This is what it feels like to be a gamer
This is what it feels like to be a gamer
>m-muh secrit club
pathetic incels, I'm glad we are taking over lmao
Context? What did the original artist criticize with this comic?
A societal norm you autist.
It's about being white
this is what it feels like to be a boomer
that happened with my favorite band, faggot like you started to listen it and go to its concerts...
> medium is the one thing that caters to group y, whereas every other medium caters to group x
> but it is not allowed to cater to group y so group x takes over
why though
Yas Forums tourists.
>Immigrate here, shit up the place, loud, refuses to integrate into the culture of their new home, then pretends as if they owned the place from day one
the worst
the worst part is they think they're the oldfags
I'd keep the last panel, as it's key to the theme of the comic.
Kind of needs the last panel of them taking over the new space too though.
literally the worst thing that has happened to Yas Forums
And they don't even understand irony. Beyond sad.
Don't remind me.
>dude, you're trying to rewrite history, Yas Forums never had porn threads
>dude, you're trying to rewrite history, Yas Forums never had deep sea threads
>dude, you're trying to rewrite history, Yas Forums never had anime threads
I fucking hate them.
>be here since 2009, and OG fa/tg/uy
>start going on Yas Forums in 2012
>still get called a tourist on Yas Forums because user doesn't understand that you can frequent more than 1 board and have opinions about things besides videogames which may be relevant to videogames in certain circumstances
you haven't even been on this board for one day if you think "relevant to videogames" covers even 1% of the times politics is shoved onto this board
Honestly. I agree.
Back in highschool I remember me and friends who were into games were alwa criticized for playing said games.
Then for some reason all of a sudd being a nerd and geek was a style. And everyone loved the games we played and pretended they always loved the games.
It still throws me off to this day. But knowing that I just play my games now and ignore people who act like that.
There will always be games catering to us, no matter how much resetera complains.
Is the only format supported by that bot.
I think politics is being shoved into games from developers and advertisers more than by consumers on Yas Forums, who are simply reactionary.
I do not share that opinion even a little bit.
Agreed but only if you aren't one of those cum guzzlers who think everyone who is against SJWs is a Yas Forumsfag.
I'de argue that the bigger problem is just that people dont really have much interest in any kind of argument if it doesn't involve getting someone pissed off. 99% of all arguments on Yas Forums, regardless of topic nearly always end up in one side trying to explain a situation or a stand point and the other side simply spouting 'cope' or 'tranny' or posting a wojack and never trying to actually further the argument. Which means we tend to just spin in circles over the same topic
Cry harder fuckwit.
sjw shitbaggery
It's infuriating how they think just because the site has always been racist and edgy, that it's also been pro Christianity/white/right-leaning/etc. I just want to play video games and call people niggers, none of this weird cryptofash stuff please.
That comic doesn't look right in color
Then you're a braindead consoomer who gets triggered when anyone criticises anything. If you;re this apolitical then just stick with nintendo shit until that gets westernised by resetera.
SJW and literal discord trannies are Yas Forums tourists too.
Just because you don't have a problem, or agree with, a political statement or opinion in a game doesn't mean it ceases to be political.
>user creates Yas Forums to get away from Yas Forums
>Yas Forums feels bad for being excluded
>Yas Forums invades Yas Forums
It doesn't make any sense tranny, none of this happened.
Holy fuck dude, just get with the program. You do know that Fascism wouldn't take away your games right? The people trying to take your games away and make them fucking gay are on Twitter with those pic crew avatars and actively bully people to support specific agendas.
>everyone I don't like is Yas Forums
how is Yas Forums against any of that, wtf.
>>m00t creates Yas Forums to contain retards
>>Yas Forums is fucking retarded
>>Yas Forums invades Yas Forums
>the site has always been racist and edgy
Edgy sure, but the racism stuff was a part of that and not serious at all. Actual racism isn't funny. Hope you die a horrible, painful death, asshole.
The original comic is this
Still not related to the comic.
Guess you're right. I'm glad be both agree that Yas Forums is a containment board for retards.
Pink = Black culture
Gray = racist, personality devoid white people
When I first saw this I immediately thought of that gay gamer convention or some shit, I can't not see SJW intents in web comics.
this is what happened to Yas Forums
and the internet
Just because you don't have a problem, or agree with, a political statement or opinion on Yas Forums doesn't mean it ceases to be irrelevant.
Mainline AAA games are undeniably politicised to an extent, but it doesn't approach the level this fucking board has reached. It's got political superaids.
Who added the fourth panel and why? It's not even a loss edit...
*rubs my racist hands all over video games*
uh oh... you're now racist for playing videogames :)
Wasn't Yas Forums created because /new/ didn't fully cover the range of topics there? Because they talk about more than news.
Personally most examples I see people bitching about are just devs going "here's a black/female/gay/etc character", never considered it as being overly political. I mean it's shameless tokenism, but that's necessary for acceptance
>actual racism isnt funny
come on now tranny it is a little funny.
