Boils your entire combat system down to repeatedly timing a single button press in response to visual and auditory cues

>boils your entire combat system down to repeatedly timing a single button press in response to visual and auditory cues

Nothing personal kid.

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can someone impartial explain to me why dark souls 2 is such a controversial game? as in reasons for why anons absolutely love or hate it. most of ds2 threads end up in autistic screeching like 20 posts into the thread, while still not explaining what exactly makes it so good/bad compared to the other entries.

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>one area

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>while still not explaining what exactly makes it so good/bad compared to the other entries

You haven't been paying attention the user.

you mean.. they made a videogame?

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>BTFO on 4chinz
Get rekt newfag, DS2 was hot ass

>criticism is leveled against ds3
>OMG LOOK AT DS2 LOOK AT DS2 LOOK AT DS2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>health doesn't matter because you die in a few hits to most enemies
>armor type doesn't matter because you can be in full armor and still roll fine
>stamina doesn't matter because you start with three times the rolls you did in other souls games
>because of this all enemies are designed around the player having infinite stamina/rolls so enemies attacks will go on forever come out super fast and the only viable evasion tactic is rolling - btw you still die in a couple hits to basically every enemy

Bloodbourne/DS3 turned this series into a rhythm game. Every enemy encounter has now been reduced to memorizing when to press the roll button.

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>loads of enemies swarming you
>combat system is based on locking on to one enemy, making swarms frustrating to deal with
>far more encounters rely on swarming and the enemies tend to be stronger, compared to DS1 where the occasional enemy hoard was almost always made up of weaker enemies to balance it out
>world is less grounded and designed in a more linear way compared to DS1
>attack animations lack weight
>story basically rehashes the first one
I think that's about it.

Ok boomer. you can scroll up anytime.

Oh, and as for why anyone would think the game is better than 1 or 3... I don't really know.

Quick Yas Forums, which Dark Souls boss features deliberately delayed and awkward animations just to force you to die multiple times before you get familiar enough with them before consistently dodging their attacks again?

ds2 does not have more enemy swarms than ds1. And who are all these stronger enemies swarming you?

It's literally because of Agility
Shitters got so made their roll was trash unless they put points into ADP

Because Dark Souls 3 exists. It's called the Ocarina Effect. As soon as a sequel comes out, the previous sequel becomes the best game in the series.

It's just contrarian bullshit. It means nothing.

Isn’t that the same with every soulsborne game, but with varying levels of poise?


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Hallway Souls 3: Estus Chug Edition

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>combat system is based on locking on to one enemy, making swarms frustrating to deal with
git gud

Except vig gouging is optimal for DS3's early game and heavy armor is meta in 3.

>ds2 does not have more enemy swarms than ds1
yeah, sure.

nameless king comes to mind primarily. But your intention is probably that several ds3 bosses are described as such. Most human bosses probably.

Which boss are you stuck?

>why dark souls 2 is such a controversial game?
Only on Yas Forums

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that's sekiro

My favorite ds3 location was the gothic church followed by that swamp area.

DS2 fans always have to be very dishonest and never include 3's DLC in world maps or user reviews.

Fact is none of that matters in DS1 everyone equips havels ring + ring of fap and the grass crest shield

People hate Dark Souls 2 because it isn’t Dark Souls 1
People hate Dark Souls 3 because it relies too much on Dark Souls 1

>Casuls hear you can just rolltank DS3
>Try it
>Die over and over again to the Pontiff, Nameless King, and the Dancer because rolltanking them is hard

You love to see it

It's actually called the Zelda Cycle.

I knew they dumbed down DaS3 for the more casual audience, but wow...

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True you need to time it and they made human swings more tricky. But the combat still results in being just rolls and occasional swing, ideally with a sword

Nobody actually beat the cloud king guy and his stupid bird, right?
You're all just pretending, right?

>No enemies in between so it doesn't effect gameplay it's just for convenience
>Grand archives level design btfos anything DS2 has to offer

>delusional ds2fag strikes again

Well I did beat him but I was properly leveled and used the winblades.

>Rolling totally didn't trivialize demon's souls and dark souls 1 and 2!

Wow! Instead of timing rolls to avoid attacks in light armor I can do it in heavy armor instead! Very cool and interesting playstyle!

