The new artstyle sucks

The new artstyle sucks

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Not really. I can appreciate both.

post Shulk

Why does the gun have so much more soul on the left?

It hardly matters, since you won't be using Sharla anyway.

It's the same shit, her tits cleavage is just real 3D space instead of a black line sprite now and her face is stretched out over a fucking pentagon.

The original artstyle was fucking terrible. I never liked it.

oh look, wii games have "SOUL" now

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Why you gotta point out that the titty girl fucking sucks?

In the original everyone looked like dirty pajeets because of the shadows around the eyes.

Weebshit is as weebshit does. Weebs and nips want the same generic hot shit in everything

Game looks good but I CANT BELIEVE they nerfed Sharla. I bet she has no boob physics even.

i like it

Why do her titties look better on the left?

left looks terrible

I think overall the new style is better, but there are some things I'm not too hot on.
For one, Reyn just doesn't look quite right to me, especially the battle portrait he has.

How is it even remotely the same shit? Left is like a cross between a mechanic and a rogue, right is generic anime tiddy girl with generic futuristic tank top.

both suck

The left legit looks like Ren from Shenmue 2 with boobs

I going to miss her lips and cleavage shading.

ok weeb

Cartoons then:
Appealing, sexy, confident.

Cartoons now:
Exaggerated, lazy, unappealing.

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Not like it matters when Gaur plains should be rushed through so you can put Dunban in the party and put Sharla on the bench for infinite losers.

The left doesnt interest me at all but atleast the right interests my dick.

>Faggot who hasn't played the game thinks they changed her outfit.
Good job outing yourself.

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why'd they remove her headscarf

New one looks way hotter


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I hope they at least keep an option for the old artstyle. There's just something in Wii's semi-realistic and kinda muddled but effective graphics that's irreplaceable.

Oh my god...

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>FF 12 Vs. FF World
Which would you choose?

They didn't remove anything.
The right is Sharla's default outfit. The left is whatever the fuck the player at the time had equipped on her, because Xenoblade had an insane amount of armor that showed up visibly on your character.

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I'm glad they change artstyle
I fucking hate Xenoblade

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>Why do her titties look better on the left
they spent like 10 hours modelling them and 1 minute on the face

The major issue with this and other games adapting that style is they get rid of all the line work on the actual models. If everything wasn't so smooth and clean I bet it would look better than the original

the old game legit looked better, shulk looks like a young kid now

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>Retard thinks it's a nerf when it's the exact same volume as before.
I swear, you faggots have no idea what a boob even is.

It doesn't look like disgusting fucking weeb garbage like XCX and 2

they're not even modeled dipshit it's just a texture

Because instead of modelling separate boobs they made a single polygon and put a big black line on it so you'd go "MMMM BOOBIES." The new version has actual individually modeled breasts, so light hits it differently depending on the scene, which means sometimes it won't be as flattering.

>gets rid of the all the blemishes and scratches to make a plastic gun

right pic looks good in my opinion. is this the old or the new one?

XC1 is weebshit

The right is the new version. You can tell because it has less visible polygons.

looks like a midpoint between the original and 2

>cheaper slapdash method ends up looking better than the proper way

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Depends on what you're going for and where you see it.
In plain, moderate sunshine? Yeah, it draws less attention to her cleavage. Anywhere with ambient glow is going to draw an insane amount of attention to her breasts by comparison and make them look even fuller.

There's also the fact that her textures on several outfits were fucking TRASH and this is better for stuff like the bikini tops.

It's literally the original artstyle fully realized. You can see this the most with Reyn and Dunban.

Textures can do a lot but in the end they're just a big polygon block. I still can't get over how much care and detail went into Lani's tit textures when she appears for like a combined 30 minutes in IX.

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Yeah, I agree with you, I was just explaining to user why the left might look "better" in some cases.

I still dont get how people can say she's shit, I literally always had her in my party since she was the best healer by far. I even beat all the superbosses with her.

I just wanted to sperg out about Lani's tits.

She is the best healer, but having a healer means limiting your damage by a third since she's so weak. You're much better off having another party member who can both damage and heal, or 3 full attackers and win before you need healing.

That being said of course she's usable, she's just the worst option in the majority of situations.

The game is about shitting out damage and PREVENTING damage from being dealt to you. Having a dedicated healer only slows the game down.

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>JRPG actually displays different armor on your character model
>It all looks fucking awful

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They don't know about the 1% chance instantkill

It's just sad.

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I don't like the thinner noses, but otherwise this is just giving them slightly less fucked facial proportions.

>Melia doesn't just have Shulk's copypasted face anymore
Thank god.

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boobs are at the size, everything is fine.

Well luckily XCX's best feature made it in to the remake.

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their flat faces looked horrible, especially when you copy paste the same face on both males and females

It's not like that I like her very much.
She just look so generic now.

As said by other comments, I'll take it over her literally having the same face as every other character.

Could always be worse, you could be Radiant Historia.

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Thats an improvement though.

Literally an improvement

You're not wrong.
Go fuck yourself.

At least the hole on the gun doesn't look like a gaping asshole anymore.

>There's an appearance slot for weapons now
Well fuck me, that's gonna be neat. I really hope we get to keep the Meyneth monado this time

>Go fuck yourself.
Cry more

Are you fucking kidding me? The only reason I never tried the first game was because it looks like complete garbage


You must be literally blind then and have no real taste, just nostalgia.

no it looks better but
even the remake looks like shit compared to XC2
will there be no jrpg that can surpass XC2?

tasteless retards. Can you not appreciate anything but the most generic blandest bottom of the barrel sameface anime trash?

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>since you won't be using Sharla anyway
I've always used her in my party and will again.

how you want your shulk?

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I'm sorry but I always use female characters in RPG even when they suck.

The left pic is literally a generic 90/80s anime face you moron neither are original. Right just looks better.
Yeah you really shouldn't be talking about the taste of anyone kek