Who is your favorite Dark Souls girl?

who is your favorite Dark Souls girl?

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Ds3 Firekeeper of course, nothing says true love like forsaking the gods and ushering in an age of darkness together

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...more ?

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hell yeah

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you posted her
3 > BB > 2 > 1

I thought you killed her in the lord of hollows ending?

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the one with the smelly pant

Rosabeth, because I can dress her in the Desert Sorceress outfit.

The one with the fluffy tail ofcourse. Why do you ask?

Sexy cat

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The barefoot one.

This, i would make her my queen

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Yeah im thinkin based

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The one you can marry

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She's really ugly though


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And so am I. Two hollow with the kindest hearth looking to forge a destiny for their kind.


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whoops thought that one had feet on display. My bad. Here ya go.

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Shanalotte>Maiden In Black>Fire Keeper>Anastacia

As for non-fire keepers, Witch Beatrice, Rhea of Thorolund, Lady of the Darkling.


Sister Friede

Based Witch Beatrice chad

only good thing about that game but, goddamn, was that good

You listed two more fire keepers though

>Bun in the oven.

Who's is it?

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Omega based and hypercoompilled.

who is is it?


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I grinded and grinded to get that set in 3 and by god I wore it, maxed it out and never took it off. Was pretty great for pyro gear, desu, but ZERO def.

The cut Shannalote storyline would've been so kino.

Should have been whose instead of who's

Yeah thanks for pointing out my blunder.

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I want to lick her hairy asshole

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def is pointless in 3


so all of them?

God Shanalotte is stacked.

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it's a damn talking cat you fucking furry, god you people are so stupid

>it's a talking cat

>ooohh you smell WONDERFUL

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He obviously meant 2

I'm used to playing heavy armor+tower shield+great sword builds.

I want to be inserted into her hairy asshole

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No, I meant 3. The set, along with a fucking annoying NPC wearing it, are in the DLC.

you can get the desert pyro set in 3

The lady with a tail in the Painted world.Her story is a sad one and she asked nicely for me to leave so I've never once fought her even through 6 playthroughs.

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Ah, figures. Haven't gotten around to doing the DLC.

That's the most boring, lazy way possible of playing these games.

DLC is actually pretty great but fucking hard.


Now for no one's favorite. I bet you can't remember her name without googling it

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I did the same thing but gave it to Rosabeth to wear


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Give me soft

Yeah, I've been meaning to. Kind of burned myself out on it at launch, but it's about time now. Glad to hear it holds up.

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Projecting much? I never said that.

Joke's on you, I always use that set. She's Dingy. anastacia?

>stop having fun wrong!

Anastacia. Fuck you, I'm bad at spelling

Thanks user, she's a nice lady.


>grinded to get that set
They don't drop in 3, you just pick them up. In the first area of the dlc before any bosses
>maxed it out
There is no armor upgrading in 3
Now tell me what the fuck you are on

I never said you did, but for as much as I dislike 50000 STR builds, Sorcery is objectively lazier, especially in the early stages of the game(s)

I always murder her, but I do feel like a dick about it. She didn't deserve any of that. Dark souls is such a fucking downer.

Sorcery players have to put in 5 times the effort do what someone spamming R1 with a straightsword can do.

Only in making their build
As far as gameplay is concerned sorc is the most braindead in the series