Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit

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xboners....we lost......

Great for nintendo but the reason is kinda sad.
People buying switches for the quarantine for themselves or their kids

Wow I can't believe Nintendo are taking advantage of a global pandemic that will kill millions, even releasing some games in the middle of it. Disgusting

Sony is fucking finished holy shit

Oh no no VitaBros we got cocky

The Switch is such a great idea until you realize there are absolutely no games other than bing bing wahoo

The PS4 is such a great idea until you realize there are absolutely no games other than movies


3 countries just said na

Why aren't they buying ps4's?

>Xbox less than 40k
>3ds still selling
Has Microsoft ever stated how much they make from their videogames?


Mattrick killed the xbox console while Phil is just using the brand for their online services.


Everyone already owns a ps4

But they were buying ps4's a month ago?

Because it has no worthwhile or long lasting games. Not to mention local multiplayer is practically dead on the system.

I dont

>more than 80% of Switch owners are grown ''''''men''''''
Holy shit, I love Hitler now.

Because they already own bluray players


>All those Eurofags buying all those fucking PS4
Can someone explain why those faggots have such loyalty to Sony?

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This cant be happening!

because Switch is perfect for multiplayer games duh

>my video games are for big boys! Can't wait to play god of soi and watch Murdoch Murdoch!

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Literally just fifa and netflix box

Because they already have netflix.

Love of movies

Is what I would like to say but it doesn't explain why it still sold more on ps3 than xbox last gen.

I still need to pick up bingbingwahoo,
But P5:R comes out soon
Ah well, there's always next month

FIFA isn't even a reason, people simply dislike the Xbox controller because most grew up with a PS2

>but it doesn't explain why it still sold more on ps3 than xbox last gen.

What? It totally explains it as only euros give a fuck about soccer and suck Sony cock regardless of price or quality

One of my friends literally bought a ps4 for fifa a few weeks ago and it's still the only game he bought on it. He bought an xbox one with gta 5 as well and doesn't play the ps4 anymore. He makes some bizarre decisions.

If you've played the original don't bother with Royal.

>Next gen systems releasing in the next 12 months
>Why is no one buying PS4 or Xbone?
The state of Yas Forums

Better exclusives than xbox or censorstation
t. Idort

Has most exclusives that normies care about. They don't give a shit about loyalty to a fucking console company.

How does a multiplat title elicit loyalty to one console?

because ps4 are for adults not kids.

That's the thing, if it were just fifa then the ps3 wouldn't have sold on fifa last gen.

Next gen games aren't coming until late 2021 though.

yes, AC came out

>fanboy shit on Yas Forums

I honestly feel bad for you losers who have only 1 platform to play. You play OOT but not MGS. Or PC games.

Why deprive yourself of games?

it doesn't, they're just sperging

its like the ps5 and xbox 2 is coming and they can play ps4 and xbox 1 games...

They associate fifa with Sony. That's it.

You cropped something out bro.

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I have a pc + switch, the only combo you actually need. Also mgs has always been overrated kojimashit.


>200 xboxes in japan
always funny.

I bought another ps4 just to support Sony
They support lgbtq2+ rights unlike the fucking bigots at Nintendo and xbox

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being a fanboy is literally cucking yourself with games.

>I only play nintendo!

this is a dumb idea.

>nintendo 128 million consoles
>sony 124 million consoles
Cool, thanks for posting it!

How is that projecting?

muh fifer

>People buying switches for the quarantine for themselves or their kids
I literally did this. Figured I'd buy one eventually, lockdown gave me a reason to expend the money.

how is it not?

What the fuck are you talking about?

people on Yas Forums trash other consoles instead of enjoying all games. being a fanboy and ignoring good games on other platforms is retarded.

The truth is that nobody in Europe gives a fuck about Xbox , I literally have 0 friends with an xbox all of them have Playstations, just give up xbonefags


the same reason people are buying shitch

Because I don't even like Fifa for one.

I own everything this gen but still talk plenty of shit as the ps4 in particular was a huge disappointment bordering on a ripoff
I would give xbox more shit, but at least the controller charging port doesn't break if you look at it too hard

How many 3DS games are still being made?
How many of those new Switch owners can play 3DS games on the Switch?

I would be interested in the other consoles if they had any games, but as it stands, pc and switch are the only platforms this generation that have anything worth playing.

Where are the games on ps4 then?

same and i have a ps4
so it's projecting

Now show PC.

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>They didn't count the vita I bought for my wifes trainer
This shit is rigged.

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Vita means life.

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Are we pretending VG chartz is legit now? Not that I dont like snoy's getting btfo