ITT vidya opinions that make people mad.
I'll start: BoTW is not good, were it released on any other system it would be called a tech demo.
ITT vidya opinions that make people mad
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It was released on TWO systems. Your point is moot.
Also it's been three fucking years, It's time to move on.
>botw is not good
your own opinion, whatever
>released on any other system it would be called a tech demo
5/10 bait it made me reply I guess
What is RWJ even up to these days? I remember watching =3 many years ago
I only played Half Life 2 on the original Xbox when it came out in the Orange Box.
Still mad I see.
You should get over it it's been 3 years.
Stand up
>all the landlords sent notices about rent early to get their shekels
Is it any good?
Landlords are unironically parasites.
They contribute nothing to the economy, besides pushing down the buying power of their tenants, and driving up the prices of housing.
One of the original core tenets of Adam's Smith's free market thinking was getting rid of rent seekers, aka people who think that their mere ownership of a thing, be it land, factory etc, grants them the right to the profits derived from the thing, even if they themselves do not produce anything of added value.
Fuck landlords, and fuck bankers. Kikes, the both of them.
He stopped doing =3 a long time ago, became irrelevant. Now he's making videos again but is still irrelevant and unfunny as he used to be. It's just that we're not 13 anymore. If I was I'd probably find him funny as I used to.
It's RWJ so probably not.
maybe you should not be a shit shovelling peasant and buy a house?
I own 3 houses and life is pretty good, stay mad and homeless.
But the orange box was for the 360?
Unless you mean that the orange box prompted you to buy the og xbox version
Botw is ok - good, can get boring fairly quickly, but it surely isn't a tech demo. Fairly bad bait OP.
Rentseekers like you deserve to be hung from lampposts in the coming troubles.
>people whose roof I live under are parasites
no, you are
Go be communist somewhere else.
prepare to cringe
no, grubby little cockroaches whose entire families were so useless that they couldn't collectively earn enough to build 4 walls and a roof are the ones who will perish, freezing to death in some plague infested canal.
If you're late I'll warn you, if you're late twice a thug will kick you out in front of your wife and kids. :3
I agree though. I can't earn money because of the lockdown, so the landlords shouldn't be either.
Fuck the stimulus bill, fuck stimulating the fake economy, close the stock market forever. Let the monopolies fracture. Burn off all the debt. We’re a bankrupt nation in denial. Debt atop debt. How do you grow with debt? Nuke it all and tell creditors and landlords to eat shit
Thanks, I hate it
maybe you shouldn't live on someone else's property if you can't afford it.
This, but also fuck the stock market and shareholders.
Doin' your mom
Absolutely based.
>just because this piece of paper says I own this thing I deserve the profits of another person's labor.
How about no.
Landlords deserve a bullet, and you will get it in due time.
Hitler was right about your ilk.
I don't htink BotW is good for entirely different reasons; how you could call it a tech demo I'm not sure, that sounds like you're just parroting words you've heard before out your ass because people keep using them and it must apply to anything you don't like.
I think BotW is bad because of the crafting/survival mechanics. It feels hamfisted in an attempt to jump on that bandwagon and having to ration shit out and grind for stuff to make sure I had weapons was the most annoying shit, and it made the game thoroughly unenjoyable to me. Also the fact that the master sword wasn't the standard weapon to use when you got it killed it for me.
I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune had you bought Apple or Google stocks 20 years ago.
Don't hate the player hate the game.
lol if you can't afford your rent because your place of work is closed by the state just get an essential job or else I'll evict you, I need to pay more mortgage and your rent is my only source of income
oh no no no don't tell ME to get a real job just give me YOUR paycheck
Revolution when?
I can afford it but can't earn money right now.
And the store itself is another thing. You can't just say "huurr why do have a store if you can't buy the place" Locations like that are popular for a reason and prices to buy that shit are very, very high
t. commie
I'm sure people not owning anything will turn out much better than people owning things.
that piece of paper cost them millions, buddy.
Scurry away from their property like a good little rat, apartments aren't charity.
I'll offer no sympathy to the parasites that bled this world dry.
Go suck a banker off if you love the stock market so much
what the fuck he hasn't aged a day
then move the fuck out and rent a trailer my nigger.
Just because you're out of a job does not mean your rent should stop being due.
Stockmarket is literally completely artificial value being propped up by the financial power of big banks and corporations as well as the monopoly on violence the state holds.
The stocks do not fucking reflect the real economy at all and haven't reflected it in fucking decades.
Why the fuck do you guys think that there is no hyperinflation going on despite Fed pumping like 500 billion dollars into the stock market?
Because that money never fucking enters the real economy, where people actually trade and produce real goods instead of god damn bits on some massive server farms that keep track of the clown show that goes on in Wall street and other big stock markets.
I hope that corona leads to the total collapse of this retarded fake economy, where big banks can just print out infinite amounts of cash that only holds value because the states across the world only accept that worthless paper in their tax forms.
>only one extreme or the other exists
You can own things, you just can't make money off of nothing like a leech.
Another thread that proves that the biggest thing that holds American Right Wing back is incessant bank worship. Probably because of all the Jewish Neolib gatekeepers that pretend to be RW for money corall you into it.
since when are buildings nothing? You do not own it it's not yours, go sleep outside if it bothers you that you aren't allowed to trespass.
>Just because you're out of a job
I'm not out of a job, place has to stay closed because of the pandemic.
