Is it bad that I actually kinda want this
Is it bad that I actually kinda want this
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I thought it was kinda stupid until they started showing all the card games and mahjong and shit, that would be really fun when hanging out w my siblings
I guess it depends on the price, but if you like party games it looks like there's lots to keep you entertained.
yes and you should now kill yourself
I fucking came when I saw this
I've been wanting a good boardgame/card game/whatever for the switch for 3 years now
And I fucking LOVED clubhouse games so goddamn much on the DS
I'm so hyped for this, I'm gonna get it for me and all my friends that have the online sub, finally something worth fucking having the subscription for. Wish it were releasing sooner but oh well.
What do you think it's the price of all those irl games?
it actually looks really fucking cool. Unironically looking forward to it. Now I can play a bunch of board games with my gramps over online play while we're under quarantine
Same, was excited for this if it was like 20 bucks or something. Can't really justify this price.
>while we're under quarantine
it doesn't come out until June
if we're still in fucking quarantine by then then we aren't getting out of it and you're better off preparing for some mad max shit instead of playing board games with gramps.
tabletop games have become obsolete.
holy shit this game has a lot gamus
Nah mate. I want it too. The original was one of the most played game on my ds. I just wish we didn't have to wait until june.
I only counted 35 games playable online. Haven't checked to see which ones are excluded but I hope all the ones where online is possible are added. I don't want some game excluded seemingly for no reason, that's classic nintendo
Who's ready to get rekt in mahjong?
It sounds bad, but 75 cents per game is honestly a pretty good deal all things considered. You even get bargain bin Uno and Yahtzee.
Texas Holdem on the Switch looks pretty good
What does this even have over tabletop simulator besides existing on the switch?
Would have made WAY more sense to release it now or within the next few weeks. People are going to be thirsty as fuck for vidya/escapism in general and forty bucks for a shitload of traditional games would have made bank. Still, yeah I kinda want it too.
>mfw the announced games just kept coming.
I don't know there definitly some games I don't want to see online. Like War. I don't even know why they included War in here it's like baby first card game.
nah man, it was the only announcement that piqued my interest
rev up the party Yas Forumsan, boys
Reminds me of the one I used to play on DS. That was actually pretty fun. I think it was $20 at the time I bought it which means it was probably already out for awhile.
I would hold off on buying it. I’d bet the games are fun but no way it holds a $40 price tag.
are you crazy? that price is a fucking steal
Nah what, the original was pretty chill, was one of those "you can share with many if you only have one card" DS games which was fun back in the day
I hope it gets a hard copy release
>but no way it holds a $40 price tag.
it should be $60
>no way it holds a $40 price tag.
Switch games don’t get cheaper
Literally the only good thing on the Direct.
it's a ds port?
user it's literally the sequel to the DS game and it's fucking great
that's literally the DS price except this one has more meat
Yeah I have to go and look at the list again, video flew through them. War is lame as shit, even BS is more fun despite being pretty lame to not play IRL. With voice chat it at least would be better. Way better than war in any form, that's "its the only game i know bro i dont wanna learn anything else lets just play that" tier for gods sake
>he doesn't know
this shit isn't ending anytime soon user. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if certain parts of the country are under quarantine or "stay-at-home" orders through June. Regardless, until they create a vaccine or treatment for this shit, I'm not gonna risk getting gramps sick
it's an actual board game rather than a pretend board game but actually a physics demo
No it looks cool, interested in giving hanafuda a try
But also this, no more than 50usd at the absolute most
>"its the only game i know bro i dont wanna learn anything else lets just play that" tier for gods sake
so it was a good decision
Imagine being able to play TS on the Switch.
Panzer Dragoon Remake just got released with the same direct and it's $25.
unless you mean they don't get sales in which case you're even more wrong
user, the social distancing is going to have to continue through early next year until a vaccine is available if we want to avoid mass casualities
Looks like wiiPlay but actually good. Nintendo pricing's gonna kill it though.
that and blackjack + mahjong will keep me busy forever
People that aren't willing to spend a couple minutes learning how to play a card game don't deserve life
No. I want it, too. And that underwater game.
how do I into Mahjong fellas?
which version does this game include? Mahjong solitaire?
oh boy
Plus it has the tanks which were the best part of wiiplay
Although I think they were already in some other switch game as well
I remember Yas Forums had alot of threads playing that one anime Mahjong game. Maybe this would be a resurgence of those threads.
