Figured why they made the combat like that.
>run, jump, dash around constantly
>constantly switch weapons
>low ammo to chainsaw enemies
It's so it looks good when you watch someone playing it.
It's for streamers.
It's made to make the game easy to shill to retards who watch Fortnite streamers.
Other urls found in this thread:
why aren't you shills endlessly bumping the thread like all the other threads?
doesn't suit your narrative?
no, it's because it's fun.
You can say that about all games ever made, especially when you describe them like that and have a personal subjective opinion. Why don't you go watch your precious youtubers and streamers instead of throwing a discord bitchbaby fit every ten minutes.
get triggered you brain damaged retard
Pretty much
Even the fags at Giantbomb don't like it, and they are the exact type of audience they are trying to cultivate with the streamer positive shit. Jeff thinks he's above that shit but that's basically all he and his fag friends are: streamers.
Project harder, discord. A year+ of nonstop shitting up the board with your inane faggotry and you have nothing to show for it. All those sales, all those scores, all that popularity, and here you are still being a faggot.
>why aren't you shills endlessly bumping the thread like all the other threads?
Why should we, Michael, you and your pissant followers keep making these threads and bumping them to the limit yourselves with your constant whining, thanks for doing our jobs for us.
Clap. You’re so smart, user. You’re also invulnerable during the animation and get free stuff. It’s based around dopamine release which game companies take into consideration nowadays to reward the normalfags.
Yes, they also made the lengthened the distance for glory kills. Last game it felt like you had to upgrade yourself to get that far away. Now the game just lets you fucking warp to whatever enemy you want to glory kill. You can get warped over ledges if you do it right.
>t. shill
I fucking hate this the most.
They made an office for the Doom Guy and it looks like fucking shit. He has guitars on the wall and shit. The Doom Guy seems like a tool now to me.
damn user, your retarded
makes sense. it looks fun to play but when u actually play it its boring as dogshit
>he doesn't have guitars on his wall
what are you some kind of faggot?
I agree with every negative thing ever said about the game.
Should have been vuvuzelas instead of trumpets.
fun things look fun
unnecessary post is unnecessary
Wrong. They actually wanted to make the game fun to play.
Meanwhile you look at 2016 Doom and it's the definition of artificial fun i.e. streamers swapping weapons every 2 seconds to make the game look fun.
Yeah, when you have a multitude of options to use that totally means the game was only made for youtube to pretend a game is fun.
give me a rundown
>It's so it looks good when you watch someone playing it.
It looks awesome when I'm playing it, too. Gonna have an npc response with your favorite discord buzzwords now?
>mock 2016 for being slow
>can't adapt to eternal's speed
you got what you deserve, Yas Forums shitters
He's talking about 2016.
we get it, you suck at the game and couldn't beat it on easy
no need to keep making these threads DSP
It's an interview about Eternal.
He says that story about 2016's reception as an explanation for why Eternal plays the way it does.
His point is: game design is good when efficient gameplay is also good-looking gameplay.
>He isn't flying around every arena at 300 MPH, using the long range glory kill rune to literally teleport, while styling on high level demons with high DPS combos
user, please. git fucking gud. This is an arena shooter, you play it like one.
>dude it's nothing like doom so play it like it's not doom!
Why call it Doom when you're going to pissbarf all over it?
That's what is so funny. Zoomers can't handle arena shooters, and DOOM classic obsessed boomers that claim to have been "good at Quake back in the day" are getting exposed as casuals.
So making deep gameplay works because it makes the game not only play better but also look better? Wow who would gave thought!
You really want to rage? Here's a cute little fun fact: the devs put Markiplier's father into the game as an author of one of the books in Doom Slayer's personal room.
>dash and chainsaw spam
2016 was fun to play, Eternal is just "press X for awesome" and there is no way to play around that, as ennemies are bullet sponges and ammo stock is very low. Also glory kills are mandatory to get back health, that wasn't the case in Doom 2016.
Yet another shitter filtered
God, can a game get anymore based
el maricón filtrado...
>chainsaw spam
Are you such a shit shot that you need to get ammo that quickly?
quake is 3d doom, so what's wrong with that? Surviving in Doom 1 and 2 was all about being nimble, knowing what weapons to use on what, and positioning yourself. Eternal very much IS that. If you havn't played the classic games, don't pretend to know what doom is.
If you want to laugh, just watch any random player on youtube/twitch/whatever other fag source you want and see how often they miss shots. It's constant and hilarious, because those are the exact people complaining about needing to use the chainsaw. Or they simply never use anything but one weapon then cry.
is this the single worst enemy in any video game ever?
>combat is fast paced shooting at everything that moves
>you now have to take time to look this retard in the eyes and wait for him to wink at you
completely ruins any battle, and coincidentaly, the whole game
>Being mad that the game respects the dead
Is that why it takes longer to kill enemies in the original games than in eternal?
>to me.
says the 4channel user lmao
you can just detonate rockets behind him and he can't do a damn thing about it lol
>Or they simply never use anything but one weapon then cry
And that seems to be a lot of Yas Forumsirgins/discorders in these threads.
>waaaah why can't i just stay with this one single weapon forever, it's bullshit game design to make me use the guns that I think are sucky-sucky five dollah!
Different user here.
