Uncle Tim is financing studios now
Uncle Tim is financing studios now
>multiplatform publishing effort
Steam not included in those platforms, I'm sure.
huh, so they might actually have a game worth playing in a few years' time, and not only indie duds than even the devs themselves have given up any hope of being able to sell
>first memespouting "Master Race" made Steam into the face of PC
>now Epic Games that have made Borderlands 3 into "crossplay" between PC are going to keep perpetuating STORE-EXCLUSIVE PC titles
My fuck I thought with SecuROM and GFWL gone it will get much better
Steam is not a platform based brainfart, anyway tick tock, these studios are the first one, epic will take over everything
You know what you need to do
honestly makes me miss gfwl
you might not have been able to play the games you'd bought half the time, but at least it came with hatemail
What, sudoku?
I only like Steam because so far it's the only one with the largest regional pricing coverage -- GMG and GOG was nice but USD is still USD. Steam's launcher is trash, the store page is filled with trash, their decision to decide which game to/not to sell is trash.
I want to like Epic, the payment options are great, but what's the point without proper regional pricing? Aside from free games (which I never bothered to grab) I genuinely don't see the need to buy from them.
Ehh... All my games are on Steam, not Epic. Unless Tim can fix that problem like GoG did, i'm not going to bother.
Or he can stop taking money from communists who make viruses and blame it on america...
>tick tock
Oh man its always the same retard also how is a good deal for the dev if they only see profit after the sale cover the 100% of publisher cost and its only 50% the basically become epic employee
>all my games are on steam
who cares the real ones are now epic property
Good to know Playdead is still working hard at something. I love their stuff.
Also lol @ the idea of finding the clowns who "made" (more like cobbled together) The Last Guardian.
Real? Like seriously epic has any good exclusive left this year?
I'm not even mad, honestly that's the kind of thing I'd be perfectly fine with Epic doing, funding games from the beginning instead of snatching them up near the end for pointless reasons.
>this year
this year has 9 months left and epic already got 3 major devs working for them (just the beginning according to tim), well in the meantime valve created another flop
>the real ones are now epic property
Like? What are some good games only on Epic?
Tim can make all the games he wants, as long as he stops fucking over Kickstarter backers.
fortnite is better than alyx
Now they're just snatching them up at the beginning
that's what publishers do, what's wrong with that?
>fortnite is better than alyx
This is the level of shitposting you are dealing with. Someone who says this, even ironically, is lost and needs to be put down.
I don't get it?
Does this mean games like Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian are coming to PC?
fortnite is better than alyx, fortnite is a skill based game, alyx is a railshooter for gaben cock gobblers
it might just mean they publish console games and pc games separately
No, until confirmed by them. For now only a few games.
Also none of those games will be ready for at least 3 years or more with the outbreak around
>fortnite is a skill based game
Oh my god.
No it means epic is publishing their new games
They're outright funding the development, dev supposedly gets to keep the IP and 50% of the revenue, I still don't know if it's enough to get me to use Epic but if it's multiplat then I'm alright with it.
>For now only a few games.
like what?
>at least 3 years or more with the outbreak around
cope, idk about murica but everything is fine in japan
gosh, creepy ol' timtam is getting desperate isn't he?
Cope me? You are the one crying and get real with the times nintendo is even in halt for all this, holyshit retard
Not as desparate as Remedy.
he is not really getting desprate, its called having a plan
>multiplatform publishing effort
this means consoles, PC and not steam
Good. Valve should start doing this long time ago.
Pirate also its 50 after epic recover all their investment, they dont see anything before that
He really does look like a pedo it's uncanny
I mean you can't look at the guy and not think that he has some shady shit on his devices
This is fucking abysmal, holy shit.
>This means whatever games they publish will be forever exclusive
>that means Alan Wake 2 is gonna be Exclusive only on EGS
Well shit, guess i'm gonna pirate it then when it happens. Shame because i really wanted to own all of their games on steam in one library, was just waiting for Control to hit Steam.
How the fuck remedy is still getting financing? Everything they made as after max payne was shit(including alan wake), but here they are, getting fat check for qb from ms, then control and now that.
I don't even like the Half Life series that much. It's average. So is Fortnite. But one series has a more obnoxious fanbase, can you guess what one?
Control is currently 60% off on PSN and I was thinking about buying it. This convinced me not to. Remedy is Epic's bitch now. Some fates are worse than death and I can assure you, nobody at the company felt good about that decision.
based, fortnite player are chads confirmed
He would make great friends with Randy Pitchford.
Probably why they stopped doing the exclusive snatch and went for publishing deals in OP. That list also didn't include the dozen indie games that just flat out died on epic.
Control is 100% off on PC if you pirate.
I am legitimately happy that steam is dying. Steamcels are all cringy redditors who suck cocks.
>Randy "It was a magic trick I swear" Pitchford
Eh... the game runs like ass on consoles anyway
imagine being mad about some crazy billionaire giving away free games, funding games, and scaring valve into shitting out a Half-Life game
>with Randy Pitchford
that's hebephilia
Control's performance on consoles really isn't that great. The only way to play it is on PC.
If it's Alan Wake 2 maybe I'll go for it, I just really loved the first game.
>Epic gives us full creative freedom t remedy ceoTero Virtala
Yeah im sure they're devastated.
>Steam is dying
>set a new user record a few weeks ago
Shitposting used to be creative. Now it's just denying reality and being annoying through repetition.
>Epic gives us full creative freedom t remedy
Empty PR statement.
>I wanted to like x
Sorry stopped reading the post because of the reddit cadence
>set a record of people who are not playing games
yeah, nice facebook platform you have there
>goes from making one of the best 3rd person shooting games to this
fucking remedy kek
>the store page is filled with trash
>their decision to decide which game to/not to sell is trash
So which one do you want? For Steam to drop the trash or for them to let everything in?