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Nintendo's net worth is $200 billion. How do they do it?
Christian Diaz
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Adam Howard
I dunno. Make video games I guess.
Leo Mitchell
Nintendo finally took the asspill
The boobie pill is for plebs and censorship bait
Carson Taylor
leg cross
Andrew Lewis
Sell stuff
Nathan Carter
They have a gigantic army of diehard loyalist fans that they've built up over decades of making good games, that's how.
Kevin Davis
>"cartoon", shoves emoticons in my face
>"here's her name and all the porn, tovarisch"
Carter Morgan
Its almost like google is for normies and boomers
Matthew Flores
Nintendo has a consistent playerbase that buys their games and uses their services
unlike sony
Jacob Harris
By consistently making simple to learn, fully accessible, quick to play, and safe/clean games that aren't poorly made unity trash
Isaac King
Dominic Reyes
Google used to be based, but they changed their algorithm to fight against porn.
Owen Brooks
Judging by today? Not announcing any games for 200 days.
Luis Wright
bing did the same last week, now there is literally 0 (zero) reasons to use bing
Charles Roberts
? ? ?
Isaac Murphy
Something about Egyptian themed waifus that makes them top tier
Charles Reyes
They really are the greatest
Jacob Wright
Evan Hill
Aaron Cruz
Probably by making games and not movies.
Adam Brown
Ryder Johnson
They make cute things and I like it.
Jacob Gray
Andrew Wilson
they appeal to soccer moms and children along with the whale manchild audience who will buy anything with nintendo branded on it.
It's a thing called diversifying your portfolio and if you're not a rich fuck you probably don't know what that means.
Ryder Davis
Allison Rapp's sexual favors.
Gavin Carter
they became a soulless megacorp after the n64 flopped.
Eli Richardson
Nah, m8. Might aswell post Eliza or Claopatra at this point
Grayson Jackson
Not appealing to trannies
William Phillips
>understock your hardware everywhere
>tell your backers that your consoles are constantly selling out
>backers retardedly throw more money at you
Delightfully devilish.
Bentley Powell
>muh meme cat
Gavin Anderson
That's fine too.
Zachary Watson
Artist is RivyK1
Oliver Rivera
Yandex is unironically a very good service, but it's gov spyware as opposed to corporate spyware.
Mason Watson
seething furfag
Henry Bailey
On the contrary. There are simply better alternatives when it comes to the quality of the fanart.
Logan Rivera
I hate this cat with all my being.
she turns me on and I don't like it, I'M NOT A FURRY YOU DUMB FUCKING CAT
Luis Turner
selling indie games for full price. simple as that. nintendo fans dont question it, they just consooom
Luke Johnson
Loot Boxes in mobile games.
Luis Foster
They're old as fuck going back to card games in the 1800s. Basically they've made consistently good products and built up over a century and a half.
Evan Morris
You could have just said it was a toy company.
Isaac Mitchell
governments are incompetent, though. so it's fine.
Gavin Roberts
I cant find the video of the left guy. Did he take it down?
Henry Rodriguez
Jackson Johnson
Wanting to fuck a furry doesn't make you a furry. Wanting to be one does though. Does wanting to fuck a woman make you a woman? Ofcourse not. It makes you a man. And that cat is deffiniately a woman.
Chase Russell
>Wanting to fuck a furry doesn't make you a furry.
Yes it fucking does. Keep coping furfag.
Ayden Carter
Does wanting to fuck a dog make me a zoophile?
Wyatt Stewart
Low-test confirmed. if a man doesn't conquer uncharted territory with his dick, he might as well not be a man.
Leo Wood
Improve yourself.
Probably, but it doesn't make you a dog (sadly)
Asher Rodriguez
You know that being a furfag is something you should be ashamed of so you just do all these mental gymnastics to convince yourself you aren't a furfag. Pretty pathetic
Daniel King
Daniel Carter
Nintendo have only made a miniscule fraction in that area compared to Sony and FGO
Robert Thompson
how do i get this cat in my new horizons
Christopher Ortiz
>Yas Forums furry incels telling others what it means to be a man
Sebastian Turner
not just porn but all wrongthink.
a week or two the filter was off the whole night and you would get wild result for things that normally only bring up the most normie mainstream bullshit on the web.
Lincoln Scott
is that why I can't find anything there now? FUCK THESE GODDAMN FAGGOTS
Julian Brooks
Sebastian Jackson
More man than you nigga. You're the one afraid of a label from wanting to fuck a drawing.
Ethan Campbell
I don't know, seems pretty based and like he's having a good time. I think you fags are just upset he's not following your NPC opinion
Ethan Wilson
He's a furfag in denial
Connor Butler
>afraid of a label from wanting to fuck a drawing.
Okay so that means I'm not a pedo if I like lolis right?
Colton Wright
No but you do have incredibly shit taste
Jeremiah Allen
Making (for the most part) consistently good products, building strong franchises, and refusing to bend the knee to western political virtue signalling
Jaxson Robinson
listen to their fanbase and not minority groups to force stupid shit in. They make games for fun, not to be the next darksouls shit.
Reminder, that the dark souls fandom was one of the worst things to happen to video games ever, and started injecting thier bullshit into other series to be needlessly hard.
Nintendo is the only company that just makes games to be fun.