I'm not saying rent should never be due but right now it should be due to this special circumstance
>you just can't make money off of nothing like a leech
If they're making money off of nothing, then they're aren't making money off of nothing, you retard.
They're offering a service.
It's pretty funny how the virus revealed how fragile society is.
>make money off of nothing
>hurr durr if you hate parasites like bankers and landlords ur a commie.
Fellate a fucking shotgun, rent seeker. Your time is night.
based. Anyone who owns property of more value than a fucking Switch would do the same.
I'd only give my family leeway, others can fuck off.
The stock market can go to fucking ZERO. Believe it or not, all the buildings, machines and airplanes don’t vanish into thin air, they aren’t physical manifestations conjured into reality by magical pieces of paper. Burn the paper. Keep the stuff. Who fucking cares? Bankers?
>architectural structures on finite land that you're allowed to own and put whatever you want on
What logic do you follow that leads you to this conclusion, commie?
Please, everyone has known for a very long time how retarded people are. Spending thousands of dollars on iphones and shoes and stupid shit and then complaining they're living paycheck to paycheck.
Landlords often did not build the place, they just bought it.
I genuinely, unironically and completely sincerely hope, that people like the cunt in your pick, get publicly hung from a lampposts by their own entrails.
Did you build it? Most landlords need their asses held to the fire just to do basic maintenance. They do nothing but squat on a plot of land and expect to make bank on it. As far as I'm concerned renting is just glorified theft.
>He pays rent
what a pleb
If The State is closing most businesses then they should also be instituting a freeze on all rent/utility payments.
If Landlords can't afford their own shit with their renters being out of work, then evicting them isn't going to solve anything for them either because they aren't likely to find new renters that aren't also out of a job in the span of time they need to, and freezing bills would be a benefit to them as well.
>Landlords often did not build the place, they just bought it
Thanks Captain Obvious, anything else you'd like to point out. Wait, isn't this Yas Forums? Where's the fucking video games?
buildings, machines, and buildings require highly specialized people to service and maintain them.
Shit's not free my guy, tske your USSR flag snd use it to sleep on a bench
Hitler was fucking right.
Kill all bankers.
>do not practice good money spending habits
>get punished for it
Wow I didn't see that coming
jesus dude. You'll understand once you own something more valuable than a Capri Sun.
one of the few times I agree with Yas Forums
I don't see the issue here.
They're offering a service. If the landlord was soft, people would exploit them.
Unforeseen circumstances change things. Like a pandemic. Or a fire.
Yeah landlords really should've thought about what would happen if the entire economic system collapsed after they bought their 12 houses and kept saving to get them through the hard times of nobody being able to afford rent.
Why don't renters do that instead? They will get their payment eventually when people who can, do and will work can actually go and work instead of being reported for leaving the house
Seriously. It's fucking depressing. This dog eat dog mentality makes it to where the people even further up top get away with wholesale robbery. Nobody beats an eye. A system that doesn't function for 99% of the populace isn't one we should keep. but, no, the owners want to horde their resources as most others suffer. and some will gladly accept this system for the (statistically impossible) chance that they'll make it big too.
Fuck capitalism. Death to landlords. You live there, it should be yours.
imagine being so cucked you defend landlords
Seriously fuck landlords. literally every place I ever lived it's like pulling teeth to get them to do the shit they're legally obligated to do. They raise the prices every year even though they don't do any maintenance or add value to the place in any way.
They collective charge as much as humanly possible and then want to bitch when people can't afford it because nobody can work.
Keep sucking that Jewish dick my guy, one day you'll make it to the Big Leagues
If one can't make money out of nothing why would anyone waste time making nothing?
Someday you people will pay for what you turned life into with your greed. It's happened many times before and it will again.
yeah resort to arson and murder just because you depend on someone else for basic needs
Tell that to my landlord that doesn't wanna fix a leak cause it would require stopping water access to the whole building and when they did stop access to the whole building he didn't fix a leak cause "he forgot"
Enjoy your leak for another 3 months, sucker
If you evict a whole bunch of people from their homes during a national emergency you can expect them to visit yours. Rules of nature.
>muh communism
Daily reminder that Marx was a proto-Ancap that thought Communism was the natural evolution of Capitalism, and that workers would realize all the non-productive parasitism of managerialism and finance was holding back production and efficiency and burn it all away and reorganize the economy to a whole new level. Non- productive parasitism is the whole point of the System. Zero Hedge is a Marxist publication, Ron Paul is a Marxist, buying guns and ammo is Marxist. Marx was a free market economist. Bailing out corporations, the Federal Reserve, fiat money are the opposite of the Free Market. Ron Paul and Marx agree, let the fuckers go bankrupt.
Every 3d zelda game is repetitive shit that is only liked because it's nintendo. Ff7 aged like shit and the story is over rated. Consoles are limiting games by being accessible to the poor, while pc gaming is worse than ever because all the hipster retro indie bullshit trying to be the next big thing. AAA companys greed and success in screwing players out of there money is the only reason there is a large market of game today. It's a shit market but it exists. And If I missed anything else, your favorite game is shit
there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism
>their homes
An altruist on parasites.........
Adam Smith has corrupted the virtue of capitalism, one shouldn't listen to that socialist dog.
If you believe you should be allowed to live in someone elses house for free, just because you failed to get a job that is actually useful and then also failed to put aside some savings, then you should probably return to reddit, instantly.