What games do have real CONSEQUENCES/CHOICES?

What games do have real CONSEQUENCES/CHOICES?

Feels like most of the time the choices don't really matter at all.

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real life
no seriously how could a video game have real consequences it's a fuckign video game


memes that doesnt make sense if u have a brain


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This concept has a deep fault. While the tram gives you probably just a second to think over it, and NOT enough time to make a rational decision, the person confronted with this on the internet probably spends some minutes thinking this over. But that's the big difference between the character in the pic and yourself, he has no time to think this over. THINK ABOUT IT!

No one ever suggests just stopping the trolley. A trolley isn't even that fast

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Stop the trolley and untie the people.

>start editing the image to make it more accurate
>notice the loop at the end
fuck. i guess its still more accurate for the people to be in the inline track, but thats mostly a nitpick

There should be some guards/cops in between the lever and the guy going to pull it. Also, maybe shop Ted Kaczynski face onto the lever puller.

no. posting on Yas Forums allows no rational thought, just as in the scenario descibed

>economy can continue functioning without people
>economy can keep working while the dead pile in the streets

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might as well add a bunch of words to it while you're at it

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Oh you are totally right. Maybe add some different religious iconography and skin tones too on the victims. Really there is an infinite amount of detail we could add. Great idea user. Keep it up.

pay more attention

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Both are connected tho.

inaction is a form of action

Trolley thread?

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Thanks for pointing it out.
OP did real good.

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who is the other person

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people dont think that

> people
More like bunch of boomers.

But that might incentivize the people on the tracks to not untie themselves.

based and statisticspilled

Lets spice it up a little bit

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FF14 if you're a BLMegachad

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With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

That White Mage needs to adapt.

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thats not how magnets work tho

Which one makes her less uncomfortable?

Pretty sure the paragraph was taken word for word from a trolley thread.

holy fuck

Bottom track has a roughly 24% chance of noone dying if I've done my math right, making it the objectively better option.

>lamp has enough dust to get into every eye on the planet and more

Kill the man since the shockwave from that lamp breaking will slaughter millions

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are they white

Well, then, untie one, then ask him to help with untying the rest, and them get the rest to help with untying the rest


That line of thinking is why the trolly problem is a problem people talk about at all.

>press lever to waste 20,000 hours of high value conscious time and attention


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The red ones make it go faster.


Wait man, just think of what humanity could do with all that sand!


Shouldn't people and economy be switched there?
Anyway is pic related a meaningful choice?

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You could also derail it by switching the moment it touches the corner. Unless it's filled with old people you will probably get zero casualties.

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Is the problem that it doesnt matter which one you kill the other one will due anyways?

Are you retarded?

Leg status?

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A lot of governments seem to think so.

>Let disease run rampant
>Economy gets damaged all the same, if not worse
Good luck protecting the economy while compromising health. Here's some food for thought: Even with the quarantine already in place in many countries, we still haven't flattened the curve and new cases keep popping up at an exponential rate. This occurs with seasonal flu without quarantine, now imagine this without any containment procedure in place...

Oh my

someone post the long one with the stipulation
>you can not kill yourself

Oooof... Then it is really a tough choice..

kain did nothing wrong

Take a closer look at the U-turn of the rails.

I can probably pull the lever, look at the turn spot to see which track it will go on to and then pull the lever again and back if it's the wrong track.

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I'm no girl but probably A

Are you, even with the tracks linked people would still be the ones fucked first by doing nothing.

Based E.Y.E. player.

>Anyway is pic related a meaningful choice?
I doubt it. I blasted him right after, seemed like something doomguy would do anyway.