The time it takes to spend all cells and bullets and most of your rockets is about the same as the cooldown for chainsaw. If you go fast, and don't play like a scrub, then yes, you have to use the chainsaw all the time.
The Urdak level was cool because it gave you a break from that, but unfortunately it's the only level with that mechanic.
Back during 2016 discussion, people complained about so many weapons being completely useless because others outshone them (as with most DOOM games honestly). Now people are complaining that weapons have a use and you're asked to use them. Casuals going to casual.
imagine getting filtered by a fucking console shooter
So you're upset that you sometimes have to chainsaw a demon instead of shooting it.
I keep hearing this strategy get pushed around in defense of this enemy, but every time I try it he warps his shield around to block the damage of any grenade or rocket or BFG I try to launch behind him
Marauder is straight up immune to any and all damage that doesn't come during his 2 second vulnerability "glow bright green attack me now" window
so the gameplay just happens to be the best in any FPS by accident? damn
If the game uses more than WASD and clicking, it's a bad FPS.
>watching Mark play Eternal
>focuses on getting the Fire Meathook upgrade as soon as possible
>having so much fun hooking and burning enemies for armor while using them for super mobility and blasting them in the face when he gets close
Damn I gotta try that in my next playthrough.
>puts his back to you
That's when you unload into him with your SSG or Ballista.
>he didn't upgrade the super shotgun immediately considering it's always OP as shit
You need to accept you got filtered and just cope
doom is fucking garbage
Imagine getting upset over this.
Take your meds.
Eh, keeping a bit of challenge is always good.
>Marauder is straight up immune to any and all damage that doesn't come during his 2 second vulnerability "glow bright green attack me now" window
you are either talking straight out your ass and trying to pass as having played the game, or you're so delusional about being bad that you actually believe this.
guess the same thing with nuzoom is happening to eternallynuzoom adhd kids are full :O mode but given the adhd curse they'll eventually fling it back into the toy chest never to be played with again.
meanwhile doomboomers are firing up that source port and loading up a wad for the billionth time forever to be played. because true doom is unironically, Eternal.
>puts his back to you
he's literally immune, he turns right around in a nanosecond to block any incoming damage with the shield the instant you press the left mouse button, the only way to damage him is when he lets you by doing the green eye flash, period
Play on the hardest difficulty, SS puts you in tons of bad positions if you don't plan ahead. Anything below max on this is easy anyway, and even that's a bit easy too.
>getting angry for a tribute to the dead
(not him)
Chainsaw is a non interactive mini cutscene, of course it is shit compared to shooting.
I wouldn't be mad at it if I didn't have to use it all the time
I hope you like the chainsaw
Simplicity and familiarity.
it doesn't just look good, it feels good to play
if you want to plink at enemies from 500m away play arma, which is a perfectly valid choice
Not as upset as the other guy, but yeah, I liked the non-stop action in Doom 2016.
I'd never use glory kills or chainsaw unless I really had to (so it was kind of a punishment for fucking up), and I preferred it that way - no reloads, no cover systems, no waiting for regeneration, just 100% run&gun action.
It's not the end of the fucking world, but I can understand why some people dislike the changes in Eternal, I'm not too fond of them either.
>Chainsaw is a non interactive mini cutscene
Oh fuck right off, ACfag, tired of your constant "hurr cinematic experience waaaah" faggotry. Know what else is non-interactive cutscenes? The title screen, the loading screens, and the options screen. Go piss about them for a while.
except it's not faggot it's overrated trash
this however
this is eternal
And glory kills and chainsaw are part of that nonstop run and gun action. Seems like you're just angry that there's ways to kill enemies without using a gun.
did you just equate the chainsaw (and by extension all glory kills) with THE MENU AND LOADING SCREENS? bravo. that's harsher than even the game's critics would be.
Probably because his father is dead, you fucking retard.
Have you not mastered remote detonation?
That's what you faggots have been doing since 2016, look at the comments in this very thread for starters.
>stopping is part of non stop action
think this one through all the way before posting again.
just time your hits right man
its like 7 ballista shots and hes down
if he sics dog on you, get some distance and kill it with assault rifle
yeah and now you're agreeing with us so I guess thanks.
Someone isn't familiar with doom modding.
>something that takes half a second to one second to do completely and utterly rips me right out of the game and destroys all flow and action for me
Sounds like a you problem, not a game problem.
Nigger, you all say the same fucking things, yet REFUSE, OUTRIGHT to mention any noteworthy additions to the DOOM wad hierarchy because it'll out you. It's like when people say "PC games cuz of mods" yet modding hasn't been a thing in over a decade to any noteworthy degree.
sounds like a solution in search of a problem. why have the character come to a dead stop and make the player watch a cutscene when you could just NOT?
I feel the same way about loading screens, story scenes, and waiting for the game to turn on.
Look, it makes you stop, ok?
Even if it's just for a second - which, by the way, feels like an eternity in a game this fast - it still makes me lose momentum. Not everyone is into cinematic finishers, you know? Some people prefer to just blow the fuckers up.
fuck off it's fun
Did his dad develop Doom or something?
>by the way, feels like an eternity in a game this fast - it still makes me lose momentum
Do you legitimately have a very serious case of ADHD?
Maybe if you were more familiar with doom modding you wouldn't have that problem.
Anyways, first thing on google. choo choo boy