Oh fuck the catalog is already a Smash/CTR shitfest. Quick, to the Megaman thread!

Oh fuck the catalog is already a Smash/CTR shitfest. Quick, to the Megaman thread!

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Am I the only one that wants a 3rd person shooter Megman game? Not like Legends but something more action focus like Ratchet and Clank.

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What is everyone's opinions on the Megaman ZX series?
I finished ZX but could barely muster enough motivation to get Model O by the end of the game. It got so fucking boring, and the map design was abysmal. ZX Advent has started out okay so far, though admittedly the hilariously awful English dub has been entertaining me more than the actual game.

just beat x6 twice in a row (x and zero), it's been like a decade since I last played it. and I've got to say it's better than I remember, there's almost a good game underneath the frustrating shit. take away the magma level altogether and reduce some of the enemy spam and crappy level design in other stages and it would be alright.
Oh, and the reploid collectathon shit too.

Really good. It's probably the best Megaman game in terms of controls and the biometal transformations are all fun to use. Shame about all that backtracking

The worst game in the collection but still a fun time. Model A is fun to use and progression isn't as bad as before but it's kinda forgettable overall. Also fuck Ouroboros

imo, ZX is the 2nd weakest Megaman series, but a grand ol' time nonetheless

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Reminder that X3 is almost as flawed as X6 and that it being a SNES game doesn't mean it isn't a steep dropoff from the first 2. Also a reminder that X8, while also flawed, is overhated just because the 3 games before it were worse and, had the series continued, likely would've been the start of a redemption arc for X.

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I don't know about r*tchet and cl*nk, but I do too. No hub or open world shit, the classic 8 boss levels + intro and end levels. Add in an arcade style ranking system.

In terms of control I can almost agree. Vent/Aile feel a bit weighter than I'm used to, though it's a shame that you could never upgrade Model Z with any EX Skills from the Zero games. I do like the biometal transformations a lot. However, I'm not sure if I'm a complete retard, but the only Biometals I used predominantly were Model Z or Model H, the rest of the models felt too situational for me to use properly.

I do kinda yea

This may or may not be an unpopular opinion, but imo X7 could've been great with much better (and longer) level design built entirely around a predetermined camera, faster running and dashing speeds, and a less finicky wall climb.

a hub would be kino though

X7 was just unpolished yea. It’s like an alpha version of a better game.
The story and introduction of Axl were pretty bad though too.
should’ve added some talent

I'll allow it only if it's fucking tiny. Something like a HQ with stand-in teleporters that bring you to the levels.

x7 also suffers from the problem of autoaim. It often just feels like a mindless button mash due to the auto lock on.

x7/8 remind me a lot of the flaws in modern sonic. narrow levels that almost feel on rails, like a single track going forward with minor deviation. just substitute auto aim in x7 for homing attacks, boost and loops etc in sonic.

>The story and introduction of Axl were pretty bad though too.
That opening cutscene with the Axl drug-deal (???) betrayal was kino, though. Especially with jp audio. Weirdly dark even for the X series, but I liked it. I also liked that X and co were treating him like a criminal for a while because that's essentially what he was.

His introduction to Zero and Red deciding to release a bunch of Mavericks for them to hunt as a game was fucking dumb though, yeah. This was made worse by the fact he himself wasn't infected and apparently made this decision with a clear mind, and THEN told Sigma that he didn't really want Axl back anyways. Then why the fuck did he do that?

no. I want a big grand hub world. like station square, mystic ruins etc in sonic adventure.

so how bout that Mega Man X Dive?


's ok until you reach Storm Owl's stage where everything can kill you almost immediately and you have no real way to level up

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I bought the Mega Man X Collection nr 1 some time ago, And i really like it. The Only Problem
> I cant win against Sigma
> Dont want to start with X 2 until i beat him
fml, i dont had problems big problems with the normal bosses, why cant i win bros?!

what the fuck, in what moment a fucking direct happened????

ignore the big problems, i dont know what i was thinking...

just skip it. x2-x4 are too kino to ignore. x1 sigma is the hardest in the series.

