I wanna go home bros...
I wanna go home bros
Just play retail, it's the exact same game?
You are home
Improve it
ok zoomer
I miss when players cared. They got so apathetic in Cata; only in the end of MoP did they begin to believe again but then WoD killed it dead.
Unlike Classic and BC, Wrath was the only expansion I enjoyed grinding 20 hours a day and raiding in there for it must've been the best. If you didn't enjoy it you were probably a little kid who didn't have enough free time to appreciate it.
Honestly it was fun that most specs were at least viable to degree if you just fed it gear and swapped it. That wasn't the case with bc and vanilla.
For me its BC
How wrong you are
Grinding was betteri n Wrath. There wasn't any time gating and the only mandatory grind that wasn't just a tabard rep was Sons of Hodir. Most classes could AoE farm fairly competently and there was a lot of variety in where you could go do dailies.
>tfw the only WotLK private server that's any playable at all is a freemium ICC simulator
>any other attempts at launching a new WotLK server is just a miserable failure that dies before even reaching Ulduar because interest is low to begin with and no one wants to leave their server
For a moment I thought this screen was WC3 Frozen Throne. Shame. WoW is cancer and ruined MMOs for everyone.
>I want to go back to doing the same 5 ToC bosses 4 times a week for 5 months
what's wrong with you OP? do you hate fun or something?
>i just want welfare gear and faceroll through heroics bros
just play retail you colossal niggerfaggot
This, tbqh
BC was the best
>first expansion so everything new was great, no comparison to other expansions
>flying made sense in a new world, huge world
>varied, interesting zones
>soulful dungeons
>looks still meant something because transmog didn't exist, someone looking strong as fuck was strong as fuck
>not everyone and their mum was a gladiator
>items still meant something
>karazhan was goty
>servers were contained so you could still get a reputation and get to know people from both factions
>most people had shit mounts, someone with a dragon was hot shit
Basically, stuff still meant something. I played retail for a few weeks last year and I couldn't give a single shit about seeing someone with a cool mount or cool armor because everyone looked cool. I did arena for a few hours and was equipped in welfare epics. The only thing still fun was leveling different classes
You can't go back. You can only move forward. Just let this stupid mmo die.
Wrath was one of the worst expansions, what the fuck. Almost everything wrong with the game now started in Wrath.
>vanilla apologist
how is that classic wow doing bro?
>Calling Wrath out on its bullshit doesn't make me a Vanilla apologist.
>Almost everything wrong with the game now started in Wrath.
Such as? Let me guess
>Each spec having its own niche
>PVE requiring some amount of skill
>Interesting unique effects on gear that change the way you play your class
>Multiple competitive talent builds in both pvp and pve
>Having content to do at max level instead of just raid & honor grind
>Each boss and zone having unique music
>Every professions being worth having
How so? Almost everything wrath did was just a continuation of what tbc or classic started.
wrath is a raidlog expansion, i think i fished in wintergrasp more than anything
>Tons of scrapped content (Crystalsong, Azjol Nerub, etc.)
>Terrible battlegrounds
>Emphasis on vehicle shit
>Phasing that fucked up world content
>Season 5 Death Knights
>Death Knights in general
>Recycled Naxx
>Terrible lore that contradicted itself despite being written and released in the same expac (entire questline dedicated to Arthas cutting out the last vestige of who he was, then turning back in to Arthas in the cinematic)
>Introduced group finder
>Literally everything about 3.2
>13 fucking months of ICC with possibly the most forgettable raid of all time to try and fill the gap
>Welfare epics out the fucking ass
>Snowy mountain zone after snowy mountain zone after snowy mountain zone after snowy mountain zone
>Heroics being a fucking joke
>Destroyed what remained of server economy
>Introduced realm transfers
>Daily quests out the fucking ass
>BoAs making leveling a fucking joke and turning it into a grind through dungeon after dungeon
>Dumbass retcons like Muradin living and having amnesia and becoming the king of the frost dwarves
Warcraft died with Arthas.
Blizzard died in 2008 with the Activision merger.
No amount of crying or demanding of Burning Crusade and Wrath legacy servers will bring it back. The proof is in the release of Classic.
It wasn't the same game, and it will never be the same. Deal with it.
Sorry, I forgot realm transfers wasn't Wrath.