>the racism stuff was a part of that and not serious at all
Plenty of people was racist, but "just" that mildly "I don't like negroes" racist, not full sperg about it.
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
Yes, it was created for shitposting. Sadly election tourist believe that shitposting is real.
It is to manipulate Yas Forums faggots who take everything at face value and get free (yous).
>be young
>jocks bully you for liking nerd shit
>grow up
>same jocks now are into nerd shit because it went mainstream
>nerd shit now panders to the mainstream crowd
>tells actual nerds to fuck off
It happens in MANY more places tho.
Personally I see it currently occuring in Black Metal, every since Deafhaven turned hipsters into the genre its starting to get pussified.
You need to go back.
If I recall correctly you faggots came to us as if your shitty were jornalist cliques were somehow politics, demanding us to personal army you for your infantile website and twitter poll raids. And then you have the gall to blame us because your own janitors were 'making' you shit up our board instead.
I think it was added to criticize transtrenders
I'm taking this image and renaming it "Monster Hunter fanbase".
But the fourth panel doesn't even change anything. The third panel already implies the same thing.
Are you people confusing Yas Forums with politics in general? Sure, politics ruined most of the hobbies I was interesting in, but the people who introduced it are at the very opposite end of the spectrum than Yas Forums.
(You) need to go back.
This site has always been anti-foreigner. Its just gotten to the point where germans and french and other euros are suddenly considered not-foreign anymore
What do we do about the Yas Forums problem?
I don't want any part of your "culture".
The only way to deal with anglo-saxxons
If youre going to outgroup Yas Forums users, it is in the interest of us to genuinely act as an outgroup. This is, after all, your website. Surely.
kill yourself faglord
>Mainline AAA games
Why are you limiting the criteria of politicization to just these types of games? Is it because you know that their overt politics are usually somewhat reduced by the people who want to catch as large of a consumer crowd as possible?
>are undeniably politicised to an extent, but it doesn't approach the level this fucking board has reached
Disagree. Just because politically incorrect opinions about games don't get censored at the moderator level here doesn't mean that it's the fault of the posters here, everwhere else is just suppressing the dissent. That being said, if you don't like the posters here, there's a lot of forums and websites that ban the sort of people here you don't like. What's stopping you from staying there?
>but that's necessary for acceptance
So it's political?
Been here around a decade, bud.
Keep politics out of videogames and they won't have anything to be reactionary about.
Just be patient, they'll be gone by November.
Most people means "election tourists" when they mean Yas Forums.
>self-identifying as a nerd
>watch discovery, History, Travel, etc channels growing up
>liked many of the documentaries and nature shows
>now everything is just reality TV cancer 24/7 because that brings more people in
>all the relaxing shows don't get made anymore and all info is just stuck on Pooptube
Fuck commerce
Tell m00t to delete the board and ban offtopic before the site is fucked beyond solution.
>New Thing starts pandering to hipsters, tells nerds to fuck off
>nerds impolitely oblige
>New Thing bombs hard because hipsters don't buy it
>hipsters cry about MUH ELITISM and MUH GATEKEEPING when New Thing is abandoned and Old Thing is brought back
>missing the point this hard
You really need to go back.
>resetera tourists so assblasted that they are now converting to using Yas Forums tourists
Join the 45% tranny
>come on now tranny it is a little funny.
What's up with transsexuals being the new boogieman on 4chins? Like, who the fuck even cares or thinks about this shit when it wasn't mentioned in the other post at all. I'll go ahead use a meme as it applies here: RENT FREE.
Racism isn't ever funny. It hurts people. I don't like thinking about my friends getting hurt. Do you?
>Edgy sure, but the racism stuff was a part of that and not serious at all. Actual racism isn't funny. Hope you die a horrible, painful death, asshole.
Alright, shut the fuck up and stop trying to rewrite history. Yas Forums was ALWAYS racists, legitimately racist. I know you were just a dumb kid, and you thought the edgy racist stuff was just a joke, like all the pedo jokes, but just like the pedos, they were legit, and you're just gonna ignore all the times race came up on a discussion seriously and it was always very critical of blacks, what they said would be called racists, and if a leftists think modern day Yas Forums is racist, then they are completely correct to say that old Yas Forums was the same because old Yas Forums would talk about "I don't hate blacks, but the majority of them are awful criminals who blame others for their problems". In fact, the most interesting thing I found on the archives was how some guys on Yas Forums were disgusted and offended that the word "nigger" was taken out from Huckleberry Finn, and the idea of that word being seen as so taboo to justify destroying great works of literature. You wouldn't see that discussion on Yas Forums today, because there would be far more people actually enraged that someone thinks it isn't a good thing to take that word out.
Racism was never funny, its a political word used to demonize Europeans for having pattern recognition and science. How the fuck is science and pattern recognition funny? How is it evil? It isn't. It was a board that was predominated by nerdy, tech European males and sometimes Asians, in fact, so was the early