My advice is it's better to be aggressive on the second form. And don't be afraid to use you subtanks when you're low, a lot his attacks do more damage than you think.

member to use ice on doggo, electric on saber sigma, and rolling shield on wolf sigma. Also you can stick on the wall against doggo, shooting ice at the other wall, and the ice shrapnel will hit doggo without you losing any health. Basically makes the fight free.

>x1 sigma is the hardest in the series.
It's only the last form that poses any threat, and with 4 subtanks it still doesn't matter. X3 and X5 Sigmas are easily more challenging imo.

no way, plus those sigmas don't have 3 fights in a row.

Yes way, and the first two fights don't even matter.

Alright, i gonna give it a try again. Thank you user

You got this user also I meant to say be aggressive on the final form, I was thinking of Sigma's second form

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Final form X3 Sigma is more bullshit than any phase in X1. It's not even well designed, he just has a very small hitbox and does outrageous amounts of damage.

Now that Mega Man has his slide and charge back in MM11, what would you give Proto Man to differentiate him from Mega Man if you were to make him playable again?

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I don't trust this guy.
I bet his whole thing was to guide you to purge the carbons, but after you trounced juno he recouped his losses.

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This plus the first form actually hits me unlike saber sigma. It's honestly hard for me to hit him with his weakness (spinny blades) without getting hit.

Shield and double damage/knockback, same as MM9/10. I always saw Protoman as hard mode in those games.

You mean something like this but in third person?

Deals more damage but takes more damage. Two shots on screen instead of three but they're slightly enlongated, charge shot is a bit bigger.

That would be really kino, but I'm pretty sure he's legitimately just an external harddrive for Trigger's memories as the Data implies.

Who do you prefer, user?

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In 9 and 10, Proto Man was a trade off. Slide and Charge for double damage/knockback. If you take away the positives, why would you ever pick him?

I honestly would've enjoyed that shit if it were a new Megaman series rather than pretending to be an X reboot, and didn't come around the time Capcom was cancelling everything Megaman. Basically, it just needed to be understood that it wasn't intended as a replacement of classic Megaman, but another series to go concurrently.

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I just said he'd deal double damage to enemies user, and his attacks have bigger hitboxes.

X X>Zero Zero>Zero X>X Zero>BN Zero

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Err, not double damage, but more damage. Deals 1.5 times the damage but takes 2 times the damage would be optimal imo.

Zero X is the most interesting character in the series imo. Craft, Harpuia, and Weil are cool too tho.

>Start ZX advent
>almost have a heart attack laughing at the English voices
God bless those morons at capcom also fuck omega


X will always be my 'botgga. Zero in the X series was kind of a bitch after the first game, but he's alright in the Zero series.

I enjoy playing as zero more than playing as x
I am too much of a brainlet to use x weapon system properly

X Dive has some really glaring issues.
>The element metal you win is not enough for everything. A full roll costs 1000 and every achievement reward only gives you 20. There's going to be point where you'll have no achievements left and the will crash into a wall where you won't be able to do shit.
>The money events are limited to two stages per day which gives shit for cash compared to what you need for upgrades.
>The Stamina is way too low, it takes like 5 minutes for a single point and there aren't bottle items like in other games that you can just spam to keep playing, here you need to wait like 6 hours for a refill that gives you a fixed number of 80 points, instead of actually giving you back your max total.
Also if you use element metal to refill your stamina, after 4 times the cost goes from 20 to 50. Who thought this was a good idea.

By the way, there was a 6 hours maintenance yesterday and the only thing they gave was just 100 metals. 100 fucking metals, fucking cheap ass taiwanese.

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Also not that anyone gives a fuck, but I kinda like Elpizo as well. Fefnir probably has my favorite design from the series, but his actual character is pretty flat.

How the fuck are you even supposed to level up in this game? I'm still stuck on 4-3 because every enemy keeps hitting me like a truck

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me too m8. ;~;

'member the waifu wars bros?