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>Grand archives level design btfos anything DS2 has to offer

DaS2 has the best designed levels in the entire series.
The 3 DLC zones in DaS2 BTFO literally every area in 1 and 3

Rolling in DeS sucks

That’s been all of the games since Demon’s Souls, combat has never been ‘deep’. It was how you blindly progressed as your first few characters that matters the most in these games.

Ah yes people fatrolled 1 or 2.

its literally only hated by contrarians on Yas Forums
the game was a massive success and liked by critics and fans

I really do hate how everything devolved into [Press Roll to iframe through attack]
They just started making every boss have a ton of wide sweeping attacks, lots of tracking, and repeatedly swinging.
Before you could also avoid most attacks with good positioning

Yes instead of fast rolling in heavy armor people did ninja flips instead! Very cool and interesting playstyle!

actually one of the easier bossfights with an UGS

Stay locked on less for PvE, then it’s literally a faster DS1 - which was made slower in response to DeS being too fast, funnily enough.

preach the word

You can avoid most attacks with good positioning in 3. People have finished the game without rolling or blocking.

You obviously never tried using the dragonslayer armor's greatshield or lothric knight shield, high lightning resistance makes his attacks do virtually no lightning damage in the fight you just block and poke.

I played Demon's Souls, so I really liked Dark Souls 3 and it's easily my favorite of the entire series.

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Cope you fucking retard

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The whole thing was a development nightmare and the final game is literally made of unfinished pre-alpha maps because consoles couldn't handle the original versions and jumbled together assets from before they replaced the game director.

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*powerstances great clubs*
Uh yeah
*equips fashion souls armor
I’m thinking
*equips invisibility rings from beating the game without dying and without sitting at a bonfire*
Dark Souls 2
*participates in the best PVP in the series*
Is based

After autistically studying attack patterns of bosses for hours so you know every blind spot of each attack.
I'm talking realistically noticing where to move during a fight.

For some bosses in 3 this works, but many simply have way too much tracking

sausage, shitposter-kun

DS3 cucks have no come back to this

Ringed City was great but AoA sucked dick, so it balances out

Brume Tower and Eleum Loyce are the best areas the series has

I like every souls game

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The whole end result is just hilariously amateurish and only got high scores because of its name and legacy since journos were too scared to call the game flawed as hell in order to not anger the rabid fanboys.

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Based underage nigger

I hope you get killed by coronavirus

Why is the painted world directly connected to the dredge heap in DS3??? Can you move between them without the bonefire?

>can someone impartial explain to me why dark souls 2 is such a controversial game?
In short, “good game but not good X game”
Specifically, it was not the best followup to Dark Souls 1. Less interesting to look at, less interesting people to talk to, less interesting world overall - on top of a bunch of polarizing stat and combat changes. A lot of first impressions were on PS3 and XB360 as well, where it looked the worst.

>the developers were all universally scared of offending some chinks and fat retards

AoA's map is very good. Probably one of the best maps to invade ever in the series. Places like Corvian village are an invader's playground despite the mobs being trash.

Dark Souls x Bloodborne retarded downie son

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Did you just want rolling and shielding to not be necessary at all in a series where those are the two best defensive options? You just said yourself that running works for some of the bosses. That isn't enough? The mention of bosses having increased tracking and bait attacks is because the stamina is much more forgiving in Dark Souls 3.

What you're saying is such a weird criticism.

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Most of the butthurt was from PC users who are obsessed with visuals over everything

Exhibit A

Objectively, 3 is better than 2. Personally though I think I like 2 better. It's got some really cool environments and has a nice atmosphere. Nothing is ever going to beat 1 for me though.
For me, it's
DaS1 >> DeS > DaS2 > DaS3

I have an issue with how free they made rolling as well.
They developed DaS3 to play much more like Bloodborne with faster pace and tons of dodging.


Had to appeal to casual niggers so they dumbed down the combat by roll spamming and have LE FLASHY ZOOM ZOOM unlimited stamina bosses

Based. My exact ranking.

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Its not like its impossible, its just the combat system is DESIGNED for 1on 1-2 with minimal switching. Its more than doable, just not a very good design choice. Would have preferred more dynamic enemies than large groups of shitters

Only zoomers like 3. It's q Dark Souls rehash with BB combat mod

DS3fags are the kind of people to prioritize graphics over gameplay

3 made a lot of people angry when it removed the crutches they relied on like overpowered magic, poise and shields. Better rolling is a small consolation when enemies and bosses are far more aggressive and have better tracking.

you're retarded and also wrong.