>Nintendo pricing's gonna kill it though.
but is a very good price this should be $60
I feel like with nintendo being nintendo there'd be some kinda tutorial in this game for things like mahjong or hanafuda at least
that said this is apparently a sequel to an old DS game and I have no idea if that had one
Youtube tutorials man
Not the 15 minute ones. The three hour ones.
Automatic rule enforcement and you can put it on the table like a real board game.
see now that argument only works if you're interested in every single game on there
from what they showed I get the feeling I'd play most for like ten minutes and then move on and even if I played a fuckload of bootleg Uno and Blackjack (or some other games I don't remember the entire list off the top of my head) it'd have to work hard to earn that price tag.
>that said this is apparently a sequel to an old DS game and I have no idea if that had one
I don’t remember the DS version having blatant tutorials. What it did have was a tab for instructions on how to play and rules that you could open and read at any time if you cared to. It was the perfect mix where you could ride the seat of your pants and learn that way or you could take your time and read instructions. If I had to guess, the new game for the switch will have forced tutorials to make everyone suffer because god forbid people learn how to play a game by playing it.
I hope the music is just as good as the DS title.
>it'd have to work hard to earn that price tag.
it already did (is in the switch)
That's actually a good price considering that it's a switch game. I mean, fucking Link's awakening and 1 2 switch are fucking $60
Hilariously enough, this game and BD are the only ones I found even remotely interesting.
I'll be picking up both.
Yep, I love it.
You wouldn’t download a deck of cards, would you?
Nostalgia overload
That shit was comfy as fuck, along with those perfect sound effects.
Toy boxing and curling looks sick, and online mahjong and go is also pretty solid.
Heh. If people have issues with mahjong, they'll definitely have an aneurysm with hanafuda.
I don't need to imagine. Took this photo last year.
Plus you have to consider the various card games that litter the eshop already.
Ah crap, I skipped over this originally during the Direct but looking back already, this could be an easy sell for me. So many unique games, and a bunch that basically make it Wii Play 3?
I'm all in boys, this could be great fun.
It's a shame so many people never got to play this.
The year is 2005 and you're playing board games with people over the internet.
It was fucking RAD
If you have a bunch of friends that own a switch its an easy justification, cause this is a game you're gonna own and play a lot for the next couple years. And it has online. So if you ever get the itch to play some poker, blackjack, mahjong, whatever, you can.
Hell, I bet Yas Forums is gonna have some cozy lobbies going for it once it's out. Worth the cost for that alone. But it's like FPS games, it's not for everyone. If you just don't like card games or tabletop games don't buy it, you probably won't play it often enough to justify it. Lot of people can though.
>you host a game
>random comes
>you team them how to play
>they leave
is nintendo so you need to buy
might be cool
I owned one of the first models and lemme say:
Unless you have autism do not buy the fucking thing. Worst waste of money. It's a pain to make games work on it. It's a clunky chinese POS that charges at a snails pace, has a ton of issues (i know the gpd 2 fixed some but still)
Has the WORST dpad I've ever used. Buttons are mushy. Sticks were mediocre and didnt even click, rubber was cheap and gross.
The ergonomics are the worst of any handheld I've ever owned and I've owned an assload.
I'm sure the 2nd one is a little better (except ergonomics and the dpad and buttons and sticks all being the same) in many ways but its also 600 dollars for gods sake
well i'm already in riichi and the piece you just discarded finishes my hand so do i win now?
Theres any Checkers chads here?
>It's a pain to make games work on it.
I didn't use 1 since it seemed awful but the 2, besides the durability issues which are legit complains, works really well for what it advertises. Fuck I use it to browse the web all the time and I'd take it over my phone any day due to how much better than a touchscreen those sticks are.
Literally the only issues are the price and the durability. If you can repair shit by yourself and you have the cash, it's literally a PC Switch. I use it to play Isaac all the time and just the fact that it has mods and it syncs with my PC save is a god fucking send.
does anyone know if there will be skins like in the original DS game?
Like I said I'm sure the 2 was better on that front.
But I still struggled to get a lot of games to work on it, even ones that should've ran perfect on the hardware. Had to mess with a lot of scaling and stuff to make things actually readable.
If they could just give the thing a GOOD dpad, make it a little lighter and more ergonomic, good buttons and sticks yeah I'd love the thing. I just find it hard to justify the price when the actual fucking controls you use feel so cheap and shitty.