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Aero was the wisest choice anyways

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>I am too much of a brainlet to use x weapon system properly
Just don't use his weapons outside of the boss battles in any games after the first one. There, you are now a master of X's weapon system.

>a gacha phone game is shit
i can't believe it bros...

Play stages or skip dive them, you get everything that you should like if you were playing them except the weapon points.
You can also recieve 8 stamina from a friend but only if they are willing to do so, I've been giving stamina to a bunch and only two out of those ungrateful pieces of shit gives me back some.

I actually quite like Axl, and the mafia crime intro thing was one of the better parts of Axl's story, but X7's story is not great. It could be a lot better, which is my point.

Yeah but replaying old stages barely gives me exp and i don't want to farm like an autist. Are there no repercussions if i skip dive everything?

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Yeah yeah PHONE GAME BAD we know, but there's bad gacha and really fucking bad gacha. X Dive is getting close to the latter.

looks a bit shite honestly, it's gacha, which I dislike in principle, a phone game, which is about the least ideal way to control a Megaman game, and it seems to be built entirely around nostalgia bait.
I'm still going to play it though, but I'm not gonna b assed to do some vpn fuckery to get it, and I'm not paying for any digital currency mtx crap.

But thats literally what I always do
You dont use other weapons outside bosses

I really don't like the gritty visual style. I don't think that's Megaman. Even the darker entries in the series are visually upbeat.

SEA region mobile games are always giant cash grabs because the retards over there actually pay for that shit. Global (American) servers are usually much more forgiving, so keep your fingers crossed for that.

You also forgot the biggest jewish trick of all: The game makes a distinction between (paid) metals and free metals, so from the get go this guarantees you are at the whim of the dev's greed.

The game itself is fun, it definitely has potential, but there's also a lot of potential for the devs to ruin it if they go full kike.

There's some ok gachas though. I had a good time with Sonic Runners and KHUX

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>Pick worst girl
>ruin her design even further
Fucking conman.

Then you are doing it right. X's weapons are shit in every game after X1, stick to the charge shot.

More shield play. Make his shield more like Darkwing's cape in Darkwing Duck, where you can raise it at will when not shooting. You could also have the ability to point it down while jumping and use it to bounce off enemies or safely land on spikes. Could add new dimensions to the gameplay flow.

m8 Inafunes design was literally the least popular. If you're under the impression he chose the winner, that's incorrect, it was something we all voted on.

>it was something we all voted on
I bet you think the holocaust really happened.

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Paid and free rolling currency is a thing in almost every gacha game, that's not a big deal.
The real issue here is how much of the free currency the game drops at you, which is a really damn low ratio for X Dive.
And yeah I was having fun and I'm excited for stages from other series as well but the upgrade system right now has no mercy for what you get ingame.

I'm glad gritty Megaman never got seen through, even if the redesigned suit looked kinda rad. You could easily repurpose that look and put it on Isaac Clarke or some shit, Megaman is the last thing that should get a full on Michael Bay style reboot or adaptation. I have no idea who thought that style would be great for Megaman, but this is the same company that approved Final Fight: Streetwise.
The drought age for Megaman was a weird time.

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come on m8, I'm not THAT naive.

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ZX is my favorite subseries overall. I won't deny they're slow starters but mid- to late-game they're a lot of fun.

She looks way better with short hair bro

>Paid and free rolling currency is a thing in almost every gacha game, that's not a big deal.
I'm not so sure about that. I have only played Skull Girls and KoF 98UM and both of them let you get paid currency through daily tasks. The difference between those and XDive is that they don't make a distinction between "Paid currency" and "Paid currency(paid)" like XDive does, that's some predatory shit that means there's no real "smart" way of playing as a F2P player since every future event could be locked to "Paid(paid)" currency and there's no way around that other than buying your way in.

Not really, just the weapon upgrade points that you get are lower than what you'd get by playing the stages normally but you can get more from other sources anyway.