It wasn't the same because people aren't the same
>releasing a game which people had private servers since 2006 without tuning shit
>people had a blast when they played nost
No changes fags and try hards killed the game
>No changes fags and try hards killed the game
>Muh scrapped content literally every expansion has had
>Muh item rarity color
>Muh balance in muh shitty resto druid 2 win arena
>Group finder bad even though it was impossible to find pugs for pre-Wrath content when it was released
>Muh heroic difficulty even though BC heroics were piss easy EXCEPT for retards walking on land mines in S.halls or one pull in h.arc
>More quests bad (??????????????????)
>Muh (completely optional) dungeon grind that has always been a valid means of leveling
I will give you that the story was shit.
wheres this statement from blizz saying the no changes boogeymen stopped them from fixing the game?
>Scrapping two whole fucking zones
The only other content with two entire zones scrapped was Warlords, and that doesn't get a pass from fans, so neither should Wrath.
>Defending Blizzard's retarded decision to bring shittier PVE and PVP players closer to each other in power
>Defending Blizzard's horrible balance, including the fucking state of Frost Mages, Death Knights, and Ret Paladins
>It's hard to find group content, so clearly the best decision is to just randomly pair players together, teleport them to the dungeon, wipe their ass, give them free gear and money, and then safely drop them back in their city
>TBC had piss easy heroics too, except those heroics that weren't piss easy
Heroics aren't meant to be balls to the wall hard, they're meant to be content bridges between dungeons and raids, a good moderate difficulty, not so brainless they have to completely change course for Cata, just a year later, because everyone agrees it was a horrible decision.
>More grindy quests that repeat low-effort content and are mandatory for reputations and profession rewards bad (????????????)
>The dungeon grind isn't mandatory, you aren't required to level in by far the fastest means possible that also provides free blue quality level-appropriate loot, and a good, passive source of income!
Ah I see you cannot enjoy the game because you have esports autism
take your meds son
Not an argument, retard. Wrath was shit, and strawmanning won't change that.
I have no idea but there should be a bluepost somewhere addressing it. They didn't give a shit about no changes anyways since they launched the game with layers but used those retards to minimise their work. The fact that they've also released the last talent points nerfed Pve to oblivion and they should have buffed the stats of mobs. For me at least, the best experience would have been the classic game, with no QoL but with buffed mobs, modernised raids and all specs being viable in one way for the raid
>Inb4 "yur a seething memespec hybrid"
Invalid point since Warriors are hybrids who are THE tank for raid AND the best DPS
tried to reinstall the base game the other day. It wanted me to download 30 gb of bullshit to play a game I bought 19 years ago. Fucking seriously? Uninstalled battle.net. If anyone knows where I can go to sell my account loaded with collector's editions please let me know.
ok retard
ok boomer
ok tranny
ok retard
ok bloomer
ok tranny
kill yourself wowfags
play warmane bro
Nah people on private servers acted the same way as people did in 2004. Blizzard just fucked Classic with layering, cross-realm BGs, retarded progression/itemization decisions, etc.
wrath can be changed, it's nu-wow and most people played it already, let people boost to 70 and skip the pointless shit
play on frosthold
buffing raids like nost? thats fine but they didnt just ask to do that then be rebuffed by the no changes boogeymen.
>all specs being viable in one way for the raid
yes it should be more like tbc (not wrath). but they didnt say they could do that either
t. cata zoom
Your argument: Wrath was shit because of
>Overpowered classes in PVP
Frost mages were OP since vanilla.
>Low-effort content mandatory for reputations and professions
In the game since vanilla. See pic
>Scrapped two whole zones
Like how Vanilla scrapped Karazhan, Grim Batol, Mount Hyjal, The Caverns of Time, and all the other shit they have openly admitted was originally intended for the original game?
>Heroics didn't have a proper difficulty curve
But they did. With poor gear if you ignored the boss mechanics you would die. Most players couldn't handle the timed Stratholme run. Meanwhile all of TBC and Classic's content was brainless with subhumans seriously considering shit like the lurker below to have been challenging
>Dungeon grind
Ever since vanilla the fastest way of leveling was always to have a max level friend aoe grind dungeons for you.
