If you play Final Fantasy 14 you’re a fucking retard who should be culled during this pandemic. You have no value to society and your game does nothing but fester and grow degeneracy.
If you play Final Fantasy 14 you’re a fucking retard who should be culled during this pandemic...
>her world still hasn't finished the restoration progress
>If you play [video games] you’re a fucking retard who should be culled during this pandemic. You have no value to society and your game does nothing but fester and grow degeneracy.
>she hasn't cleared E8S yet
>Wasting time and gil on crafting
god i fucking hate those stupid faces so much
>being a diapertranny
Crafting is the true endgame, where you control the marketboard because youre too rich to give a fuck
>Tank Bardam's Mettle for the first time in full Shisui gear
>Get bitch slapped by mobs
Why does that dungeon in particular have such high damage?
Who's that psycho elf chick on the left?
I think she's from the DRK 50-60 questline.
I hope you're not playing on reddit or resetera datacenters
>finally leveling NIN
Holy shit, it's so fun
How long is the restoration going on for?
my wife
Лoл, eё никaк нe зaкoнчaт
>seriously thinking about grinding for the ARR SMN relic exclusively for the title since my character has green eyes
>mfw I don't even play SMN
Is this a terrible idea?
vodka sputnik to you to friendo
>that autists who constantly shouts the same message about the Ishgard Restoration Fate going to start
>HOURS before it actually happens
>sommetines in 30, 10 or 5 minute intervals
>where the UI tells you exactly how long until the Fate begins
Just shut the fuck up, Terroronica Nightdead, you german retard.
The title is easy as shit. You just need to finish the first step.
I just hit Shadowbringers and i’ve never once used materia, am I doing this wrong?
tying glow to dyeability was a mistake
I don't remember guy from the top left, who was he?
leveling content doesnt matter so you can play without a job crystal if you really wanted. it only matters at end game or if you are some kind of autist that parses four man dungeons and normal trials.
Stop spamming threads, you autist.
That game was really boring. I liked ffxi better.
>Lalajews think they're better
>not remembering DIE DIE DIE
>not an omni crafter
Lies. Fookin everyone is an omni crafter now that it's super easy to get those levels.
I only have gsm
Out of all the people I know on my server only one other has leveled up all their crafts to the point of overmelding to be able to craft everything. Not everyone is taking advantage of the Ishgardian Restoration to level up.
>Fookin everyone is an omni crafter now that it's super easy to get those levels.
You wouldn't believe how many server regulars are still leveling their crafters on server.
The HW dark knight villain. She's insane
It's like all his name days came at once
At this point we've nearly covered everyone, but whose the roe on the right? He isn't the paladin of darkness is he?
far left?
>In-game event
Low effort meme bunny suit
>Cash shop
Event themed mount and two emotes for 38 dollars
Honestly the art style is way better then wows im having fun with it
>paying money for emotes
Yeah that's him. First cutscene you fight the Warriors of Darkness. If I recall correctly he's fighting Thancred and does that smirk when putting his weight on his weapon to crush him.
So what are the chances that the WoL at one point has to go through the process of becoming an "ascian" in order to face off with Elidibus? Specifically the part where they kill themself and become pure aether, perhaps to reach the moon or something
Okay but what has your favourite part of the patches been so far? Mine was when everyone got turned into trading cards. Sometimes being a TF fag is worth it.
The conversations with the role action people has been pretty cool. I hope they show up again next patch. Giott is great
Purple haired Viis a best.
One is being honest,
the other is lying.
TFW unironic diapertranny.
Living rent free has never felt so good.
>There are "people" who think tab-target MMOs are fun
>memes hard
yeah, fuck off
>not unsubbing
>thread is just /vg/ light
This is sad desu. Imagine mog station mounts being rewards for some challenges. Just imagine - content designed for solo-group challenges.
elidibus's voice
What race has the most diaper trannies?
>Emet Selch...how unlike you to have erred so greatly
>Thus spoke Elidibus after having his cover blown in a verbal sparring by WoL
Au Ra.
Man, is Elidibus gonna be the 5.3 boss?
I don't even know where the story is gonna go from here unless Zenos becomes the top villain somehow. Or Zodiark comes back properly.
I hope you mean Male Xaela