sony bros...
Sony has stopped giving a fuck, ps5 will be a timed exclusives machine and the future of gaming will be a netflix model
I can finally play it at more than 26fps
Based, god bless you Timmy boy.
Oh yeah, the game that took over a decade to make and everyone forgot instantly.
Imagine bloodborne on pc, but epic exclusive with newest iteration of denuvo.
>50/50 profit sharing
Wait, I thought Valve were the bad guy because they took a 30% cut?
they are funding the whole development costs brainfart
What development costs?
Its already a fully developed game.
publisher kikes like ea and gaben getting the rope first
>wanting shit console games on pc
what happened with good games? oh that's right, consoles don't have any since they have no proper input devices like a fucking keyboard and a mouse
Article literally doesn't say anything about the last guardian coming to PC.
Coming to PC and for free? thanks Tim, adding it to my wishlist on crackwatch.
based brainfart are you dense valve drone, get your fucking life together before you kill yourself, no these games are not fully developed
>Fully-funded projects. Epic Games Publishing will cover up to 100% of development costs, from developer salaries to go-to-market expenses such as QA, localization, marketing, and all publishing costs.
that's not your classic 12% exclusive deal
That's not even what the video said.
truly unreal
>Full creative freedom and ownership. Developers retain 100% of all intellectual property and full creative control of their work.
Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.
Remedy had probably no other choice, seeing how Control sold like absolute shit. Epic-exclusivity didn't help. I think I remember reading about higher ups selling stocks or something along those lines shortly before the game was released as well. What a fall from grace.
This It just says that the devs who made Last Guardian went indie and now that EPIC is funding them for a new game.
You are not getting Last Guardian. You are not getting Shadow of the Colossus. Fuck off retards.
Someone post the fake epic store bloodborne page and the waybackmachine archive for it.
But they take 50% of the profits for an already existing game...you call me a brain fart but you can't even read
>You are not getting Last Guardian. You are not getting Shadow of the Colossus. Fuck off retards.
the absolute cope
epic will save the industry from kikes, back to 2000
Read the article and watch the video you stupid nigger
they fund everything that needs to be funded, and split the profits. this is a contract they made with them. whats so hard for you to understand? if they didnt think it was good, they wouldnt have signed the contract. shut up already underage valve drone.
they dont you illiterate subhuman, its about future projects are you dense you subhuman, these studios are not bought by epic
Was TLG even any good? It feels like there was a bunch of hype until it came out, then nobody cared
>Porting TLG and not SOTC
Fake news. OP is a gigantic faggot. Move on.
Maybe you can mod in responsive controls.
>Ueda's next game not hostage to the PS5
Holy fuck this is amazing, as that was literally one of the reasons I was contemplating buying a PS5 for.
The same way Epic isn't bought by Tencent
It was a small iteration on Ico with a big catbirddog.
What struck me most about it was that for all the imitators it was still the best type of that game since Ico. Still I'd rather just play Ico.
If Ueda's next game is Epic exclusive then I'm going to finally become a PCfag
But nothing needs to be funded, they have the source code, just release it to modders if they want people to enjoy the game for free, you are the gook who sucks corporate cock
Yes after sell cover all the publishing cost so they are basically epic employee
I love how low the iq of avg. valve drones really is
>needs to be funded, they have the source code, just release it to modders
god help
TLG is literally, unironically a better ICO. Choosing ICO over TLG is pretty contrarian.
nothing was said about last guardian coming to pc you retards
its just the developer genDESIGN (which went indie) is now being published by Epic, with supposedly full creative freedom and 50% of the profit going towards the devs of the game
this is not a "epic buys game / brings game over to their store" scenario, but rather a partnership; Epic will publish future games of these developers and then sell them on their platform exclusively (probably)
All I need now is Killzone on PC and I can forget ever coming back to consoles. Sony should've personally published TLG on PC but I'll take Epic publishing it over nothing.
That doesn't say that though. It just says those studios have all partnered with Epic for their next game. I can't wait to see what Ueda's doing next.
>consolde exclusive corporate cocklicking shit on GOD's own PC platform
Remedy become epic bitch after they cover most of their lost
Jesus man stop seething and read the whole thing again you missed some stuff
I'm fucking done sonybros I've had enough and I'm marching on SonyHQ
Do you know how intellectual property works or does the concept go right over your head because it contains the word "intellectual"?
