Jedi Academy coming to switch

>Jedi Academy coming to switch
> 90 % of Yas Forums is so zoom they never played it

Attached: Star_Wars_Jedi_Knight_Jedi_Academy_(PC)_62.jpg (1024x768, 248.37K)

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Why the fuck would I want to play this on a console?

>Not playing on PC
>Not installing Movie Battles II

apparently online multi

the single most based response this thread will get

I liked Jedi Outcast better.

Jedi Academy was still the tits, though.

kyle katarn had a better game and plot
but dual wielding is cool

How's PC's multiplayer these days? Is vanilla MP active?

I don't know my wife won't have sex with me if I turn on the pc before June


keep your mental illness away from video games

I wish this means we get some porn of Tavion and Alora.

fuck that level, btw

It's coming on PS4 as well.

>fuck that level, btw
>not the train

okay nevermind, this is OFFICIALLY based now

nigga the train is kino

>no one is going to buy this because muh grafics

Of course Switch fans think this is something special because they don't pay attention to anything outside of their tiny bubble.

>>no one is going to buy this because muh grafics
they ate skyrim and dark souls lmao

OP is neglecting to acknowledge that Star Wars has been peak normalfaggotry for nigh on 20 years now and anyone proud of enjoying a prequel product in their youth is a consumerist dipshit with bad taste.

Zoom this you sub 25 year old faggot.

Did they add new outfits? It always annoyed me I couldn't look like a jedi or a sith

those are well known and memed games, this isn't

Are you guys talking about the tram on Corellia?

You're speaking of Skyrim like you aren't looking forward to paying 60$ for 10 year anniversay edition next year.

>star wars anything
>not well known

Jedi Academy isn't a prequel product tho.

I never played a bethesda game on any platform.

>a prequel product
Now this is zoomzooming

So you never actually played it, zoomie?


you don't even remember 9/11 kid

heck yeah

Attached: corellia tram.jpg (797x479, 34.54K)

> prequel

Attached: EthicalPessimisticAnkole-small.gif (375x175, 1009.99K)

>Movie Battles II

Attached: 1463049815927.gif (800x430, 897.09K)

I liked Kyle being the hardest final boss.
Not only that, but you don’t even kill him, you just fight him off


It's funny how finding patience to not kill Rosh rewards you with easier final level.

did they say anything about NMH switch ports or NMH 3 at the direct?

Is kyle rey tier mary sue or what? Is he the strongest jedi in the EU?

Maybe it will have mouse and keyboard support
It could happen, switch already has native keyboard support apparently

No. He’s powerful and talented, but what makes Rey the worst Sue in modern history is the fact that she has no flaws, is loved instantly by everyone, is has the plot revolve around her, and how everything about her character is designed to make her look good.

Kyle by contrast has flaws, annoys people who aren’t patient and don’t know him, has made severe fuck ups and has his story be a contained part of the setting

>pick dark side ending as Jaden
>he/she becomes some rogue dark jedi warlord

>pick dark side ending as Kyle
>he becomes a fucking new emperor

SW is just a label. Some stuff is good, some is not. I don't like prequels but I enjoyed RepCom.

because i'm not a nerd and that's where i play games

It would be interesting to play a what if game where you’re Luke hunting down emperor Kyle

i used to back when i was a smelly preteen, fun times especially online

>No mods and shitty control
yeah, I'll buy it


It's not even an HD rerelease. As if basedwitch can handle HD graphics though.

Bros, I find myself not being able to enjoy any piece of Star Wars media because of Disney’s celluloid abortions. It’s all tainted now. How can I overcome my autism?

let it go

Attached: georgelucas.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

Simple, remind yourself that the utter lack of internal consistency involved in it means it can’t possibly be the same universe

We managed in spite of prequels being shit, zoombro.

SW was never good

Why is he such a visionary kinographer? Why did we hate him bros?

>the virgin pencil
>the chad markers

I love Star Wars games despite thinking the movies are meh and the new ones are trash. The universe is cool and the movies never do it justice.

Star Wars video games have ALL been good in some way until Disney ruined it all and gave the license to EA who couldn't even shit out ONE good Star Wars game in however many years this shit has been going on now. Lucasarts was great in general.

2 swords > double edgy sword

I don't think that would be very playable without a mouse.

sith iron sword with cheats > lasershit

I love both of those levels.
Probably both in my top 5.

Alright Yas Forums
>best mission
>best saber style
>best saber color

Attached: 1577869316364.jpg (200x227, 21.82K)


Attached: Lightsaber,_silver_hilt,_blue_blade.png (492x342, 30.34K)

>you can do the naruto run with sabers

Just one single blue sword for me

Attached: whenthe.jpg (500x500, 23.35K)

Contrary to you, I love the movies but hate the games. SW was never meant to be hard scifi with an intricate and convoluted lore, it's an action and politics heavy greek tragedy space opera that's supposed to be dreamy and mythical. It's a slightly more modern take on Flash Gordon and other early 20th century pulp scifi. EU is missing the point.

There is not a poster old enough on this website to remember a time when Star Wars was all around good. You just always pick the few cherries out of the big pile of shit. That's how you enjoy Star Wars since 1983.

Valley of the Jedi
Single, Heavy

I came back expecting a barrage of insults, but instead you nailed it right in the head. I 100% agree with you. The new saber combat additions were awesome, but I definitely liked the Kyle Katarn plot better.

Nah, there's one section in the game where Luke makes you look like a bitch by comparison. Sure you get stronger after that, but still. Rey did nothing to become strong.

Make your own, better star wars, and rub it in disney's face
It would be bliss

Purple is for tryhards
Yellow and orange is for contrarians
Red is for the edgy
Blue is for patricians
Green is also for patricians



Well, that's good
>90 % of Yas Forums is so zoom they never played it
And now they have a chance to play a great game. More older games that came from an unfamiliar platform for switch players should be ported on switch.
t. mustard race

Worst level is the one with the sandworms because there really isn't anything in the level besides them.


At least it’s over quickly.
It’s the designated level for getting the useless rank of lightning out of the way

I ended up liking JK2 better.

Attached: 1442470076928.gif (245x245, 143.72K)

Nice variety, early on so you can practice jumps.
I think it has a nice place in the game, but it's not really a fun map in the long run.
I just wouldn't want it removed.

how the duck are you even supposed to play with a controller? It’s gonna be like console quake ii vs actual quake 2

>>how the duck are you even supposed to play with a controller?
maybe gyro

anyway people played fps on console, badly, for decades

Blue and Orange twin swords looks fucking rad because the colours are comimentary.

Also the combat got ruined for me since I couldn't stop myself from cheesing it by choking bitches for a millisecond to lock them in an animation, just to instantly cleave them apart.
Every enemy can be cheesed like this, I need help.

Played it back in the day, couldnt stand the level design. For some reason most games where you play as jedi have shit level design, with this and kotor always making me just want to play one of the original battlefronts or republic commando

you low iq zoomer

Jedi Academy was originally relesed on Xbox too, and Jedi Outcast was also released on Gamecube. I do not know anyone who would have played those versions, and can't fucking imagine it.

>how the duck
can we shoot phoneposters already

Wake me when they port the good one

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