapointment.jpg (1996x2262, 270.81K)

He's in

Attached: EarlyFreddyFazbearEndoskeletonHead.png (268x268, 55.16K)

I don't hate Reimu, but does Touhou have any official games on Nintendo consoles?

ones being ported
And didn't reimu appear in that one rythm game alongside kirby on the DS, or was that an arcade only game

Attached: AoCF.jpg (1280x720, 132.94K)

That is my biggest argument against Reimu. Her franchise lacks a Nintendo presence.

It's on the switch. Taiko no something
But she literally does. The rhythm game user mentioned and AoCF port

Could've just said no user

Are you literally retarded? The fighting games are canon

>using Wojaks
>copy and pasting a comment

Attached: Forever-Alone.jpg (1280x1280, 117.23K)

Lol based

This is Yas Forums,he does even need to ctrl+c it literally highlight it and then press post comment and it quotes it for him

Dr. Coyle as the ARMS rep
Travis Touchdown
Booster from Super Mario RPG because fuck Genofags

>100 characters
>still manages to be all trash

Now that Nintendo has confirmed the entirety of pass 2 is Marketing simulator, what are your guesses?

ARMs rep
Paper Mario
Monster hunter rep
Probably one fan-demand Sakurai begged them to allow, like Sora or Geno
What else is there to shill? SMT for SMT V?

>Wanting purple Wario

>I-it's a shill rep
The game is 2 years old. It's not a shill rep

Well DMC and DOOM are getting tons of switch ports rn, maybe on of those

Reminder that there's only 4 slots left because a pokemon is a lock.

This is an old list I made so to change it I'd:
>replace Sephiroth with Helix
>replace Obstagoon with Urshifu

Attached: fighterpass2updated.png (1400x788, 1.24M)

>Dixie Kong
My nigga.

Based rage comic poster

1 down but also 1 can come

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Nah you just have shit taste

>>Your ARMS character of choice
Min Min because she can use her feet

Attached: iu.jpg (1920x1080, 265.04K)

Literally rent free faggot.

Agumon for Digimon Survive

That's the hardest Eggpill to swallow of all, absolutely Ω Based

Attached: Fighter Pass 2.png (1278x712, 742.83K)