Xenoblade chronicles DE


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>Future Connected
What does it MEAN

Ah, so it's confirmed that he's the 3rd Aegis.

>that EU collector
I dont care about the price just give it to me

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fug well i guess i gotta play it a fourth time now

Rex and Shulk meet each other in the new world created after the Conduit leaves this plane of existence and whatever minor plot occurs in this post-game leaves on a cliffhanger for XC3. That's my pet hypothesis.

You have to seriously be brain damaged to think he wasn't.

>New story content

Alright onto the more important subject. Will the game look like shit in handheld?

i only played xc1 3 years ago on dolphin and its easily the best xenoblade game out of the three
i'm happy this remake is coming this soon, melia looks cute as hell too

I mean, it was pretty obvious when you literally see him do a blade combo with Shulk. But the pendant is a nice touch now.

They actually got Melia's VA back?!

So this is one of those remakes that retroactively includes plot elements from the sequels? Dropped.

Does she actually say any new lines in the trailer?

I didn't hear her at all in the trailer so I think she will have a new voice.

>X and 2

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She's gotta talk since this DLC is about Shulk and her

>Alcamoth still looks like shit

Man the character models look so much better

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I mean 2 is technically a sequel

The game is made in Japan, they weren't going to let the fact that NoE might not be able to get Melia's VA back stop them from going ahead with the epilogue focused on her.

Meliachads, rise up!

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No, because XC1 already fits neatly into XC2

They literally happen at the same time

Damn she looks good.
She's still gonna lose.

I actually prefer how the original looks

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The end of this DLC is Shulk and Fiora banging while Melia sleeps outside.

How is it different from the NA one?

>Takashi throwing a bone at Meliafags after 10 years
>gets a whole epilogue for her and Shulk

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Like it's hard? What is she even doing now since she got killed off in Dr Who?

No, is an interquel.

The real question is, will the party AI still be shit? Will Shulk learn how to actually use Back Slash from behind? Will Melia grow a brain?

Thank fucking god

>whole game is her listening to Shulk talk about sex with Fiora

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So time to wear the jungle outfits for the entire game then, perfect

post yfw MELIA WINS

best girl

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Okay I'm pretty damn excited and I've been holding on to play the first game but the story doesn't look any less generic than 2 from this trailer hopefully I'm wrong

when the fuck can i pre order it i dont want all the burgers making it i cant get mine

would fuck them both

Damn, I wonder who the 7th character could be!

The story about 1 is about revenge mostly.

Well I know what my first order of business is going to be

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thank godness dunbans not gonna be naked in every cutscene

1 is a generic early 2000s shounen anime. 2 is a generic 90s mecha anime. Pick your poison. I love both by the way.


Torna looked fine in handheld mode and I can't imagine they'd revert back after that.

Everyone looks great except Reyn a bit of a shame but it's not like he looks that bad

Is it just me or the ruins look like Torna?

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>more DE Footage
>updated soundtrack
>release date May 29th
>Bonus epilogue with Shulk and Melia

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Not really? That looks more like Alcamoth than anything.

Its Takahashi, not takashi

fuck i didn't plan on getting it since I already played the wii version but maybe i'll double dip.

Everyone was like super anime pretty but then the emperor is still using his old wii model with upped resolution lol.

Looks like Alcamoth to me.
More curious about the new Nopon characters.

Torna looks pretty bad in handheld, I just played that a couple weeks back. Not as bad as base game 2, but still subpar.

Melia is my favorite character and I mained her exclusively. She will never win nor should she win.

The only series I've ever been a conSOOMER on, can't fuckin wait

>risk getting cucked by covid on definitive edition preorder
Is it worth it?

>that new symbol, 装, in monado
it's actually kinda funny

I was already getting this anyways as an excuse to replay the game, but the epilogue chapter is appreciated
I probably won't 100% the game this time though unless they fucking make NPCs easier to find without a guide

I fucking called it

Egil is a throway villain in between Metal Face and Zanza

*collector's edition

Shulk: "I love you too Melia. I love all of you guys!"

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Dunban's face being more than like six polygons is kinda disconcerting not gonna lie

For the love of God don't make this thread a fanbase wars like the other 2

He's talking about Sorean, not Egil

There goes that faggot dreams of XBDE making Xbc2 disappear.

Thank fucking god. Don't have to deal with endgame armor anymore

I'm talking about Melia's father at 1:38. I wish it had a little more time in the oven, some spots look a little rough, like Melia snapping animation at 3:19.

>epilogue us just shulk going on about how great his relationship with fiora is while melia has to painfully listen to it all on their new adventure
I mean... I'm glad there's new content but it might be a bit painful

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It's inevitable once *he* gets here, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts

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Can't wait for the NTR doujins

Liking the new outfit.

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How old XCDE even make Xc2 disappear?

He will even more annoying now that is confirmed that XBDE will make xbc2 even more relevant.

>shulk in a hoodie
he looks pretty dapper tho

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The battle UI looks really clean.

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Shame they stuck with the old arts palette instead of reformatting it to XC2's style, it's going to be hard going back to that

So, they aren't adding new stuff to the gameplay?

Dunno, only he believed that.

They better bring something like overdrive if they are going with the art pallette again because I hated it

Did they say if they were going to touch any of the balancing or ai?

I'd like to actually have Melia on the team without having to play her at some point ever.

Fashion gear is new.


>Melia now shows more skin to seduce Shulk

My girl is growing. Too bad Fiora is alive and almost ruins the story

You have more than 3 moves per blade though. Hotbar works fine.

It's too clean

>new epilogue
>melia alone with shulk
>fiora nowhere near


I've seen people say it was better in the 3ds version but that wasn't made by Monolith so who knows if they'll actually use it.

Why can't it be May already.

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>Postgame only shows the monado boy and cucked bird
Are they doing this intentionally? It has to be
In before 2 cameos

Monado boy looking pretty nice.

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The way they phrased it during the English video made it seem like there's going to be cameos.
Also Alvis now has the core crystal on his chest as seen in the OP, so they're certainly willing to reference XC2.


people doubted when I said melia would be cute as fuck in those threads bitching about the redesigns.

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>Shulk about to kill Zanza
>hear Rex voice in the background

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We just get the fucking book


>So this is one of those remakes that retroactively includes plot elements from the sequels? Dropped.

2 unironically improved 1 through implications about Shulk being a Driver and fixed several plot holes because of that.

It really wouldn't have been hard to map it in a similar way with a little bit of effort.

That's the entrance to the Alcamoth palace I'm pretty sure

You realized they rerecorded the music as soon as the trailer started, right Yas Forums?



Fashion gear was in the original


>shulk visits xenoblade 2 after the story of xenoblade 1 is complete
>new epilogue
>now the portal

land of challenge is now canon?

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I just fucking hope that they make AI controlled Shulk and Melia less braindead
And maybe make Sharla useful somehow

Takahashi learned his lesson
Melia will now join the harem like Nia did.