Wrath was somehow shit because of elements the game has always had?? ok fag, I bet you were an Alliance huntard or a warlock
>everyone running with shadowmournes
>have been at endgame for years, everyone is overgeared, no one do older raids and you can't join raids if you're not overgeared
that crusty ass 96kbps roar was super obnoxious
the only good thing about wrath is arenas
>the most brain dead heroic dungeons that required zero effort
>only two good raids the rest was dragon shit or the crusader shit and naxx
>death knights absolutely broken and required zero skill to play plate classes in general were highly unbalanced
>the expansion that brought in not only a legion of mouth breathing zoomers but encouraged their retardation with dungeon finder
>the last attempt blizzard ever made at making the game challenging again in cata it was met with such backlash by the casual retards that they had to heroics nerf into oblivion
The only good expansion was TBC it had the best raids the best class balance the most enjoyable heroics and the best new zones thinking otherwise is simply proof of wrathbaby syndrome
TBC is the only true expansion to Vanilla. It shares most of Vanilla's design that people loved, while also adding a bunch of things. Instead of changing everything about the game, they just added content. Zoomers like to complain about it adding things that ruined the game, but at the time pretty much every addition was something positive.
WotLK was alright but it started the trend of "Play the patch, not the expansion" which I really hate.
>Frost mages were OP since vanilla.
And DKs? And Ret Paladins? And MM Hunters? There were stronger PVP classes in Vanilla and TBC, but shit like Vanilla Rogues or Warlocks had their weaknesses and were eventually made tame after enough changes. Shit was imbalanced in Vanilla, but they were still figuring things out. TBC was peak class design, as each class had their own strengths and weaknesses, while being far more viable with the same gameplay they had in Vanilla. Good comps weren't just whatever was fucking powerful, it was what worked with each other.
>In the game since vanilla. See pic
Repeatable content that could be grinded as opposed to shitty daily hubs that lock you behind timegates.
>Like how Vanilla scrapped Karazhan, Grim Batol, Mount Hyjal, The Caverns of Time, and all the other shit they have openly admitted was originally intended for the original game?
Doesn't fucking matter if the game hadn't launched yet. They had to build the entire thing from scratch, they weren't working off a pre-existing engine and just building assets as needed for their planned roadmap.
>But they did. With poor gear if you ignored the boss mechanics you would die. Most players couldn't handle the timed Stratholme run. Meanwhile all of TBC and Classic's content was brainless with subhumans seriously considering shit like the lurker below to have been challenging
Heroics did their job well. They were harder than normal dungeons, and players who were gearing up would need to focus if they wanted to successfully complete them, or meat the execution timer in Shattered Halls. Wrath lowered them to a level of piss easy where even the most undergeared fresh 80 would have an experience equal to any regular dungeon they could do.
>Ever since vanilla the fastest way of leveling was always to have a max level friend aoe grind dungeons for you.
It was inconvenient and required 2 people, not something anyone and everyone could mindlessly do without saying a word.
>Good comps weren't just whatever was fucking powerful, it was what worked with each other.
Stopped reading there
click mana burn / viper sting and cyclone
congrats you now have gladiator
there's good private servers for this
>Ret Paladins
>stronger PVP classes in Vanilla
You're funny... you're also wrong, but very funny.
I never said ret was strong in Vanilla. He pointed out Frost was OP in Vanilla as well. I asked if Ret was, or MM Hunters, or DKs, etc. because all of those were way stronger than others.
I dunno, m8. People really despised retri during wrath. It felt like one of the better classes, desu.
they did crazy amounts of DPS bc pretty much everything in the end raid was undead
>Be Sunwell shadow priest
>Role revolves around being a damage dealer and a mana battery for healers
>Party mana regen skill scales with my increased damage output
>People fight over having me in their party in raids
>Join the raids of "lesser" guilds for fun
>They progress easier because my skill boosts the healing output of the healers.
>read wrath of the lich king patch notes
>Unique utility is given to 4 other speccs in the game. Nerfed to be a % of max mana regained the 10 players with the lowest mana.
>Quit the game for years.
Yeah but they were still way below warriors, rogues and mages, paladins didn't benefit from the stupid ArP stacking like other classes
at least on warmane, the leveling experience is a cash shop ret or dk flying up and globaling you every 10 minutes
I wonder if they initial thought was to make classes less unique so your guild wouldn't get fucked in the end when they introduce hard as fuck fights that require good raid composition. One of the reasons why guilds struggled with SWP was shit raid compositions and how long it took to gear a player for that content.
Then they decided to do a 180, introduced ToC with four different raid difficulties, give free epics to everyone so you dont have to do previous raids and basically fuck all things up. Easily the worst content patch to date.
>friend lends me his t10 geared sp to play with for fun in raid
>ask him what should I do to dps
>"just put VT, SWP and spam mind sear bro"
>end up top 5 dps on most bosses in ICC
what's teh deal with you guys?
wow was never good to begin with, it just had good marketing
Most of paladins damage came from magic damage which completely ignored armor on both npcs and players