Hideki Kamiya's new game

Hideki Kamiya's new game.

Attached: kamiya.jpg (277x182, 6.62K)

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Looks like Ultraman.

>Platinum maintains its luster forever
Definitely one of the cooler slogans for a company.

Kamiya and his team are just making their childhood OC toku heroes into reality

Fuck yeah!

>prerendered trailer
Thanks for nothing.

too bad luster is all they have on the veneer of their shitty games

God damn, when will they tell us the 4th announcement?

You seem to have posted the wrong link, OP.

eww looks bad

April 1st

and that's a good thing

Oh, most definitely. It's not like anyone else are doing it. Even Bamco barely make them anymore.


April 1st, so it's probably not an announcement at all.

Knowing Kamiya, the gameplay will be 10/10.

>Bayonetta 2 and 3 get multiplat announcements
>lol april fools
I cannot wait, the meltdown would be glorious. Alternatively
>Yes, YOUR favorite anime could get a game made by us here at Platinum!*
>*no it won't

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>10/10 thrown down to an 8/10 because the remaining budget is put towards another shitty shmup segment rather than extra polish

>implying anyone would take seriously an announcement made on April 1st
The joke is too obvious, nobody would fall for it.

Kamiya's games are all insanely polished so I don't even know what you're talking about

they're always great except they cut a little shorter than desired and they have the aforementioned shitty shmup segments

What Kamiya game cuts short in your opinion

Bayo 2 was paid by Nintendo, and Nintendo doesn't share.

Meanwhile The Wonderful 101 is coming to PC and PS4 in May

You are drastically overestimating the amount of comprehension the average poster on Yas Forums has.

The joke is that it's an april fools announcement, dummy, please read posts before you reply.

It wasn't paid by Nintendo.

Bayonetta is the worst offender
was gonna say Vanquish but i forgot that's Mikami

>ignoring the fact that April 1st is the start of a new financial quarter and a lot of shit gets announced then


How does Bayonetta cut short? It's about average length for an action game and has a metric ton of unlockable content

You're legitimately retarded

Neither 1 nor 2 are long games on first playthrough and are pretty easy, I don't count replayable stuff.

so viewtiful joe 3?

It's just going to be another garbage dmc ripoff/clone like every other game he's made. Retard even fought his own team hard when they wanted to add a jump button to DMC1 he had no idea what he was doing, his team made DMC1 and now he spends the rest of his career making inferior rip offs of it and wrongly being credited as the brain behind DMC

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>and are pretty easy
You seem to not realize how hard chapters 3 and 5 filter people on their first run.

He's legit not wrong. Japs always announce a bunch of shit on April 1st and April 2nd. They find it to be an entertaining coincidence since they can throw up gag announcements alongside their real ones for some extra clickbait.

0/10 looks too Japanesey



I disagree

His magnum opus is Viewtiful Joe tho.

>implying it didn't need nintendo's approval

>I don't count replayable stuff.
So you just cleared it on normal, or even worse easy, and call the game incomplete without even bothering to clear all alfheims, unlock NSIC, unlock Jeanne, clear angel slayer, or show that you have a comprehension of how the game is played? What's wrong with you, have you even gotten a platinum trophy?

It's actually The Wonderful 101

>So you just cleared it on normal, or even worse easy
Normal obviously. I don't count replays because I don't replay games, sue me.

Why does he keep making this crap I don't care for at all. I'm not buying WOnderful 101 or this from the looks of it

Thanks for admitting that your opinion doesn't matter so I don't have to drill it out of you, I guess. How about you hit the road back to causal town?

First impressions are more important than replays. Why would I replay a game I thought was mediocre when I have tons of other games I want to play? Also, why is it acceptable to have to replay a whole game to get a little extra out of it? Why not throw it all into one longer, more awesome playthrough? Wouldn't that be better?

I bought Bayonetta for PS4, never played it before. Is it good?

It's literally jointly owned by Nintendo

It's a 1st party IP

>anus cannon
Kino. I don't say this often, but Kino.

Because games like Bayonetta or any action game that I can even think of are not meant to be "one run and put it away", they are supposed to be games you master over time. So no, your opinion does not matter because you don't care enough to learn how the game is meant to be played, and given from your posts I have a high inclination to believe action games as an entire genre aren't for you.
>Why is it acceptable to have to replay a whole game
So you can challenge the game and do better than you initially did, and you get rewarded for this.
Length of a playthrough does not correlate to good, in fact it may be the opposite.

>they are supposed to be games you master over time
You can do that in one playthrough. No need to lock content behind multiple replays.

>You can do that in one playthrough
No you cannot. I call absolute bullshit on you, prove it. Show me your pure platinum first playthrough of bayonetta.

>It's actually The Wonderful 101
I want to play it so bad, I only played the demo at a friends house and back then I was poor and in college. The remaster can't come soon enough.

You misunderstood me. You don't need multiple playthroughs to get the experience of a game you "master over time." Arcade games didn't have multiple playthroughs and people mastered those games over time just to get through their first.

There's no reason to lock content behind multiple playthroughs or to lock difficulty levels besides that they want poorfags to feel like they got their money's worth.

Aren't you a peach

Yes you do, because you don't get the actual experience until you mastered it. And if you don't like playing games multiple times, then you can hit the fucking road, because that is a core this entire genre is built on.

I'd rather play one long first playthrough on the hardest difficulty than play one short first playthrough 3+ times to unlock the hardest difficulty because I'm not autistic.

Why should everything be handed to you, you casual? How about you work for something for a change.

>it's not MGR2
welp, nothing to look forward to between now and the end of the world. time to kill myself.

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yeah a platinum ultraman game sounds great I'll take a copy please

>I want to play the game on the hardest difficulty without any bullshit pageantry
You do realize even Konami realized that idea was retarded and had it so you could access MGR's highest difficulty with the Konami code, right?

>Why should everything be handed to you, you casual?
Ironic considering you want to reach the hardest difficulty in baby steps rather than just get thrown into it right off the bat. Playing it that way minimizes the losses. Playing my way leads to tons of deaths at first.

Sorry you can't grasp the concept of earning something.

You can earn the hardest difficulty by playing the hardest difficulty. If you fucking suck at it, then clearly you do not earn the right to play the rest of the game on the hardest difficulty. Games have this cool thing normally where if you're not good enough to get past a segment, you can't access the rest of the game. You don't need to add further retarded stopgaps like making someone play through the game four times. That's not "earning" the difficulty, it's grinding.