>no argument
epic shill fears the non-corpo freeware mindset
yeah the full thing, they fund your game and take 50% when every costs got recouped, low iq valve drone
you fucking moronic subhuman, why should some dev just release his fucking source code to modders just for the lols ? its their fucking property they need to get paid, not everyone is a neet subhuman like you, get a rope its time
Funding and publishing the game calls for very different revenue splits than just slapping a game on your online storefront.
now that's it's coming to pc yeah it's pretty good, but when it was exclusive it was pretty cinematic shitty game
Sorry, I don't follow Jewish laws
Is there any actual reason to own a pissstation
Kill yourself, OP.
That's not even what's the report is about and it's way more important than that
As jewish as expecting people to work for free?
epic is 15 years late partnering with remedy
The Gaystation is for the brainless among us, to whom it hurts to think, who just want game without having to use their non-existent grey matter.
I liked the game enough to finish it 3 times but, Christ, does it run like shit.
>publisher pays for a game to be ported
>they need to get paid,
They already get paid through contract, stupid argument
cursed fucking reply
Epic Games returned to their shareware days when they distributed third-party games.
This but non-autistically
Wtf, you said Epic bad for PC
I would honest to god play 50 fucking weeks of fornite if it meant they brought bloodborne to PC
They just will publish the new title from the devs.
>70 posts in maybe a couple anons bothered to actually read what the annoncement was about
Ironic or not, I want to fucking nuke this board
Leave it to Yas Forums to not be able to read. I don't give a shit about the Limbo devs and Remedy's recent games all suck. Ueda sounds promising though.
Worth it just for nuking 4chens alone.
It's glorious. The weaker hardware and shit marketing they have been doing until now will truly fuck them over next gen.
>it keeps happening
Limbo is kino as fuck.
>no one wants to take exclusivity-deals anymore except for companies with games that they expect to sell not enough to break even
>now Ebin has to pay for the entire development of new games to get companies on board
I really hope Randy takes them up on their offer and pulls another Colonial Marines type scam
Sonynegros got fucking BTFO out of another exclusive LMAO
cope nigger
So is ueda's next game still being published by sony or did epic take over it?
I still remember this as THE game for PS4. That one generation defining game that you are simply missing out on if you didnt waste money the Pee Ess Quadruple.
Then it released and nothing but angry silence followed.
Nice, just need GoW and Bloodborne and I won't have to get a ps4/5 again.
>they get through contract
what the fuck are you talking about are you having a stroke, a contract is giving and taking thing, mentally ill neet
>start working with Epic
Can't believe Tim is still playing for my games. What a lad.
>multiplatform games
epic did take over
It was nice, but then I played Inside and it was kind of just the same. I can see why people would want more of those kinds of games but I personally don't care.
>epic store
now I'm scared for bloodborne
Epic Games is publishing his new game in all platforms. That's the whole point of the announcement.
just download both epic and steam, there's no need to choose. do you only shop at walmart?
>FF7R on PC
>TLG on PC
>Shenmue 3 on PC
>Horizon: Zero Down on PC
Sony's E3 2015 conference is absolutely hilarious in retrospect
Taking from Jew investor bank accounts?
Boo fucking hoo
lmao another exclusive gone why would one buy a piss4 again??
Also dauntless dev was bought by an asian mobile company and other or close or get bought
I want to see the twitter meltdown. Show me the tweets!
Sonybros, we got too cocky...
Jesus fucking christ people read the fucking thing, TLG is not coming to pc. GenDesign (Ueda's independent studio) is doing a partnership with Epic to publish their future games.
It doesn't say anything about Last Guardian coming to PC, why do you people always lie
It just says that whatever their next game is will also be on PC
Yeah that's nice but where's the game that truly matters.
I just want to play that game in 60 fps and decent graphics.
>make entirely new game
>costs a lot of money and is risky
>port old game
>costs very little and no risk
it's 99.99% confirmed they will port it anyway dude
Bloodborne is fucking coming, I'm 100% certain.
We're going to need a shitposting sticky.
It doesn't actually say TLG is coming to PC, but it and Shenmue 3 ended up sucking shit anyway.
If Bloodborne does come out on PC I'd rather pirate it. I haven't pirated anything in over a decade.
more like
>start scheming with bethesda
>fuck over your old partners
The Last Guardian is not owned by its devs.
do you mean jewben ? no you are mixing shit up here user