What do they eat?

What do they eat?

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Absorb hell energy

Khan mayker pussy juice from rape

Every monster that isn't a redesign of a classic demon looks ugly and ridiculous.


The souls of the damned



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What's their tax policy?

each other


that's... kind of the point

9% flat tax everything

doom hunters are cool, they look like edgier necron destroyers

I'm on like the 4th level. What is this lore supposed to be? There's characters and events but no explanation, and the codex is cryptic as hell. What is going on?

Ugly in the sense of aesthetically ugly, not conventionally ugly.

keep playing, codex entries will explain most stuff as you go on

>aesthetically ugly
>conventionally ugly
What are you saying? Nigger just say you think their designs are bad.

Came here to say this


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They're not "bad" in their quality of execution or polish though, they're just not aesthetic.
That's what I don't like about modern concept art. It's all very professionally done and obviously high quality, but somehow lacks and aesthetic.

You can tell the people designing this shit are soulless bugmen who don't really have any sentimental attachment to the subject. They were never teenagers in the late 80s listening to thrash metal and playing DnD. They can't make Doom, because Doom is a product of its time, and the people who lived during that time.

There's exposition/lore dumps later in the game. I felt the same way and it's pretty much indecipherable until a couple particular levels that are basically just journal pages thrown at you in a row. It explains everything.

The only question i have is
When Khan Makyr offers to 'return what the demons took' from Doomguy, is she referencing the fucking rabbit? That's all i could conclude. The rabbit. Because it's on Prime, its' not like she's offering to return the throne, night sentinels, etc... i think it's a rabbit reference. I hope it is.

Aight anons, I'll save my shitposting until I get to the lore dumps. Thanks bros.

all Yas Forumsniggers need to kill themselves
literally no value would be lost if one day everyone who browses that shithole suddenly died from heart attack

Fucking retard, this is the mindless "old good new bad" in its more pure form. Your brain is literally empty

I don't browse Yas Forums though.
"bugman" just happens to be a very eloquent term to describe people like you.

>J-just stop murderng everything and I'll give you back your pet bunny

That was the first thing I thought of, too. Justice for Daisy.

your credit card

I'm sorry you don't have taste.

not him but whats an example of a monster that looks bad?

It's right there on the foreground of OP's picture.
The maykrs (get it? MAKERS LOL) are also kind of a stretch for doom aesthetics. There's something asiatic about the "muh evil techno-angels" meme. Makes sense, since like 90% of concept artists in the video game industry are chinks.

Doom's supposed to look like an 90s heavy metal album cover, not a cringy 2000s deathcore album cover. But nobody cares about this, because people think dubstep or whatever genre of electronic trash genre associated with nu-doom is the best fit because it's "more hardcore" than classic metal.

So, what's the hell priests tax policy?

yeah carcasses do look pretty shit. i agree with you but it doesnt really bother me

Used to be trash metal from the old millenium, is now trash metal from the new millenium. It's all the same to me.

i think you meant "thrash" metal. trash metal isn't actually a genre
common mistake haha :D

>some retarded zoomer kid pretends to know what doom game supposed to look like

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fuck off nigger

>trash metal
Why do people keep making that mistake?

>90s heavy metal album cover,
>heavy was literally dead in 90s unlike in 80s
Fucking retard

it was a typo, relax :)

I just replayed 2016 and starting eternal feels like i skipped a game in between them

why do demons from hell need mechanical parts? they ain't the strogg from quake.

Seriously. From the gore you can see they have intestines and other humanly functions, but in Hell, there's nothing there? What the fuck do they even do? Unless we only see the Barren parts of Hell that have nothing but military.

strawberry cakes and candy.

>lacks an aesthetic
>metal/flesh cyborg demons from hell
>many of them resembling the even further outer planar fiends from dnd

ok retard

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zbrush demon heads with exposed teeth and metal corridors with 45 degree panels, such aesthetic, wow, never seen that before.
oh wait I have, just google "zbrush demon" or "sci fi corridor" into google images and you've got your nu-doom art direction right there. it was stale and generic even back in 2004



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more pussy than you

you are taking this shit way too seriously amigo, calm your autism and find something more deserving of your energized critique

i dropped out due to being institutionalized with psychosis, became an alcoholic and now live with my parents, my life is ruined
this is all I have.

There's a log in the 2016 game that says something about finding Pinky corpses that had been gnawed on and that they might be considered some kind of delicacy

It made sense in '16, because the UAC was capturing demons during expeditions into Hell, and doing weird experiments on them, but I'm not getting it here.

You don't know? Heaven is actually highly advanced aliens who hired Demons so they buffed them up with technology.

200 iq leader demons brainwashing human society into serving them with designer hell babies and shit

The cultists and enthralled humans are continuing the UAC's work and continue to upgrade demons with cybernetics. It's in the codex.

Shitty DRM apparently

You weren't even alive when the classic was made, so that may have something to do with it, you mentally ill contrarian

fuck off bethesdrone, go shill your game on reddit